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Honors and CP Physics Balanced Science. Day 1 Balanced Science Discuss the velocity and acceleration of an object as it is thrown into the air and then.

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Presentation on theme: "Honors and CP Physics Balanced Science. Day 1 Balanced Science Discuss the velocity and acceleration of an object as it is thrown into the air and then."— Presentation transcript:

1 Honors and CP Physics Balanced Science

2 Day 1 Balanced Science Discuss the velocity and acceleration of an object as it is thrown into the air and then returns to ground. 1.Each person submits a thought 2.Pick a leader for discussion 3.Pick a recorder to consolidate 4.Pick a reporter 5.Hand in all thoughts and final draft We Will use a “Think Pair Share” Group activity to complete this exercise.

3 Day 2: Scientific Method Practice: Writing an Introduction  Write a prediction for the following problem: Is the acceleration due to gravity the same for all objects?  This will be assessed on a 5-0 scale using the Introduction section of the Chariho Lab Report Rubric.

4 5 Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3.5 Nearly Meets Standard 3 Below Standard 2 Little Progress Toward Standard You have met standard and additionally included. You have... Introduct ion Weight = Score x 5 An extended explanation or discussion of content including examples.  Written a clear purpose or problem statement  Explained the purpose statement  Discussed the content as it relates to the topic  Connected the purpose to the content  Used relevant vocabulary If applicable...  Written an informed prediction  Justified the prediction with prior knowledge  Written a clear purpose statement  Explained the purpose statement  Discussed the content  Used relevant vocabulary If applicable...  Written an informed prediction  Justified the prediction with prior knowledge  Written a clear purpose statement  Either explained the purpose s or discussed the content  Used some relevant vocabulary If applicable...  Written an informed predictions  Either justified the prediction or discussed the content  Written a clear purpose statement If applicable...  Written a prediction Day 3: Scientific Method Practice: Feedback on Introduction

5 Day 4: Scientific Method Practice: Creating or Interpreting graphs Creating or Interpreting graphs Speeding-up to the left vs. Slowing down to the left

6 Data and Analysi s Weight = Score x 5 A detailed summary of all of the data A discussion of the trends that includes examples from the data  Titled and labeled the tables, charts, and drawings  Explained the tables/charts/or diagrams in a caption  Included detailed and precise observations  Summarized the data with detail  Identified trends or patterns in the data If applicable...  Included units and calculations for measurements  Included graphs, with proper title/labels/units.  Titled and labeled the tables, charts, and drawings  Caption is incomplete or inaccurate  Included detailed and precise observations  Summarized the data with some detail  Identified trends or patterns in the data If applicable...  Included units and calculations for measurements  Included graphs, with either title or labels missing  Titled and labeled the tables, charts, and drawings  Missed writing a caption for the data  Included general observations  Summarized the data with some detail  Identified some trends or patterns in the data If applicable...  Included calculations for measurements (not units)  Included graphs, with either title or labels missing  Missed some titles and labels on tables, charts and drawings  Provided a general summary of data  Identified incorrect trends or patterns in the data If applicable...  Included incorrect calculations for measurements  Included incorrect graphs, with either title or labels missing 5 Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3.5 Nearly Meets Standard 3 Below Standard 2 Little Progress Toward Standard Day 5: Scientific Method Practice: Data and Analysis Feedback Data and Analysis Feedback

7 Day 6: Scientific Writing – Critical Thinking How are vectors important to the discussion of mechanics? Use the Scientific Writing Rubric to Complete this task Using a Jigsaw Exercise -You will break into five groups and complete the tasks then bring them back to your table to construct one statement to complete the task 1 – Define the main concept 2 – List the supporting terms 3 – Find examples 4 – List connections 5 – List applications

8 4 Exceeds Standard 3 Meets Standard 2 Below Standard 1 Little Progress Toward Standard 0 -Explanation uses appropriate scientific vocabulary. -Explanation includes examples to explain the relationships within the content and application of that content. -The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the science of the task. No errors or omissions are present in the response. - Explanation uses appropriate scientific vocabulary. -Explanation includes examples to explain the relationships within the content. -The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the science of the task. The response may contain minor errors that do not detract from the demonstration of understanding. -Basic definition with some correct scientific vocabulary. -Answer connected to relevant content. -The student has provided a response that demonstrates a general understanding of the science of the task. -Answer attempted with basic definition -The student has provided a response that is only partially correct. No work submitted or incorrect answer. Day 7: Scientific Writing – Critical Thinking Feedback

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