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Poetry Notes: Figurative Language Poetry Note Book Assignments: Metaphor, Simile, Personification.

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1 Poetry Notes: Figurative Language Poetry Note Book Assignments: Metaphor, Simile, Personification

2 Language Type #4 Literal Language vs. Figurative language Literal: Words mean exactly what they say. Ex: Sam is very tall. Figurative: Words have a meaning other than what the words appear to say; a comparison is drawn to communicate a more developed meaning. Ex: Sam is a walking telephone pole. Ex: Sam’s head brushes against the clouds.

3 Fig Lang #1: Metaphor Metaphor: comparison made between two things where the qualities of one thing are attributed to another. Two things compared should generally have some shared qualities. Ex: heart of stone Shared qualities (or: how can a heart be like a stone?)

4 Poetry Note Book: Making Metaphors Use the following template to create metaphors: “__________ of__________” The first blank is a concrete object; the second blank is an abstract concept/idea. Ex: teacup of sorrow Assignment: 1.Create 8 more “teacup” metaphors with different abstract ideas/concepts. (“teacup of _______”) 2.Now pick an abstract and change the object for 8 more metaphors. (“_______ or sorrow”)

5 Fig Lang #2: Simile Simile – a metaphor made using the words “like,” “as,” or “than” Ex: Sam is as tall as a telephone pole. Sam is tall like a telephone pole. Same is taller than a telephone pole. Poetry Notebook: Similes Basic pattern: (concrete thing) (adjective) like/as/than (concrete object/abstract idea) Ex: heart fierce like a hurricane. Ex: pencil sharp as a sword. Ex: tennis shoes spicy like defiance. 1. Using this pattern, create 10 similes.

6 Fig Lang #3: Personification * Personification – describing an inanimate object as if it were alive by attributing living qualities to it. EX: The roaring ocean A screaming siren. The flames licked at the wood. Poetry Note Book: Personification Template: (concrete object) (living characteristic) Or: (Living characteristic) (concrete object) *Create 10 personification examples – think creatively! Be original – come up with unpredictable pairings – things that delight the reader!

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