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Easy steps to a better Web site Tracy McMurphy Agricultural Communications Services Oklahoma State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Easy steps to a better Web site Tracy McMurphy Agricultural Communications Services Oklahoma State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Easy steps to a better Web site Tracy McMurphy Agricultural Communications Services Oklahoma State University

2 Content that Works Consistent Clear Casual Correct

3 Consistent Content Make sure your grammar, punctuation, abbreviations and capitilization are consistent. Have content edited by several people.

4 Clear Content Keep text concise and simple. Read aloud to see if it makes sense. Try to eliminate tech-speak or specialty jargon if possible.

5 Casual Content Make points quickly and break up information into sections. Keep tone casual but still professional. The web can be more conversational than a text book or letter.

6 Correct Content Double check dates, times, content and LINKS! Have others review information to help spot errors. Check content again a day or two after posting for a fresh perspective.

7 Have What Visitors Need Provide a calendar of events. List recipes and tips. Establish an “Ask the Educator” section. You don’t need all that paper. Use links and let others do the work for you. UPDATE, UPDATE, UPDATE!

8 Homepage is Where It’s At Update your homepage frequently, more than any other page. Edit your homepage more often than any other. Remove any expired dates or events.

9 Keep Them Entertained Use photos and graphics as often as possible. Don’t be afraid of white space. Use video or interactive tools if you have them.

10 Make Your Site Effective Get your Web address out there. Know your audience. Check and re-check.

11 Show Up In Searches Think about keywords that relate to your site and use them often in content Spell out acronyms Links and header tags can help content stand out in a search Describe images with text

12 Show Up In Searches Get your link on other sites Not all sites are equal –.gov,.mil sites will get more hits for your link

13 Web Sites to Visit SUNUP Web Site SUNUP YouTube Channel Oklahoma Gardening YouTube Channel Ag Communications Site

14 YouTube

15 Facebook

16 Questions?

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