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ELEMENTARY CURRICULUM OVERVIEW FIFTH GRADE. Elementary Scheduling Requirement Grade 3 through Grade 5 EMSISD SubjectMinutesDescription ELAR 90 A comprehensive.

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2 Elementary Scheduling Requirement Grade 3 through Grade 5 EMSISD SubjectMinutesDescription ELAR 90 A comprehensive ELAR curriculum includes reading instruction, written expression, spelling, vocabulary, handwriting, and reading instruction. A 90 minute daily ELAR block with 45 minutes of Writing Workshop minimum 3 days per week. Social Studies 45 45 minutes is the minimum per day of social studies instruction. In 3-5, effective social studies instruction should continue to implement effective literacy instructional strategies and materials. A strong foundational understanding of the social studies TEKS must be included. Mathematics 90 The focus of math instruction is based upon conceptual understanding prior to the implementation of mathematical procedures (teaching of algorithms). A skills time within the 90 minute mathematics block, will allow time for differentiated instruction to meet student needs. Science 55 55 minutes is the minimum per day for science instruction. Students should be exposed to non-fiction literature as well as having multiple hands-on lab opportunities.



5 CLASSROOMS Our classrooms are designed to be collaborative, creative, and literacy rich. In our classrooms, you will find: Large/small group meeting areas. A classroom library filled with a variety of interests and levels. Individual book boxes or bags. Ample writing supplies and mentor texts. Areas to practice both independent and collaborative reading and writing. Teacher and student-created anchor charts. Resources to support a gradual release of responsibility (sound linking charts, word walls, writing folders, etc.). A display of student products that reflect recent work in the classroom. 5TH GRADE ELAR

6 READING AND WRITING WORKSHOP During the English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) block, students will: Receive explicit instruction through mini lessons. Engage in purposeful student talk. Explore a variety of genres and participate in shared and modeled demonstrations of effective reading and writing strategies. Read and write independently for sustained periods of time. Explore how words work and apply what they learn in the context of reading and writing through small- group, peer, and individual conferences. Receive timely feedback and set future reading and writing goals. Share their work with others. 5TH GRADE ELAR

7 GRADE LEVEL FOCUS During the English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) block, fifth grade students will focus on: Reading increasingly challenging texts in a variety of genres with fluency and comprehension. Identifying and evaluating evidence that supports particular ideas in an author’s argument to change a reader’s point of view. Integrating information from several print and digital sources to answer questions and solve problems. Comparing and contrasting themes, topics, and character traits within and across texts. Using underlying text structures to support understanding of challenging topics and difficult vocabulary in informational text. Increasing command of writing craft, conventions, and presentation of ideas. 5TH GRADE ELAR

8 GRADE LEVEL FOCUS Continued During the English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) block, fifth grade students will focus on: Writing opinions that offer reasoned arguments and provide facts and examples that are logically grouped to support the writer’s point of view. Writing stories, real or imaginary, that unfold naturally and developing the plot with dialogue, description, and effective pacing of the action. Coming to classroom discussions prepared, then engaging fully and thoughtfully with others (e.g., contributing accurate, relevant information; elaborating on the remarks of others; synthesizing ideas). 5TH GRADE ELAR





13 THE LAST 4 PROCESS STANDARDS- IT’S ALL ABOUT COMMUNICATION! (D) communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their implications using multiple representations, including symbols, diagrams, graphs, and language as appropriate; (E)use mathematical relationships to generate solution and make connections and predictions. (F) analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas. (G) display, explain, or justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical language in written or oral communications. 5TH GRADE MATH

14 STAAR MATH REPORTING CATEGORIES Category 1 : Numerical Representation and Relationships Category 2: Computations and Algebraic Relationships Category 3: Geometry and Measurement Category 4: Data Analysis and Personal Financial Literacy 5TH GRADE MATH

15 FOCAL POINTS FOR FIFTH GRADE Develop an understanding of and fluency with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions and decimals Understand and generate expressions and equations to solve problems Represent and solve problems with perimeter, area, and volume Organize, represent, and interpret sets of data 5TH GRADE MATH

16 GUIDING PRINCIPLES Support students to make sense of mathematics and learn that they can be mathematical thinkers Focus on computational fluency with whole numbers Emphasize reasoning about mathematical ideas Engage all learners in understanding mathematics 5TH GRADE MATH

17 We the People of the United States of America SOCIAL STUDIES EMSISD

18 5TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES Throughout social studies in Kindergarten-Grade 12, students build a foundation in history; geography; economics; government; citizenship; culture; science, technology, and society; and social studies skills. The content, as appropriate for the grade level, enables students to understand the importance of patriotism, function in a free enterprise society, and appreciate the basic democratic values of our state and nation. EMSISD

19 In Grade 5 Social Studies, students survey the history of the United States from 1565 to the present. Historical content includes the colonial period, the American Revolution, the establishment of the U.S. Constitution and American identity, westward expansion, the Civil War and Reconstruction, immigration and industrialization, and the 20th and 21st centuries. 5th GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES EMSISD

20 Fifth graders receive instruction through units that continue to build a foundation in history; geography; economics; government; citizenship; culture; science, technology, and society; and social studies skills: Unit 1: Being a Geographer Unit 2: European Exploration & Colonization Unit 3: Celebrating Freedom/Presidential Election Enrichment Unit Unit 4: American Revolution Unit 5: Constitution for a New Nation Unit 6: U.S. Government Unit 7: Westward Expansion Unit 8: Industrialization & Economics (Part I) Unit 9: Causes of the Civil War Unit 10: The Civil War and Reconstruction Unit 11: Industrialization & Economics (Part II) Unit 12: The United States Enters the 20 th Century/WWI Unit 13: Great Depression Unit 14: World War II Unit 15: The Cold War and Military Actions Unit 16: Civil Rights Movement Unit 17: Modern History: Issues for Today/Local History Enrichment Unit 5th GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES EMSISD


22 WHAT IS SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY? Scientific inquiry allows students to take an active role in understanding science content and processes. Scientific inquiry transforms learning from teacher centered to student centered learning. Scientific inquiry engages students in problem solving and critical thinking. Scientific inquiry is the active construction of ideas and forming connections. 5 TH GRADE SCIENCE

23 WHAT ARE THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES OF A STUDENT-CENTERED SCIENCE CLASSROOM? Learners are engaged in scientifically oriented questions. Learners give priority to evidence, which allows them to develop and evaluate explanations that address scientifically oriented questions. Learners formulate and evaluate explanations from evidence to address scientifically oriented questions. Learners communicate and justify their proposed explanations. 5 TH GRADE SCIENCE

24 WHAT ARE THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES OF A STUDENT CENTERED SCIENCE CLASSROOM? Learners are engaged in scientifically oriented questions. Learners give priority to evidence, which allows them to develop and evaluate explanations that address scientifically oriented questions. Learners formulate and evaluate explanations from evidence to address scientifically oriented questions. Learners communicate and justify their proposed explanations. 5 TH GRADE SCIENCE

25 WHAT IS THE STUDENT’S ROLE? Ask a question about objects, organisms and events in the world around them. Plan and conduct a simple investigation. Employ simple equipment and tools to gather data and extend the senses. Use data to construct a reasonable explanation. Communicate investigations and explanations. 5 TH GRADE SCIENCE

26 SCIENCE NOTEBOOKS IN EVERY CLASSROOM Integrates science and language arts skills Helps students develop cognitive knowledge of science content and processes Enhances writing skills Serves as an assessment tool to gather information on students’ thinking 5 TH GRADE SCIENCE

27 EMS-ISD K-5 GIFTED AND TALENTED PROGRAM What is PACE? Educational program which serves identified gifted/talented students in grades K-5 2 hour pull-out program for 2 nd – 5 th graders Kindergarten and 1 st grade students served in classroom with differentiated instructional strategies Learning Opportunities for GT Students Students work on a differentiated curriculum with extended activities Instructional goals focus on helping students to develop critical thinking skills, communicate effectively, reason and solve problems, and value diversity. Lessons span across all curriculum areas and incorporate a research component in the spring semester The depth of projects builds as the students progress to the upper grades EMSISD PACE

28 STATE ASSESSMENT Fifth grade students will take the state-mandated STAAR Reading, Math, and Science exam at the end of this year.


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