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Integrated Sexual Health Service Clinical Pre-Tender Briefing 31 August 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Sexual Health Service Clinical Pre-Tender Briefing 31 August 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Sexual Health Service Clinical Pre-Tender Briefing 31 August 2016

2 Welcome and Housekeeping

3 Current Situation There are presently 17 public health contracts for sexual health service provision. These consist of clinical services mainly provided by health professionals and non clinical services the majority of which are provided by VCS organisations

4 Commissioning Intention There is a clear distinction in current service provision between clinical and non-clinical services.  We propose to bring together all of the clinical provision, and separately bring together non clinical provision into two separate contracts.  We propose to use a phased approach to the commissioning of these two contracts.

5 It is expected that all clinical provision will be commissioned under a single, integrated clinical contract  This will include the following current services : GUM, CASH, Psychosexual, Chlamydia Screening (currently delivered by Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust), Chlamydia Tests (currently delivered by Public Health England), LARCS and Emergency Contraception (currently delivered by GPs and Pharmacies).

6  Delivery of sexual health clinical services in community settings will be a key priority, including delivery across pharmacy and general practice settings.  It is therefore expected that sexual health services delivered by GPs and Pharmacies will form part of the clinical arrangements and therefore the successful provider(s) of the new integrated clinical contract will be required to manage and monitor delivery within pharmacy and general practice settings.

7  This will also apply to the current contract with Public Health England for Chlamydia Testing.  This will allow for strengthened clinical governance and improved opportunities for staff training.

8 The objectives that we are trying to achieve in facilitating environments for collaboration are:  To maintain a mixed economy in Newcastle in order to deliver high quality provision;  To maintain existing skills and experience which is firmly placed within communities and is responsive to the needs of service users;  To deliver efficiencies;  To draw out innovative proposals for new responses;  To create financially sustainable solutions, for individuals and the sexual health service system

9 Benefits of this model  Clarity of organisations and support available to meet the needs of communities  Allows for commissioning opportunities within both markets (clinical and non-clinical)  Improves opportunities for ongoing training of staff to meet required standards for delivery of clinical sexual health services  Strengthened clinical governance

10  Addresses access and inequalities in sexual health by delivering a more diverse model which addresses wider determinants  Provides flexibility to respond to emerging issues in sexual health

11 Any questions?

12 Procurement Documents Broadly utilising the OPEN PROCEDURE under the ‘Light Touch Regime’ You will have these documents within the tender pack.  ITT Part 1 - Introduction and organisation’s guide to the process;  ITT Part 2 - Instructions and details of Contract;  ITT Schedule 1 – Service Specification  ITT Schedule 2 – The Contract  ITT Schedule 3 – Form of Tender including the Pricing Schedule  ITT Schedule 4 – Certificate of Non Collusion and Non Canvassing  ITT Schedule 5 – Tender Response Form  ITT Schedule 6 – Pre-Qualification Questionnaire  ITT Schedule 7 – TUPE Information l

13 ITT Schedule 1 – Service Specification The Service Specification includes the following 5 sections: Section 1: Background to the requirement Section 2: Summary of Service Section 3: Key Delivery Requirements and Service Model Section 4: Performance and other special requirements Section 5: Additional guidance relevant to Service Specification

14 ITT Schedule 2 – The Contract The Contract includes all of the obligations you will have to perform under the Contract The Contract will include: Contract Particulars including the Pricing Schedule and any specific provisions for the Contract, for example, method statements, tender response forms or lists of services; the Special Terms and Conditions of Contract; the Standard Terms and Conditions of Contract

15 Insurance Clauses There will be a number of insurance requirements, for example, Employers’ Liability Insurance, Professional Indemnity Insurance, Public Liability Insurance.

16 ITT Schedule 3 – Form of Tender and ITT Schedule 4 – Certificate of Non Collusion and Non Canvassing ITT Schedules 3 and 4 must be signed by Tenderers. The Schedule 3 - Form of Tender includes an Appendix - Pricing Schedule. The Pricing Schedule has 2 Parts. Part 2 is in the form of an excel spreadsheet which tenderers will need to complete.

17 ITT Schedule 5 – Tender Response Form Responses on this form will be used to assess tenders against the scoring criteria. There will be a question covering Social Value. All questions should be individually answered and be no more than the word length identified for each question, using a minimum of Arial font, point 12. Don’t assume we know your organisation, write as if to a new customer, give us sufficient detail

18 Each question will be evaluated in accordance with the below: ScoreClassification 100Exceptional response in all areas 90 Exceptional response with some minor shortcomings, or very good response with some exceptional elements 80Very good response in all areas 70Very good response with some minor shortcomings, or good response with very good elements 60Good response in all areas 50Good response with some minor shortcomings, or acceptable response with good elements 40Acceptable response in all areas 30 Acceptable response with some minor shortcomings, or poor response with some acceptable elements 20Poor response in all areas 10Very poor response that is significantly below expectations in all areas 0No response, or inappropriate response in all areas

19 ITT Schedule 6 – Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) The PQQ document will be based on the Crown Commercial Services model and asks about different aspects of an organisations business as follows:  SECTION 1 - Supplier information  SECTION 2 - Grounds for mandatory exclusion  SECTION 3 - Grounds for discretionary exclusion  SECTION 4 - Economic and Financial Standing  SECTION 5 - Technical and Professional Ability  SECTION 6A - Project specific questions to assess Technical and Professional Ability  SECTION 6B - Project specific questions to assess Insurance  SECTION 6C - Project specific questions to assess Equalities  SECTION 6D - Project specific questions to assess Health and Safety  SECTION 6E - Project specific questions to assess Environmental Management The Council uses the above information to assess the suitability of an organisation to deliver the contract. l

20 Consortiums If you are bidding on behalf of a proposed consortium, you must provide: ●Full details of all consortium members; ●the lead member of the consortium who will be contractually responsible for delivery of the contract (if a separate legal entity is not being created); and  if the consortium is not proposing to form a legal entity, full details of the proposed arrangements within a separate Appendix  Please note each member of any consortium delivering any part of the services under the Contract must answer all sections of the PQQ as part of a single composite response to the Authority i.e. each member of the consortium is required to complete the form. l ITT Schedule 6 – Pre Qualification Questionnaire

21 Bidding Organisations with elements of sub-contract arrangements If you are an organisation bidding for the Contract opportunity and you are intending to sub-contract elements of the contract requirements, then you will need to: ●Provide details of who you are intending to sub-contract to; and ●Confirm that you will take responsibility to ensure your sub- contractors adhere to all requirements of the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) l ITT Schedule 6 – Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ)

22  Supplier Information (Section 1) Required for information only Set out the details about your organisation  Grounds for Mandatory (Section 2) / Discretionary (Section 3) Exclusion Demonstrates that you are not in breach of the EU Public Contract Regulations 2015, for example if you have any convictions you need to declare them If you confirm you or your organisation has been convicted of any of the offences or acts, the Council reserves the right to disqualify you from the process at this point in the evaluation Evaluated on a pass/fail basis l

23 ITT Schedule 6 – Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ)  Economic and Financial Standing (Section 4) Demonstrates your level of economic and financial capacity Your organisation will need to confirm that you have met the terms of all of your financial agreements and obligations or provide a satisfactory bankers’ reference Evaluated on a Pass/Fail basis l

24 ITT Schedule 6 – Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ)  Technical and Professional Ability (Section 5 and 6A) Section 5 - Demonstrates your ability to deliver the services required for the delivery of the Contract, through relevant experience and examples Section 6A1 - Demonstrates specific questions relating to the technical and professional ability in relation to Safeguarding. This question will be scored. Section 6A2 - Demonstrates specific questions relating to the technical and professional ability in relation to appropriate registration with the health and social care regulator for England. l

25 ITT Schedule 6 – Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ)  Insurance (Section 6B)  You will need to self-certify whether you already have, or can commit to obtain, prior to the commencement of the Contract, the levels of insurance cover indicated in the tender documents  This question will be scored on a pass/fail basis  Compliance with Equality Legislation (Section 6C)  You will be asked if there has been any finding of unlawful discrimination made against your organisation  You will be asked if there has been a complaint upheld following an investigation by the Equality and Human Rights Commission or its predecessors (or a comparable body in any jurisdiction other than the UK), on grounds or alleged unlawful discrimination?  This question will be scored on a pass/fail basis l

26 ITT Schedule 6 – Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ)  Health and Safety (Section 6D)  Your Organisation will need to confirm that you comply with current legislation  Your Organisation will need to confirm that you have arrangements in place to comply with Health and Safety and Fire Safety legislation  Environmental Management (Section 6E)  You will be asked if you have been convicted of breaching environmental legislation. These questions will be scored on a pass/fail basis l

27 How to tender for the opportunities

28  A contract notice will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). It will display the NEPO tender portal reference numbers where you can view the contract opportunities  All Tender documentation will only be published on the NEPO Electronic Tendering portal at website -  In order to be considered for the opportunity, please register your details free of charge on the above NEPO Electronic Tendering Portal. Once registered you can express an interest in the Contract and download the tender documentation.  You can register your details on the NEPO Electronic Tendering Portal by entering the ‘Suppliers Area’ and following the registration instructions  If you are experiencing a problem please read the reference guides by clicking the icon  New NEPO platform went live 23 May - has improved interface, easier to use and self-sufficient l

29 The New NEPO Portal  To view new functionality, guidance and video tutorials visit:  Website:  NEPO Portal Support: Tel: 01670 597137 Email:

30 Timescales  30 August 2016 – OJEU notice will be published  W/C 30 August 2016 – Tender Documents will be published on the NEPO Electronic Tendering Portal  7 October 2016 – Deadline for the return of all tender documents (via NEPO Electronic Tendering Portal)  W/C 10 October 2016 – Evaluations / Clarifications  End of October 2016 – Obtain approval to award the Contracts  W/C 14 November 2016 – Newcastle City Council will announce its intention to award the Contract and adhere to the 10 day Alcatel standstill period  29 November 2016 – Contract Award  16 January 2017 – Contract will commence All timescales are subject to change. l

31 Procurement Documents Questions and Answers For audit trail purposes all queries relating to the published tender information must be raised electronically via the NEPO Electronic Tendering Portal, within the Discussion Area. Newcastle City Council will respond through this system so it is visible to all Tenderers where appropriate Please note that our responses to any queries or clarification requests will be circulate to all Tenderers unless the Council’s deems it to be Provider specific Please leave sufficient time to allow the Council to respond to your questions and raise your queries no less than four working days before the tender return date Please ensure you allow sufficient time to upload your tender submission to the NEPO Electronic Tendering Portal, as a one-second delay over the deadline results in the system deeming your submission as a late tender submission. This may result in your Tender not being considered l

32 Next Steps  Contract Notice in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) was published 30 August awaiting confirmation  A Notice will also be published on Contracts Finder (the Governments Central Portal)  Tender Documents published Friday 2 September 2016 or the following week depending when the reference comes through from the European Commission l

33 Procurement Contact The Procurement Officer responsible for the procurement activity is Kirsty Williams, Telephone: 0191 211 5389; E-mail: Please remember for audit purposes all questions regarding the tender must be raised via the electronic tendering portal through the Discussion Area and not to Kirsty’s personal Please remember to give yourself enough time to upload your tender submission. l

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