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Comments on ARIES-ACT 1/2011 Strawman L. El-Guebaly Fusion Technology Institute University of Wisconsin-Madison

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Presentation on theme: "Comments on ARIES-ACT 1/2011 Strawman L. El-Guebaly Fusion Technology Institute University of Wisconsin-Madison"— Presentation transcript:

1 Comments on ARIES-ACT 1/2011 Strawman L. El-Guebaly Fusion Technology Institute University of Wisconsin-Madison Contributors: L. Carlson (UCSD), L. Waganer (Boeing), X. Wang (UCSD) ARIES Project Meeting UCSD San Diego, CA January 26 - 27, 2011

2 2 ARIES-ACT 1/2011 Strawman Key features: –Newly updated costing algorithms from L. Waganer. –Cost evaluated in 2009 dollars (1992 $ x 1.4323, per L. Waganer). –No LSA credit (  costing accounts for LSA = 4). –Aggressive technology: SiC/LiPb blanket ~ 58%  th He-cooled divertor LT S/C TF magnet with LN shield. –Two physics cases examined by ASC: ARIES-ACT with Aggressive Physics ARIES-ACT with Conservative Physics a la ARIES-AT NEW – not in ARIES-AT same magnet technology in both cases

3 3 ARIES Designs ARIES-AT R = 5.2 m a = 1.3 m Ave. NWL = 3.3 MW/m 2 Elongation ~ 2.2 ( Kink shell between OB blanket segments) ARIES-ACT Aggressive Physics R = 5.5 m a = 1.4 m Ave. NWL < 2.2 MW/m 2 ?! Elongation = 2.2 Kink shell between OB blkt segments. Vertical stabilizing shell @ 0.33 a. Larger magnet due to field difference ARIES-ACT Conservative Physics R = 6.5 m a = 1.6 m Ave. NWL < 1.8 MW/m 2 ?! Elongation = 2.0 No Kink shell. Vertical stab. shell @ 0.4 a.

4 4 Examining ARIES-ACT Aggressive Physics Strawman issued Jan 2011 by L. Carlson

5 5 Volumes of Individual Components Note that: –Shield volume does not include penetration shield (10% to be added) –VV volume does not include port enclosures –36 PF coil volume includes 8 spares. Enough spares? Check cryostat dimension and composition. Old Pre-strawman (10/2010) New Strawman (1/2011)

6 6 Cost of Individual Components (Sub-accounts 22.1, 22.2, 22.4 of Power Core Equipment) Old Pre-strawman (10/2010) New Strawman (1/2011) To do: –Check cost of 29 PF coils –Include cost of PF coil spares –Check cryostat cost.

7 7 How many PF Coils and Spares? Volume based on 36 coils (14 x 2 + 8 spares) Cost based on 29 coils (14 x 2 + 1 spare)

8 8 LiPb Mass and Cost (90% enriched LiPb) Total LiPb mass = mass of LiPb in FPC x 2.5 LiPb unit cost ~23 $/kg (2009 $) (a la ARIES-AT) missing 2.5 factor

9 9 L. Waganer Suggests Lower Unit Cost for LiPb 90% enriched LiPb could cost $8.3/kg based on: –Current cost of 99.9% pure Pb ($2/kg) –Predicted cost for 90% enriched Li ($1000/kg) –LiPb cost = Pb cost x Pd-wt% + Li cost x Li-wt% Need to confirm cost of enriched Li. Besides cost of individual elements, what other factors determine cost of LiPb eutectic?

10 10 Recirculating Power New Strawman (1/2011): P recirc = P gross - P net = 1265 - 983 = 282 MW P gross = eta_brayton * P th = 0.5765 * 2194.8 = 1265 MW Breakdown: Old StrawmanNew Strawman (11/2010)(1/2011) P_recirc = P_plasma_heating / eta_plasma_heating 26.3 26.3 +P_cd_generic / eta_cd_generic 104.6 104.6 +P_aux_func5063 +P_cryo 22 +P_pump_blanket / eta_pump 4.8~ 5 +P_pump_divertor / eta_pump 72.4~ 81 260 MW 282 MW To be updated

11 11 Recirculating Power (Cont.) Old Pre-strawman (10/2010) New Strawman (1/2011) will be updated

12 12 Costing Accounts 20Land and Land Rights 21 Structures and Site Facilities 22 Power Core Equipment 23 Turbine - Generator Equipment 24 Electric Plant Equipment 25 Heat Rejection Equipment 26 Miscellaneous Plant Equipment 27 Special Materials (LiPb cost ) 90 Direct Cost 91 - 98 Indirect Cost 99 Total Cost Cost of Electricity (COE) in mills/kWh.

13 13 Costing Accounts (Cont.) Significant differences ($60-770M): –Account 21 - Structures and Site Facilities –Account 22 - Power Core Equipment –Account 23 - Turbine - Generator Equipment –Account 27 - Special Materials (LiPb cost). Lower indirect/direct cost ratio for ACT ?! Notable reduction in total cost of ACT – larger machine than AT! Check: –Account 21 –Sub-account 22.5 –Sub-account 22.6 Old Pre-strawman (10/2010) New Strawman (1/2011)

14 14 Account 21 (Structures and Site Facilities) Sub-accounts 21.2 and 21.7 zeroed out. Why?

15 15 Sub-account 22.5 (Primary Structure and Support) (Formerly Account 22.1.5 in old ASC) Sub-account 22.5 zeroed out in new ASC. In old ASC, it represented: – Steel support structure underneath torus – ~15% of FPC volume.

16 16 Sub-account 22.6 (Main Heat Transfer and Transport) Expected this account to increase in ACT compared to ARIES-AT to reflect higher cost for dual coolants (He for divertor and LiPb for blanket/shield) (Formerly Account 22.2 in old ASC) ? ?

17 17 Direct Cost

18 18 Indirect Cost (New Algorithms from L. Waganer) ARIES-AT Indirect/Direct Cost ratio= 1.06 ARIES-ACT Indirect/Direct Cost ratio= 0.81

19 19 Cost of Electricity (2009 $) To be updated

20 20 Looking for consistency… Additional items to be checked and/or fixed: Radial build Average NWL @ plasma surface FW and divertor surface areas Scrape off layer thickness.

21 21 Radial Build (SiC/LiPb System) ARIES-ATARIES-ACTComments/Questions Aggressive Physics Average NWL (MW/m 2 )3.32.2 ? at plasma surface Thickness (cm) Inboard: FW/Blanket3533.656Reason for thinner IB blkt? HT Shield2423.35 (changing blanket thickness will impact TBR) VV4040 Outboard: FW/Blanket-I3028.855 Reason for thinner OB FW/blkt-I? Blanket-II4543.77 Reason for thinner OB blkt-II? HT Shield1514.35 (changing blanket thickness will impact TBR) VV25 25 Top / Bottom: Divertor 3.35?Not listed in output file Replaceable HT Shield15? HT Shield30? VV40?

22 22 Average NWL @ Plasma Surface = Fusion power x 0.8 / plasma surface area = 1907.4 x 0.8 / 475 (from CAD) = 3.2 MW/m 2 2.2 MW/m 2 from ASC !?  plasma surface area = 694 m 2 !? Fix it. Higher NWL impacts: Peak NWL Shield thickness Peak heating Heat removal rate etc.

23 23 FW and Divertor Surface Areas Incorrect IB and OB FW areas calculated by ASC. Divertor area seems reasonable.

24 24 Scrape Off Layer Thickness @ Midplane 5, 7, or 8.5 cm ? in ASC recommended by Chuck in CAD drawings

25 25 Concluding Remarks COE will be updated to reflect: –Necessary changes –Higher unit costs for: Nuclear grade materials Safety-related components. –Higher decommissioning cost (that varies with radwaste volume and level of waste). ASC output should display dimensions, compositions, and unit costs for all materials and components. Just received latest costing algorithms from L. Waganer. Will check costing accounts evaluated by new ASC.

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