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Director Awards Friday 12 th February 2016. Elliot Miss Durham says… Elliot is exceptionally kind and his happiness and positivity are infectious - a.

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Presentation on theme: "Director Awards Friday 12 th February 2016. Elliot Miss Durham says… Elliot is exceptionally kind and his happiness and positivity are infectious - a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Director Awards Friday 12 th February 2016

2 Elliot Miss Durham says… Elliot is exceptionally kind and his happiness and positivity are infectious - a real pleasure to have in class. We have been especially impressed with his positive attitude and high levels of motivation this term. Well done and thank you Elliot!

3 Faye Miss Durham says… Faye has a real desire to succeed and has made outstanding progress this term. She has a real passion for writing and is always coming up with some fantastic creative reasons to write. Well done Faye!

4 Zara Miss Sanderson says… For incredible progress with her writing. Zara has shown great determination towards her writing this term and has been trying really hard to write independently. Every time Zara picks up a pen she does it with a smile and takes great pride in her work.

5 Antek Miss Sanderson says… For lighting up Oak class with his infectious smile. Antek has developed greatly in confidence since starting school and he has grown into a wonderful role model to his peers. His manners are impeccable and he always tries his best.

6 Evie Mrs Smith says… Evie is always keen to try her best with everything she does and is a great role model to others. She has wowed us recently with her ‘can do’ attitude, with her snappy sounding out and reading some tricky words in phonics. In addition to this, he resilience has grown and she is solving problems with independence and confidence.

7 Tobie Mrs Smith says… For his outstanding achievement. Tobie has been making great strides in all areas and is enjoying sharing his thoughts and answers with the whole class. We were particularly impressed with his recent problem solving skills in maths, telling us when to add or subtract to find the answer!

8 Finn Miss Godsell says… Finn has made outstanding progress with his writing. He has become enthusiastic to write everyday and regularly writes at length. Finn has particularly wowed us with his story writing. Keep up the good work Finn!

9 Ella Miss Godsell says… Ella is a polite, caring and helpful girl who listens carefully to others. She always tries her best in all areas of her learning and has become very independent. Ella’s excellent attitude has led to noticeable improvements in her reading, writing and maths. Well done Ella!

10 Noah Luke Miss Hunt says … Noah has more than amazed us with his fantastic progress and for joining in so well with Chestnut Class. Noah has shown a great development in his independence and his resilience to daily classroom activities. He truly is a valued and important member of our class and we all love working with him. Well done on your wonderful progress Noah!

11 Isla S Miss Hunt says … For blowing our socks off on a daily basis with her fantastic attitude to all aspects of her learning! Isla shows responsibility, respect and thoughtfulness to all people that she works with and is a real role model for everyone around her. Isla’s wonderful behaviour has also had a great impact on her work and the great progress she is making. Excellent effort Isla!

12 Nell Miss Downing says … Nell is an exceptionally hard worker, who always strives to give her best at all times. We are very lucky to have Nell’s excellent example of how to behave so sensibly and responsibly at school. She is always there to offer help in our class! As well as this, Nell’s superb attitude has allowed her to make excellent progress this year. Well done Nell, we are very proud of you.

13 Freya G Miss Downing says … We have been so impressed by Freya’s amazing achievements and progress this year. She has worked hard and built in confidence, particularly in English, participating confidently and having a go even when things are tricky! Freya, you should be really proud of your very hard work. Freya is a kind and caring girl who always has a smile. Well done Freya!

14 Grace A Miss Brown says … Grace is always ready to learn and willing to lend a hand. She has continued to set a fantastic example to her classmates throughout the year and does so with a smile!

15 Oli Miss Brown says … Oli has a brilliant attitude towards his learning and is always inquisitive. He has worked hard with his English work this year, and has also improved his presentation skills. Keep it up!

16 Imogen Mr Nolan says … Imogen's academic progress needs to be acknowledged, not because she's talented but, because she works so very hard. She enjoys learning and it shows in her work.

17 Amelie Mr Nolan says … Amelie has everyone's best interest at heart. Her attitude to learning is exemplary too. Seeing her giving more than her best, time after time, is deeply impressive.

18 Ella Mr Wells says … Ella has been making a huge effort with her English work during this term and has produced some excellent work. Ella has been confident in trying to use skills in her writing.

19 Sam T Mr Wells says … Sam quietly works hard at everything and never has to be reminded to be ready to learn.

20 Lewis Mrs Wallace says … Lewis has been working so hard this year and has therefore progressed in all areas. His writing has improved so much over the last few months and is really enjoyable to read. Lewis demonstrates enthusiasm and interest in new topics like the Romans and the human body in science, and has a fantastic attitude to work and school.

21 Isla Mrs Wallace says … Isla is always so kind and caring. If other children in the class are upset or need support, Isla is the first person to help. She is also extremely polite, smiley and is a pleasure to have in class.

22 Nathan Ms Moisey says … Nathan always shows a good attitude towards his work and learning. His behaviour in the classroom is exemplary and he always shows a great ability to make other people feel included.

23 Frankie Ms Moisey says … Frankie has made such good progress with her maths and writing since September and is always trying her best and having a go at the new challenges she has met and is meeting.

24 Kayleigh Miss Weiner says … Kayleigh tries her best in all subjects and is always very keen to learn and participate in lessons. She is a pleasure to teach, well done!

25 Angel Miss Weiner says … Angel has been working hard in her maths and English this term and is doing really well. She has been determined and focused. Great job!

26 Holly Mrs Cavill says … Holly demonstrates exemplary behaviour at all times, both inside and outside of the classroom, and as such acts as exactly the sort of Y6 role model for the rest of the school that sets the standard here at Birdwell.

27 Ziggy Mrs Cavill says … At all times Ziggy demonstrates perseverance and determination in his learning and sets himself high standards - all of which ensures that he makes excellent progress with his learning.

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