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1. How the Internet Works Written by M.Britland. Learning Objectives To understand what the internet is To learn the basics of how the internet works.

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Presentation on theme: "1. How the Internet Works Written by M.Britland. Learning Objectives To understand what the internet is To learn the basics of how the internet works."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. How the Internet Works Written by M.Britland

2 Learning Objectives To understand what the internet is To learn the basics of how the internet works To understand the difference between the internet and a LAN

3 Learning Outcomes A brief document containing notes from some research A set of informative interactive images using ThingLink or an online/local presentationThingLink An evaluation

4 Video: How does the internet work?

5 Video: Project Loon

6 Interactive: How does the internet work?

7 Tasks: Research and Notes Using what you have learnt in class and the resources from the presentation, make some brief notes on the basics of how the internet works

8 Video: ThingLink

9 Tasks: Interactive Images - The Internet Using Thinglink, create a set of interactive images explaining how the internet works, based on your notes and resources from the presentation Thinglink OR Instead of Thinglink, you could create an online or local presentation using a service/software of your choice Thinglink

10 Tasks: Interactive Images - LAN’s Add to this, your explanation of why LANs (local area networks) are different to the internet. Try to include: o What is a LAN o What are the various topologies

11 Tasks: Evaluation Evaluate your work  What did you learn?  Did you enjoy the project? Why?  How would you change the way you worked?  Anything else you would like to say about this project?

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