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The great way to motivate students to become computer savvy and learn about Local Indians.

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Presentation on theme: "The great way to motivate students to become computer savvy and learn about Local Indians."— Presentation transcript:

1 The great way to motivate students to become computer savvy and learn about Local Indians

2 The lesson exceeds all typical expectations for social studies Integrates many subject areas into one project.

3 The Food They ate The Shelter they built The clothes they wore The region and climate they live in The daily life or additional facts they find fascinating

4 They will gather the information from the internet They will locate and determine the useful from the useless and implement it in their show

5 The students will provide questions for the class as a way to have a student to student assessment The Students will have the confidence to teach the information based on the extent of their research.

6 Join the Technological Future Support student learning Maximize students’ potential

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