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Partner Campaign Review 2009-10 Kirsty Cumming Deputy Director & Head of Marketing South West Tourism.

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1 Partner Campaign Review 2009-10 Kirsty Cumming Deputy Director & Head of Marketing South West Tourism

2 Regional Marketing Funding From RDA Positioning The Region Programme. Aimed at creating jobs and wealth through growing tourism to the region We need to deliver against RDA targets in order to continue to secure funding.

3 What was different in 2009-10 To better align regional campaign activity, with DMO and VisitEngland campaign activity. Using a ‘bottom up’ approach to campaign planning. Working more closely with DMO marketing teams. Campaign Planning Team:- Regional Reps DMO Reps Kirsty Cumming (SWT)Penny Woodman (VisitCornwall) Tim Stubbings (RDA Marketing)Chris Dee (Cotswolds and FOD) Huw Jarvis (RDA Tourism Team)Jon Weaver (Bournemouth & Poole)

4 Campaign Theme Investment Total partner budgets per campaign (less VAT) RDA max USA:£100,000 Domestic market:£618,000 City breaks£105,000 Summer in the country£96,000 Activity breaks£40,000 Food and drink£44,000 Green value£72,000 Pre-school£70,000 EnjoyEngland Activity£51,000 Tubecards£20,000 PR Activity£100,000 Online video £20,000

5 Tangible Benefits Built around DMO lead themes. Enabled partners to tailor investment to suit budgets. Enabled partners to influence the media choices, creative and messages. Enabled links to partner websites Attracted wider investment, around DMO lead themes, from a network of supporting partners. Anabled partners to extend their own campaign activity through wider use of the creative. Enabled the region’s public sector & leading businesses to talk about a joined up campaign with high profile.

6 Delivered by 19 Partners DMOs Bath Tourism Plus Bournemouth & Poole TP Destination Bristol Dorset Tourism Partnership Somerset Tourism Partnership VisitCornwall - Newquay Tourism VisitDevon - Exeter City Council - English Riviera Tourism VisitWiltshire Supporting Partners Air South West Bristol Airport Cartwheel Gloucester District Council VisitEngland Regional South West Tourism Regional Development Agency Museum’s and Libraries Association

7 Reviewing outcomes results to date Towns & Cities Pre-School Spring Summer in the Country Taste Green Breaks VisitEngland Tubecards PR USA campaign

8 Visits 60,021 Unique Visitors 51,944 Avg. pages per visit2.46 Avg. time on site02:07 Links sent to partners19,088 1st Feb - 20th April 2010


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