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CLAS3001 Mycenaean Greece (ca. 1500 BC to 1100 BC)

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1 CLAS3001 Mycenaean Greece (ca. 1500 BC to 1100 BC)


3 Geography of Ancient Greece The Aegean Sea: “like frogs around a pond”

4 Sea

5 Mountains

6 Valleys

7 Inheritance of Literature and Myth ● For example, story of Theseus and Minotaur ● Or of Achilles at Troy

8 What if These Had Basis in History?

9 Minoan Culture ● Early second millennium BC ● Centered on Crete ● Best-known representation in palace of Knossos

10 Map of Knossos

11 Minoan Frescoes: Bull-leaping

12 Elaborate Palace Complex at Knossos - like similar ones in the East - provides center for economy, religion, politics, etc. - (Not primarily defensive, in contrast to our ideas of palaces)

13 Eastern Urbanization Patterns ● E.g., palace of Mari, in modern eastern Syria ● Flourished down to 1700's BC

14 Minoan Religion

15 Labys / Labyrinth

16 Extent of Minoan Civ. ● Thera provides evidence of Minoan influence, at very least

17 Language: Encoded in 'Linear A' Tablets ● Represents a non- Greek language ● Perhaps not even part of Indo-European family of languages ● Others think Anatolian



20 Linear B Tablets ● Comprising many symbols ● On clay, fired in burning palaces

21 Deciphered by Michael Ventris in 1950s ● Architect ● Worked on Linear B in spare time ● Died in car accident soon after

22 World of the Linear B Tablets ● Earily familiar: Di-o- nu-so = Dionysus ● Largely, though storage and distribution of goods ● Including workers, some bought and sold ● Wanax ● Where did these Greek-speakers come from?


24 “Mycenae, Rich In Gold” ● Great lion statue always visible ● Massive 'Cyclopean' walls made of large, dressed irregularly shaped stones ● From this original site, we call whole mainland Greek civilization of this period 'Mycenaean'

25 Heinrich Schliemann ● Excavated traditional location of Troy, mythical site of siege by Greeks, led by king of Mycenae ● 1874 excavates Mycenae itself ● Romantic trust in mythical sources

26 Grave Circles, c. 1600 BC ● Inside city walls, but probably pre-date ● Include shaft graves ● Apparently for the elite

27 Treasure of the Shaft Graves



30 Tholos Tombs

31 Fall of Mycenaean Civilization ● Increase in war motifs in vase paintings? ● Tales of troubles around 13 th c. BC in Troy ● Internal or external? ● Series of destructions on mainland around 1200 BC

32 Map of Extent of Mycenaean Civilization

33 Fortress-Towns with Megaron

34 Palace Life

35 Architectural Evidence of Troubles ● Vaulted path to internal cistern at Tiryns

36 External Evidence for Troubles

37 Myth and Prehistory ● Prevailing late-19 th C. view was that myth explained nature and religious rite ● Myths written down after writing reappears in Greece, mid 8 th C. ● Reflecting Mycenaean or Minoan culture from previous millennium – Mycenae was wealthy and powerful – Troy and Mycenaean Greece did have relations of trade ● Should we therefore accept all aspects of myths?

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