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Dreiszker | Ernst | Karner | Barilits. Facts  a dependent, homogeneous organization  founded on 24 October 1945  191 Members  very important ones:

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Presentation on theme: "Dreiszker | Ernst | Karner | Barilits. Facts  a dependent, homogeneous organization  founded on 24 October 1945  191 Members  very important ones:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dreiszker | Ernst | Karner | Barilits

2 Facts  a dependent, homogeneous organization  founded on 24 October 1945  191 Members  very important ones: China, France, Russia, UK and USA  two newest countries: Switzerland and Timor-Leste  UN headquarters located in NYC  area is not part of the US  international territory

3 Functionality  members meet in General Assembly  each country has single vote  no decision taken by the Assembly is binding  actions depend on the will of Member States  UN requires a complex, often slow process of consensus-building

4 Principles  all Member States  have sovereign equality  must mind the Charter  should try to assist the United Nations  Countries must  try to settle their differences by peaceful means  avoid using force or threatening to use force

5 Principal Organs  international security council  court of justice  general assembly  economic and social council  trusteeship council  secretariat

6 Purpose of the UN  work for peace on earth  nations base on principals of  justice  human dignity  the well-being of all people “help make the Earth a secure and hospitable home for present and future generations”

7 Aims of the UN  keep peace in the world  set up of friendly relations between nations  Cooperation in  improvement of living conditions  elimination of poverty  stopping environmental destruction  support of respect for each other's rights  be a centre for helping nations

8 Official Languages  Arabic  Chinese  English  French  Russian  Spanish

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