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Social protection floor rapid assessment, costing and design 16 November 2010 Bangkok, Thailand United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

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Presentation on theme: "Social protection floor rapid assessment, costing and design 16 November 2010 Bangkok, Thailand United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social protection floor rapid assessment, costing and design 16 November 2010 Bangkok, Thailand United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

2 UNESCO’s 5 Thematic Sectors CULTURE Embrasing cultural diversity Safeguarding tangible and intangible cultural heritage Culture for development EDUCATION Ensuring quality lifelong learning for all SOCIAL AND HUMAN SCIENCE Human rights Ethics in development NATURAL SCIENCE Climate change COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION Information for all

3 Culture Diversity Programming Lens Clear link between culture and development: culture matters! Need to understand the cultural context in which programmes from all sectors are implemented to increase their effectiveness and efficiency. The lens enables people to view their work from a new perspective (project proposals, monitoring & evaluation, policy development) It is an integral part of Human Rights Based Approach diversity-programming-lens/

4 Legal status and access to social services – GIS mapping tool Piloted in border areas of Thailand through “Survey project: the Influence of Legal Status and Ethnicity on Access to Education, health Care and other Social Service” Phase I covered 191 villages and 13,000 households Phase II covered 308 villages and 16,000 households

5 Why? Many countries collect statistical data, but not used effectively for education policy planning Current EMIS ( Education Management Information System ) is difficult to adopt to the country’s situation and administrative requirements What? OpenEMIS is a tool to store and manage educational information in an IT system : – About geographic structure – About the education system – About educational institutions – About descriptive figures etc OpenEMIS can generate reusable table reports and indicators with a module which allows users to run advanced customized queries, reusable each year. The software offers a strong database to handle large multi-year data with a user friendly interface. Education – OpenEMIS

6 What? (cont’d) Compared to conventional EMIS, OpenEMIS is more flexible and accessible for users Currently at the final stage of software development, to be piloted in Mongolia Limitations: Requires more technical capacity at the country level to modify the software Multi-use principles require further capacity building at all levels Education – OpenEMIS (Con’d)

7 Education - EPPSim Why? Many countries develop education plans without rigorous costing, resulting in inefficient and/or insufficientresource allocation What? EPPSim (Education Poliy & Strategies Simulation Model) allows a country to project cost required to achieve policy targets Can compare different policy scenarios Excel-based, easy-to-customize Can be used to assess damages and losses in PCPD situations (e.g., Pakistan) Limitations: Requires good data Technical capacity in the country will be needed for sustainability of the model

8 Deprivation and Marginalization in Education (DME) Used in 2010 EFA Global Monitoring Report Provides a window on the scale of marginalization of education within countries and on the composition of marginalized groups (e.g., gender, wealth, language, urban/rural) “Education poverty” – less than 4 years of schooling Demonstrates significant inequality in access to and quality of education within the country The tool analyzed 32 countries, including India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Lao PDR

9 Richest 20% Poorest 20% Poor. rural Hausa girls Rich. rural girls Poor. urban boys Poor. rural girls Nigeria Rural Hausa Rich. urban boys Urban Rural Urban Rural Rich. rural boys Somalia Chad Bangladesh Cameroon Honduras Indonesia Bolivia Cuba Ukraine 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Average number of years of schooling Education poverty Extreme education poverty 3.3 years 6.4 years 3.5 years 9.7 years 0.5 years 10.3 years 2.6 years 0.3 years Boys Girls 6.7 years 10 years Education marginalization – inequalities within countries The case of Nigeria

10 Social and Human Science Bioethics Philosophy education – critical thinking, respect for diversity Tools: International Standards on Bioethics Universal Declaration on Human Genome and Human Rights (1997/1998) International Declaration of Human Genetic Data (2003) Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005) Thinking for the Future: An Action Plan for the Promotion of Philosophy Teaching in Asia and the Pacific Limitations: Consideration of the context is important to understand appropriate ethical models underpinning social justice, moral responsibility and individual liberty

11 THANK YOU! For more information, please go to: UNESCO Headquarters ( UNESCO Bangkok Office (

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