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LAB practical Bones This is a powerpoint that I made as an undergrad to study landmarks of the bones. It may be helpful for the Systemic Anatomy lab practical.

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Presentation on theme: "LAB practical Bones This is a powerpoint that I made as an undergrad to study landmarks of the bones. It may be helpful for the Systemic Anatomy lab practical."— Presentation transcript:

1 LAB practical Bones This is a powerpoint that I made as an undergrad to study landmarks of the bones. It may be helpful for the Systemic Anatomy lab practical. Please contact me if you have any questions – Stephanie

2 Bone tissue Osteon (rings) Osteocytes (blue) Lacunae (holes) Canaliculi (red lines) Lamellae (ring levels) Haversian canal (central hole)

3 Skull

4 Squamous suture Coronal suture External auditory meatus Mastoid process Mandibular ramus Zygomatic process zygomatic bone Lacrimal bone Nasal bone Supraorbital foramen Temporal process Temporal bone Optic canal Superior orbital fissure Sphenoid bone

5 Fronal bone Parietal bone Temporal bone Ethmoid boid Middle nasal concha Perpendicular plate frontal bone mandible mental foramen Inferior nasal concha Sagital suture Parietal bones Maxilla bone Infraorbital foramen

6 Sphenoid-lesser wing Sphenoid-greater wing Stella turcica Cribform plate Optic canal Foraman lacerum Foraman ovale Foraman spinosium jugular foramen (rt side) Foraman rotundum Crista galli

7 Vomer Mandibular fossa (joint) Maxilla(palatine process) Palatine bone (horiz. Plate) Incisive fossa Intraorbital foramen Maxilla Foramen ovale Occiptal condyle foramen magnum External occiptial protuberance Occipital bone

8 MANDIBLE Body Angle Coronoid process Mandibular condyle

9 Anterior fontanel Posterior fontanel (BACK) Sphenoidal (anterolateral fontanel) Mastoid (posterolateral fontanel) BABY SKULL


11 Sinus Frontal sinus Ethmoidal sinus(not shown infront of the sphenoidal sinus) Sphenoidal sinus Maxillary sinus


13 Cervical (C1-C7) Thoracic(T1-T12) Lumbar (L1-L5) 24 individual

14 Cervical bifid spinous process Transverse foramen Thoracic Vertebrae Spinous process Rib facet Demifacet Lumbar vertebrae Large body Stout spinous process All vertebrae Body Vertebral foramen Spinous process (prot. From back) Transverse process(Prot. from side) Lamina(bridge bet. Spino. And trans) Pedicle(bridge bet. Body and trans) Vertebral notch Superior artcular process Inferior articular process

15 Sacrum(5) Dorsal sacral foramen Ala sacral canal sacral hiatus Sacral promontory Ventral sacral foramen Coccyx

16 Pectoral Girdle

17 Scapula Acromion process Coracoid process Glenoid caity spine Supraspinous fossa Infraspinous fossa SubscapularFossa Medial (vert) border Later (aux) border Superior angle Inferior angle Infraglenoid tubercle

18 UPPER EXTREMITY –ARM Head Greater tubercle Lesser tubercle Interbubercular groov e Deltoid tubersoity(outside) radial grove (on back side) Lateral supracondylar ridge Medial epicondyle Lateral epicondyle Coronoid fossa Olercranon fossa Trochlea Capitulum

19 Forearm -radius & ulna RADIUS -shorter Head Radial tuberosity Styloid process Ulna Olecranon process Trochlear notch(on inside where bones connect) Coronoid process(bottom of joint) Ulnar tuberosity Styloid process

20 CARPAL BONES Scaphoid Lunate Triquetrum Pisiform (other side) Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate Hamate Metacarpals Phalanges Proximal phalanges Middle phalanges Distal phalanges


22 PELVIC GIRDLE –coxal bone (2) Os Coxae Ilium Iliac crest Anterior superior iliac spine Anterior inferior I.S. Posterior superior I.S. Posterior inferior I.S. Iliac fossa Greater sciatic notch Pubis Superior ramus Inferior ramus Pubic tubercle (ridge to crest) Pubic symphysis (cartilage in cent.) Obturator foramen Acetabulum Ischium Ischial tuberosity Ischial spine Lesser sciatic notch Ramus

23 FEMUR Head Fovea capitis Neck Greater trochanter Lesser trochanter Gluteal tuberosity Linea aspera Adductor tubercle Medial epicondyle Lateral epicondyle Medial condyle Lateral condyle

24 Patella Tibia & fibia Tibia Medial condyle Lateral condyle Tibial tuberosity Anterior crest(border) Medial malleolus Fibia Head lateral malleolus

25 Foot Tarsal bones Talus Calcaneus Navicular Medial cuneiform Intermediate cuneiform Lateral cuneiform Cuboid Metatarsals Phalanges Proximal phalanges Middle phalanges Distal phalanges

26 Missing items Bony Thorax: Ribs Head –attachment to spine Tubercle –bump near head Costal grove –inside lower grove Costal cartilage –cartilage attachment to sternum Types True (1-7) False (8-12) Vertebrochondral (8-10) Floating (11 &12) Sternum Manubrium –top heart Jugular (suprasternal notch) –center top notch Clavicluar notches –notches to the side of the center notch Sternal angle –angle between ‘heart’ and middle bone Body (gladiolus) –middle bone Xiphoid process – small bottom bone Vert. column curvatures Cervical curv. Concave Thoracic curv. Convex Lumbar curv. Concave Sacral curv. convex Atlas: (yes) 1 st cervical vert. Lacks a body Axis: (no) 2 nd cervical vert. Odontoid process (dens) Hyoid bone Body- center Lesser horns - smaller Greater horns – larger attach to spine Lambdoidal suture -back of skull with ocipital and parietal bones

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