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OMII-Europe ( Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute for Europe) A.Ghiselli INFN-CNAF Referee meeting, settembre 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "OMII-Europe ( Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute for Europe) A.Ghiselli INFN-CNAF Referee meeting, settembre 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 OMII-Europe ( Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute for Europe) A.Ghiselli INFN-CNAF Referee meeting, settembre 2007

2 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE What is OMII-Europe? ( EU funded FP6 project (RI) –Starting May 2006, initial 2 year duration (up to 4/08) –16 partners (8 European, 4 USA, 4 Chinese) Goal is to provide key software components, standard compliant, for building e-infrastructures What will OMII-Europe do? –Common interoperable services: Database Access, Virtual Organisation Management, Portal, Accounting, Job Submission and Job Monitoring Capability to add additional services –Infrastructure integration Initial EGEE/UNICORE/Globus interoperability Interoperable security framework

3 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE OMII-Europe guiding principles Committed to standards process –Implementing agreed open standards and working with standards process (GGF/Oasis) Quality Assurance –Published methodology and compliance test –All software components have QA process and audit trail –Working with similar projects and organisations to agree policies Impartiality –OMII-Europe is “honest broker” providing impartial advice/information on e-infrastructures

4 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE OMII-Europe Project Partners 114 person years over 2 years, 5 million Euro, 4 major Grid infrastructures University of Southampton UK (coordinator)University of Chicago USA Fujitsu Laboratories Europe UKNCSA, University of Illinois USA Forschungszentrum Juelich Germany University of Southern California Los Angeles USA Kungl Tekniska Högskolan SwedenUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison USA Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare ItalyBeihang University China Poznan Supercomputing & Networking Center Poland China Institute of Computing Technology Beijing China University of Edinburgh UK Computer Network Information Centre Beijing China CERN, European Organisation for Nuclear Research Switzerland Tsinghua University China

5 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE The Virtuous Cycle - Technology transfer with grid infrastructure projects and standards organisations Globus OMII-UK CROWN Components IN OUT JRA1 SA2 JRA4 JRA3 SA1 SA3 JRA2 New Components Standards Implementation Standards Compliance Testing and QA Benchmarking Integrated Components Supported Components on Eval. Infrastructure Repository

6 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE INFN participation JRA1 activities (sviluppo middleware) –VO oriented authentication and authorization (sviluppo di VOMS con interfaccia conforme al protocollo SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language)) –Accounting (ri-ingegnerizzazione di DGAS con interfaccia e formato dei dati conforme al protocollo RUS/UR, Resource Usage Service/Usage Record)) –Job submission and monitoring (sviluppo di CREAM conforme agli standard JSDL/BES Job Sub Description Language/Basic Execution Service) –Database access (integrazione di OGSA-DAI con VOMS e Glueschema) –Portal Interface (accesso a cream/bes, DGAS/RUS) JRA2 –Identification of new services: definizione del GLUESCHEMA V2 per CREAM/BES e sviluppo degli infoprovider JRA3 –Infrastructure Integration Common Security Infrastructure Infrastructure Integration (integrazione delle componenti sviluppate in JRA1) JRA4 –Benchmarking (sviluppo dei tools ed esecuzione dei test di bechmarking sulle componenti di JRA1) SA1 –Repository (contenente le componenti sviluppate da jra1 e relativa documentazione inclusi build e test report) SA3 –Evaluation Infrastructure and Support (partecipazione al tesbed)

7 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

8 Spotlight on some achievements thus far (review in june 07, INFN specific) VOMS service extended to SAML support and integrated into UNICORE –SAML support available for integration into EGEE BES service available for UNICORE, OMII-UK, CREAM-BES Implementation of a common resource usage service (RUS) for gLite (DGAS), Globus (SGAS) and UNICORE in progress Initiated development of a common security profile acceptable to all grid middleware systems –gLite, Globus and UNICORE to accept x509 Proxy cert. Produced first grid benchmarking reports Plan for GLUE-2 schema implementation for JSDL/BES CEs just started Repository in place and open to activities for upload of re-engineered components OGSA-DAI 3.0 alpha version for UNICORE and gLite available Portal demonstrator access to gLite and UNICORE providing single sign on and access to resources –Interest from EGEE sites

9 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Plans for the forthcoming months “To move from providing common services and interoperable infrastructures to a complete, reliable set of services and demonstrable solutions”

10 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Plans for the forthcoming months: Integration between activities (INFN specific) JRA1/VOMS with JRA1/Job submission and JRA1/accounting –Use of SAML assertions in BES servers (CREAM/BES) –Use of SAML assertions in RUS servers (DGAS/RUS) JRA3/Security –Common authentication/authorization solutions will be adopted for secure job submission and accounting operations JRA2 with JRA1/JobSub –GlueSchema is one of the topics which was selected by JRA2 for evolution and implementation during the second year; it will be integrated in CREAM/BES and UNICORE/BES –GlueSchema will be used to express requirements on resources in JSDL JRA4/Benchmarking –Benchmarking test for CREAM/BES, VOMS/SAML and DGAS/RUS SA3/evaluation infrastructure and SA1/repository –All the implemented services will be downloaded from the Repository and deployed on the integrated gLite-Unicore infrastructure

11 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Participation in middleware standardisation Most project participants involved as member/observer in many OGF WG –OGSA RUS/UR WG (Resource Usage Server) –OGSA BES WG (Basic Execution Service) –OGSA JSDL WG (Job Submission Description Language) –GIN CG (Grid Interoperability Now) –OGSA-AuthZ-WG (Authorization) –GLUE WG (Grid service information modeling)

12 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

13 StoRM: attivita’ per il 2008 WLCG SRMv2.2 ROLL-OUT PLAN – 2007.pdf 2007.pdf –Definito fino alla fine Febbraio 2008 ( SRM v2.2 deployed in T1 e T2 in produzione). Possibile estensione con nuovi task. StoRM fixing and improvement –Realizzazioni di configurazioni ulteriormente scalabili, Adeguamento sviluppi GPFS, Fixing, Performance, Sviluppo nuovi driver (Lustre), New features.. StoRM e Castor in T1 –Driver per Castor e utilizzo di Castor come T1D0 per StoRM..

14 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE StoRM : Richieste Finanziarie Trasferte –WLCG SRMv2.2 Collaboration 4 Trasferte per 2 persone in EU (CERN / UK / ??) 8k 1 Trasferta per 2 persone in US (FNAL) 4k –Conferenze (GRID2008, eScience2008) 4k totale 16k

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