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1 Efficient Data Collection Tool for eWON International Sales Meeting Prague, September 2014 eSYNC: The Data connector software.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Efficient Data Collection Tool for eWON International Sales Meeting Prague, September 2014 eSYNC: The Data connector software."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Efficient Data Collection Tool for eWON International Sales Meeting Prague, September 2014 eSYNC: The Data connector software

2 2 Remote Data Collection in eWON Data collection made remotely: 1.eWON samples data locally 2.eWON stores it into its memory 3.Then eWON pushes those data regularly to a central server

3 3 Complexity is at server side… Customer needs to delelop server application o Indeed! eWON “only” pushes the data to the Server o Therefore it is needed to −Install the appropriate server tools −Develop the interface which allows to extract the data out of the files −Develop the HTTP form (if HTTP is used) −Avoid duplicated data So customer needs… o a skilled System Integrator o or a local programming department !!!

4 4 No more burden with…

5 5 What is ? eSync is eWON’s Data Connector Software Allows to concentrate and synchronize eWON alarms and historical data in a central server location Acts as a buffer data gateway for third party software that have to use eWON Data to feed SCADA, Historian and Reporting software

6 6 Main features Flexy + eSync provides 6 main features 1.Data Acquisition 2.Easy configuration and Scheduling 3.Optimized Data Transfer Protocol 4.Flexible Operating Mode 5.Database Buffering 6.Data File Repository

7 7 1.Data acquisition Using eWON IO servers protocols o To extract the data out of the PLC/device through polling according to various protocol ( DF1, Profibus, ModBus, Melsec, Unitelway,… ) o To associate PLC/device values within eWON “tags”

8 8 1.Data acquisition With Historical logging o Stores the data in eWON with time stamp −(i.e. “2014-08-08; 17:45:57; TempOut; 25,23”) o Storage is made into a cyclic file (FIFO) o Calculate the cycle time taken into account: Logging Interval, or IO server poll rate if deadband logging is used o Made via IO tags definition:

9 9 2.Easy Configuration and Scheduling in eWON First the eWON Interface. Basic parameters are: o an ID (defined in eSync), o a password, o an eSync URL and the upload interval !!!

10 10 2.Easy Configuration and Scheduling Advanced Parameters Advanced data transfer schedule o Similar Syntax as the eWON planner o Special syntax for the time trigger Timer Interval = mm hh dd MMM DDD (minutes, hours, day, month, day of week) −Examples: -* * * * *=> every minute -0 * * * *=> every hour -15 7 1 * *=> every first day of month at 7:15 -0 0,4,8,12,16,20 * * * => every day at 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 o’clock Update on Alarm Update on Event: via with Basic scripting, using the Dmsync command

11 11 2.Easy Configuration and Scheduling: eSYNC eSync is based on a Webserver (Apache) o Web Server is used to configure eSync through webpages (PHP) and receive data from eWON (POST HTTP) eSync credentials screen:

12 12 2.Easy Configuration and scheduling : eSync Adding an eWON Interface

13 13 2.Easy Configuration and scheduling: eSync eSync Main Interface: List of tags in an eWON devices

14 14 2.Easy Configuration and scheduling: eSync

15 15 3. Optimized Data Transfer Protocol The archives transferred are incremental: Data Upload is managed automatically 1.eWON authenticates to eSYNC and asks when last transfer occured 2.eSYNC responds with a timestamp 3.eWON sends only newer data since this timestamp Efficient upload: eWON never sends twice the same data ! Such synchronization with the server is especially important for eWON stations with cellular modems: o data volume transfer is optimized to avoid operational costs surprises…!!!

16 16 4. Flexible Operational Mode: a.Internet If eSync is accessible/visible from Internet, eWON can connect it by just having an Internet Connection Cellular Private APN is not needed

17 17 4. Flexible Operational Mode: b. Through Talk2M In case data upload must be secured, HTTPS can be enabled on eSync As eWON does not support HTTPS, Talk2M provides the M2U service that acts as an HTTP to HTTPS proxy eWON then uploads data through VPN to Talk2M ( SECURE ) and Talk2M forwards these data to the eSync server through HTTPS ( SECURE ) Provides REMOTE ACCESS capability !!!

18 18 4. Flexible Operational Mode: c. Through eFive eSync can also be used through a VPN network controlled by eFive Main advantage: communication may not be kept permanently

19 19 5.Database Buffering eSync contains also a circular buffer … o Similar to eWON, data will be erased after a certain time (configurable) o MySQL is used to support that buffer o Any software such Historian or Scada must then collect data from eSync (eg. by using SQL queries)

20 20 6.Data File Repository CSV files can also be produced This can feed applications such as − Report designer − Portal system − … For each new data sent to eSync, a new CSV file is created in a specific dir. More easy to integrate with 3 rd party tools than SQL queries.

21 21 eSync is Open eSync is based on Open Source software

22 22 Pricing Model Same model as for viewON Unregistered software is downloadable for free but with no support When registered, support will be provided o Partnumber : SY10002 o End user pricing : 900 €

23 23 Documentation eSync to Sync 1.5 Migration guide o

24 24 Key Selling Points Flexy and eSync together o A fully integrated, end-to-end solution to collect synchronized data,… o completely automated and secured,… o open and fexible to allow modifcation.. o..while supporting data collection from major PLC brand o The ideal and most efficient solution for massive deployment !!!

25 25 eSync, for whom? System integrators, Machine builders, end-users Require SQL knowhow and basic MYSQL database knowledge Also, but not mandatory, some knowledge of Apache & PHP Need experience in monitoring for industrial infrastructure (not factory floor) And of course have good knowledge of eWON!!

26 26 Conclusion: eSync does it all for you ! All you need to do is to make sure your eWON scans your PLC/device and store data into its internal database Data transfer and synchronization is entirely handled by eSYNC !

27 27 Follow us Thank You

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