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Published byMaryann Banks Modified over 8 years ago
ASIA-PACIFIC STRATEGY AND ACTION FOR EFA BY 2015 10 th Regional Meeting of National EFA Coordinators and Regional Launch of the 2009 EFA Global Monitoring Report Ko-Chih Tung
Overview and Rationale Strategy to support National Action to Reach the Unreached in Education by 2015 Vision, Strategy, Modality and Milestones, exp. Outputs EFA Purpose, Content and Delivery Systems Institutionalize DFU Strategy 11
Progress in EFA Coordination 1990 Jomtien EFA Goals NAP 1: national aggregate targets 2000 Dakar Gaps NAP 2: expanded and elaborated target groups 2006-7 AP National MDA sub-national gaps NAP 3: reaching the unreached & delivering to the under-served 2008 Asia-Pacific Policy Reviews National, Sub-Regional and Regional policy recommendations 2009 Asia-Pacific Implementation Strategies NAP 4: accelerated implementation & evidence-based policy and results-oriented management
Strategy to Support National Action to Reach the Unreached in Education by 2015 1. Vision – purpose, content and delivery 2. Expected Outcomes – the strategic objectives 3. Expected Outputs – updated NAP, sub- regional and regional support strategies 4. Timeline and Milestones 5. Modality: who does what?
ISSUES TO CONSIDER IN STRATEGY FORMULATION 10 th Regional Meeting of National EFA Coordinators and Regional Launch f the 2009 EFA Global Monitoring Report
Quality: “Several proxy indicators are generally used to measure quality of education … however, measures of learning achievement are incomplete, as they are often limited to basic skills […] and do not include values, capacities and other non- cognitive skills that are also important aims of education” (p. 245) Skills: “Strong performance in science and awareness of global environmental problems tend to go hand in hand, and both are associated with a sense of responsibility supporting sustainable environmental management” (p. 37)
EFA and ESD EFA (education inputs / equal access) ESD (education outcomes / learning society) Access to education Meeting individual learning needs Content Skills Values Relevant pedagogy RBA Gender
“Education embodies the world we want for our children”: ESD respect, value and preserve the achievements of the past; appreciate the wonders and the peoples of the Earth; live in a world where all people have sufficient food for a healthy and productive life; assess, care for and restore the state of our Planet; create and enjoy a better, safer, more just world; and be caring citizens who exercise their rights and responsibilities locally, nationally and globally.
Cross-sectoral collaboration seen as essential for linking ESD to EFA, the MDGs in order to address national sustainable development priorities; Education not only needs to be included on the national agenda, but also incorporated into national sustainable development and poverty reduction strategies; “Progress in education depends critically on progress in other areas, including poverty reduction, nutrition and public health. While education sector planning has become stronger, it remains weakly integrated with wider poverty reduction strategies” (GMR 2009, p. 21); Opportunities exist to link EFA and ESD in practical terms through national coordinating bodies and coordinators for both initiatives. Strengthening links between education planning and poverty reduction strategies
Major challenges/obstacles to effective teacher education & training Shortage of qualified trained teachers (especially in remote areas), and in specific subjects, and inequitable deployment. Shortage of female teachers in some countries but also ‘feminization’ of the teaching profession in other countries Lack of coordination between the different teacher education/training institutions Poor working conditions and status of teachers High rate of turn-over in the teaching profession Difficulty in attracting young talented people to the teaching profession Lack of resources for continual professional development of teachers
Good practice strategies Distance learning or holiday training to upgrade practicing teachers Professional support and close supervision to practicing teachers, and teacher networking Introduce teacher-to-teacher mentoring system in schools Target recruitment of teachers from disadvantaged/ underrepresented groups, such as females/males, ethnic/linguistic minority groups, etc. Special allowances for teachers serving in remote areas High starting pay for teachers to attract young talented people Develop career structure such as master teachers, senior supervisors, subject panel chairs,…etc for teachers
Age Non-formal basic education Continuing Education (non-formal & informal) School Education Population (%)
Major challenges/obstacles Policy and planning Many governments and donors have less attention to NFE Lack of planning and implementation of post-literacy and CE Lifelong learning mentioned in policy, but not in mplementation Quality Lack of qualified personnel and training mechanisms in NFE Lack quality and standardization in NFE Weak linkages with formal education and other sectors Accessibility Large number of children, youth & adults do not have access to school and learning e.g. ethnic minorities, people with disabilities Monitoring and evaluation Lack of data and information on NFE, difficult to assess learning outcomes
Good practice strategies in the region Policy and planning Promote evidence-based policy making and fostering policy dialogues Research identifying good practices in lifelong learning Community participation and ownership Quality Equivalency programmes of basic and vocational education towards LLL Use of mother tongue –based literacy programmes and multilingual education Empowering people with disability in learning and development through social integration Integrate life skills in all literacy and NFE programmes, curriculum and activities
Accessibility Establish community-based learning centres e.g. CLCs Make various learning means available esp. through ICT e.g. distance learning Create literate environments for lifelong learning e.g. mobile library using local vehicle or animals Monitoring and evaluation NFE & CLC MIS Good practice strategies in the region
EFA Purpose, Content and Delivery Systems
Institutionalize DFU Strategy 11
Pre-Primary ASIA Enrolment Gross enrolment ratio Net Enrolment RateTeaching StaffTrained Teacher Year 2007-2008 2008-20092007-2008 Country MFF MF MF MF F%MF%M%F Armenia 4801524439514657... 50595044... Afghanistan... Azerbaijan... Bangladesh... Bhutan... Brunei Darussalam 117405761504951444345... 555537... Cambodia 1304586568713 14131213... 47364516... China... Democratic People's Republic of Korea... Georgia 7792239921575362413944... 7259... Hong Kong (China), SAR 14078367729... 1038410298967196 India... Indonesia... Iran, Islamic Republic of 561399288130545157... 3170223303747872 Japan... Kazakhstan 33089715991238 3739 383108730763... Kyrgyzstan 624353117816151613... 24622435424442 Lao People's Democratic Republic... Macao, China 9301454985 807981... 4774759810098 Malaysia... Maldives... Mongolia 9470247840545255464548... 32623255928692 Myanmar... Nepal 553983264890383938... Pakistan... Philippines... Republic of Korea... Singapore... Sri Lanka... Tajikistan 61236283749109776... 4847 82- Thailand 25110391230840949394868586... 9908677364... Timor-Leste... Turkmenistan... Uzbekistan 56221826736127 26... 6064257621100 Viet Nam...
PACIFICPre-Primary DataEnrolment Gross enrolment ratio Net Enrolment Rate Teaching Staff Trained Teacher Year2007-2008 2008- 2009 2007-2008 CountryMFF MF MF MFMF MF F%MF%M%F Cook Islands... Fiji... Marshall Islands... Micronesia (Federated States of)... Niue... Palau... Samoa 49782498484650302930... Solomon Islands... Tokelau... Tonga... Tuvalu... Vanuatu...
ASIA Primary Gross Intake RatioNet Intake Rate Gross Enrolment Ratio Net Enrolment Rate Year 2007-20082008-20092007-20082008-2009 2007- 2008 2008- 2009 2007-20082008-2009 Country MFMF MF MF MFMFMF MF MF Armenia... Afghanistan... Azerbaijan 99... 737471... 9997... 868785... Bangladesh... Bhutan... Brunei Darussalam 98... 106105... 93... Cambodia 137141132... 858684... 124115... 899187... China... Democratic People's Republic of Korea... Georgia 106109103... 868885... 10098... 949592... Hong Kong (China), SAR 899187... 596157... India... Indonesia... Iran, Islamic Republic of 108109106... 959695... 106137... Japan... Kazakhstan 110 117 596157555753105 10810990 Kyrgyzstan 97... 596058... 9695... 848584... Lao People's Democratic Republic... Macao, China 969894... 818279... 112103... 939491... Malaysia... Maldives... Mongolia 125124126... 798078... 99101... 898889... Myanmar... Nepal 141145136... 74... 127126... 767874... Pakistan 118127109... 929985... 10183... Philippines... Republic of Korea... Singapore... Sri Lanka... Tajikistan 104106102... 10298... 979995... Thailand 777183... 106... 94... Timor-Leste 112113111... 39 40... 9388... 636462... Turkmenistan... Uzbekistan 939592... 9794... Viet Nam...
Primary PAC IFIC Gross Intake RatioNet Intake Rate Gross Enrolment Ratio Net Enrolment Rate Year2007-20082008-20092007-20082008-2009 2007- 2008 2008- 2009 2007-2008 2008- 2009 CountryMFMF MF MF MFMFMF MF MF Cook Islands... Fiji... 9693... 87 86... Marshall Islands... Micronesia (Federated States of)... 109110... Niue... Palau... Samoa 96 95... 9695... 878688... Solomon Islands... Tokelau... Tonga... Tuvalu... Vanuatu...
Education Finance ASIA Pubilc expenditure per student as a % of GDP per capita Tot Pub Expendi Edcuation Year 2007-2008 As a % of GDP As a % of t govt exp Country PrimarySecondaryTertiary Armenia... Afghanistan... Azerbaijan... 113... Bangladesh... Bhutan... Brunei Darussalam... Cambodia... 8212 China... Democratic People's Republic of Korea... Georgia... Hong Kong (China), SAR 131747423 India... Indonesia... Iran, Islamic Republic of 152228520 Japan... Kazakhstan... Kyrgyzstan... Lao People's Democratic Republic... Macao, China... Malaysia... Maldives... Mongolia 15...5 Myanmar... Nepal... Pakistan... 311 Philippines... Republic of Korea... Singapore... Sri Lanka... Tajikistan... 12318 Thailand... Timor-Leste 28... Turkmenistan... Uzbekistan... Viet Nam...
PACIFICEducation Finance Data Pubilc expenditure per student as a % of GDP per capita Total Public Expenditure on Edcuation Year 2007-2008 As a % of GDP As a % of total gov exp Country PrimarySecondaryTertiary Cook Islands... Fiji... Marshall Islands... Micronesia (Federated States of)... Niue... Palau... Samoa... Solomon Islands... Tokelau... Tonga... Tuvalu... Vanuatu...
Expected outputs of the meeting Regional Strategic Framework for Action towards Reaching the Unreached in Education and Meeting the EFA Goals by 2015 focusing on regional coordination, regional support and capacity development, monitoring and evaluation, and country processes
Strategic Objectives towards Reaching the Unreached and Underserved in Education and Meeting the EFA Goals by 2015 1.Inclusion of out-of-school children and retention of children who are at risk of dropping out of school 2.Achieve gender and social equity and equality at all levels of education, from early childhood to adult education in both formal and non-formal sectors 3.Attain basic and functional literacy for the unreached and underserved populations, with accessible and supported mother-tongue language instruction for early childhood education and the early years of schooling, and in non-formal literacy programmes 4.Achieve quality education for all, including the unreached and underserved populations, with improved quality of teaching- learning process (teachers, learning materials, curriculum, etc.) and learning outcomes
1.Institutionalize systematic and comprehensive monitoring and evaluation of EFA at the national and sub-national levels, and sub-regional and regional levels with active participation from all key partners (government, INGOs, civil society groups, UN agencies, and donors) in the process 2.Ensure adequate investment in resources to provide accessible education of good quality for all, including targeted support for the unreached and underserved populations, and the efficient and effective utilization of these resources 3.Institutionalize partnerships, technical and financial support for EFA in the Asia-Pacific region
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