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 Major source of City’s identity and heritage.  Generates more than $100 million in annual economic activity for Fort Worth.

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16  Major source of City’s identity and heritage.  Generates more than $100 million in annual economic activity for Fort Worth  Grotta 1998 research.  Stock Show has contributed more than $25 million to new construction and renovation of the Will Rogers Memorial Center.  2008 electronic survey conducted by Event Corp Services of British Columbia, Canada provided Stock Show with useful data.

17  Caucasian was dominant ethnic group – 81%  Hispanic – 7%  African American – 4%  Native American – 3%  Females outnumbered males 52 to 48 percent.  Average age was 32.  Forty-two was average age of group decision makers.

18  Sixty-three percent of guests 18 years and over were married.  Seventy-seven percent had some post- secondary education.  Eighty-eight percent had internet access.  Forty-eight percent used Stock Show website to plan their visit.

19  Visitors came in average groups of 4.3 people.  Fifty-six percent with their spouse.  Six percent by themselves.  Twenty-seven percent in groups of 6 or more.  Average livestock exhibiting group was 6.

20  Thirty-three percent always attend.  Sixteen percent were first-timers.  Two-thirds attended the previous year’s Show.  On average, each visitor had attended the Show for 12 years.  Visitors attended 3.1 days over 24-day run.  Each daily visit averaged 5.3 hours.

21  Visitors had an average household income of $80,638 - substantially higher than the 2007 Metroplex average of $69,546.  Twelve percent from households with annual incomes less than $25,000.  Twelve percent from households with annual incomes greater than $150,0000.

22  Excluding Stock Show purchases, visitors spent $400 during their stay.  Thirty-seven percent increase over 2005.  Eighty-nine percent bought food at the Show.  On-site per capita spending was $38 per visit.

23  Sixty-nine percent live in the Metroplex - 25 percent in other areas of Texas.  Sixty-four percent live within 50 miles of the Will Rogers Memorial Center.  Seventy-four percent of out-of-towners came to Fort Worth mainly for the Stock Show.

24  Fifty-six percent stayed overnight for an average of 2.7 nights.  Fifty percent lodged at hotels / motels.  Driving to event by private automobile was transportation mode for 88 percent of visitors.  Average trip time was 39 minutes.

25  Show received “extremely high” ratings for:  Customer Service  Features of the Show  Overall Enjoyment.  On lower rated categories – value and price of admission – Show scored substantially higher than typical ratings for multi-day fairs and festival type events.  Eighty-nine percent indicated they would enthusiastically recommend Show to others.

26  More than 22,000 livestock entered.  Unprecedented six national cattle registries chose Fort Worth to host their national show.  Overall auction receipts – approx. $5,660,000.  Jr. Sale of Champions totaled $2,011,571  Eclipsed 2008 by more than $100,000.  $266,600 paid in scholarships and educational grants.  International guests from 60 countries.  926,000 visitors.

27 *** 2007 Show experienced 7 days inclement weather, including snow, ice and severe rain ** Show expanded from 23 to 24 days in 2005 * Show expanded from 17 to 23 days in 2002 8 of 9

28  WRMC cooperative effort with Stock Show achieved significant labor savings.  Thirty percent man-hour reduction over 2008.  Thirty-one percent net savings over 2008.  Maintained service Stock Show patrons expect.  Big “Thank you” to:  Chris Harmon  Kevin Kemp


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