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GEO Programme Board Status and key messages Tim Haigh Programme Board co-chair.

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Presentation on theme: "GEO Programme Board Status and key messages Tim Haigh Programme Board co-chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEO Programme Board Status and key messages Tim Haigh Programme Board co-chair

2 Programme Board – Set-up & headline function The GEO Programme Board supports the on-going development and implementation of the GEO Strategic Plan 2016 – 2025: Implementing GEOSS through multi- year GEO Work Programmes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Info on PB members, terms of reference, meeting reports, etc:

3 Programme Board Work Coherance and alignment of the GEO Work Progammes with GEO’s Strategic Objectives and Core Functions; Align the scope of GEO Work Programme with resources committed by Members and Participating Organizations; Supports and enables cross-cutting coordination; Promotes engagement of stakeholders.

4 Programme Board Duties Review activities proposed; Confirm that resources committed are commensurate; Recommend Work Programmes to Plenary; Examine proposed Implementation Plans for GEO Initiatives and take decisions to accept new ones; Recommend GEO Flagships for Plenary acceptance; …

5 GEO FlagshipsGEO InitiativesGEO Community Activities GEO Foundational Tasks Purpose / character pre-/near- operational service(s) pilot or prototype service(s); develop, test, or demonstrate application(s); enabling or support function(s) Initiated bySpecified Members, Participating Organization GEO CommunityGEO Secretariat (PB to report on priorities) Resourcing …Resources identified and committedsufficient resources identified in GWP Accepted byPlenary (PB Recccomends) GEO Programme Board GEO Secretariat Director Plenary (with GWP) Management and coordination Dedicated mechanism; coordinatorCommunity-basedGEO Secretariat or Working Group User engagementSpecifically identified, fully engaged, role in steering. Target user groups generally identified, with at least an advisory role. May vary, depending on activity. May vary, depending on Task. Overview of GEO implementing Mechanisms

6 GEO FlagshipsGEO InitiativesGEO Community Activities GEO Foundational Tasks Purpose / character pre-/near- operational service(s) pilot or prototype service(s); develop, test, or demonstrate application(s); enabling or support function(s) Initiated bySpecified Members, Participating Organization GEO CommunityGEO Secretariat (PB to report on priorities) Resourcing …Resources identified and committedsufficient resources identified in GWP Accepted byPlenary (PB Recccomends) GEO Programme Board GEO Secretariat Director Plenary (with GWP) Management and coordination Dedicated mechanism; coordinatorCommunity-basedGEO Secretariat or Working Group User engagementSpecifically identified, fully engaged, role in steering. Target user groups generally identified, with at least an advisory role. May vary, depending on activity. May vary, depending on Task. Overview of GEO implementing Mechanisms

7 GEO FlagshipsGEO InitiativesGEO Community Activities GEO Foundational Tasks Purpose / character pre-/near- operational service(s) pilot or prototype service(s); develop, test, or demonstrate application(s); enabling or support function(s) Initiated bySpecified Members, Participating Organization GEO CommunityGEO Secretariat (PB to report on priorities) Resourcing …Resources identified and committedsufficient resources identified in GWP Accepted byPlenary (PB Recccomends) GEO Programme Board GEO Secretariat Director Plenary (with GWP) Management and coordination Dedicated mechanism; coordinatorCommunity-basedGEO Secretariat or Working Group User engagementSpecifically identified, fully engaged, role in steering. Target user groups generally identified, with at least an advisory role. May vary, depending on activity. May vary, depending on Task. Overview of GEO implementing Mechanisms

8 Milestones for action from GEO community perspective MilestoneActivity / Milestone 15 April Input to PB on FT priorities / resourcing. Interaction on 2016 WP. 15 April Submit initial content for WP 2017 – 2019 (call with guidance provided 19 th Feb) 2-4 May Work Programme Symposium. (1 st interactions) 15th May – 15 th June 2 nd round of Interactions with PB on WP 2017 - 2019 July Review 1 st draft 2017 – 2019 Work programme 22 September Call for 2017-2019 PB nominations (Until 21 Oct.) 27 September 2017-2019 WP out. 8-11 November GEO-XIII Plenary acceptance of WP

9 Key messages – personal reflections Information in WP 2016 insufficient to discharge functions and duties of Programme Board  Big step-up needed. Lots of interaction needed in coming months between PB and proposers. Link to strategic objectives, users, resource information, policy relevance not strong enough (in 2016 WP). Foundational tasks – very big scope. Currently insufficient resources identified  priorities & community involvement. Elevator pitch Impact statements key (especially for flagships…) Community is everything….

10 Another way to answer “why?”

11 11 Thank you!

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