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IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency RCA project on Distance Education in Radiation Oncology (RAS/6/033)

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Presentation on theme: "IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency RCA project on Distance Education in Radiation Oncology (RAS/6/033)"— Presentation transcript:

1 IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency RCA project on Distance Education in Radiation Oncology (RAS/6/033)

2 IAEA OBJECTIVE To develop distance learning materials to provide training in Radiation Oncology to overcome the shortage of well-qualified Radiation Oncologists in developing countries

3 IAEA Modality of Implementation Advisory Board Meeting with participation of representatives of RCA, AFRA and ARCAL to agree on the number of modules of distance learning material, the modality of development and pilot testing. Development of 64 CD-ROM based modules of distance learning material in 8 subject areas under two contracts were awarded to South West Sydney Area Health Services (SWSAHS) of Sydney Australia

4 IAEA Modality of Implementation (continued) Pilot testing of the distance learning material Review of the material by independent experts Release of the material to the Member States following revision based on the pilot study and expert review

5 IAEA Achievements 68 modules of distance learning material have been developed The material was pilot tested in 7 Member States of the regional agreements RCA, AFRA and ARCAL (Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Argentina, Uruguay, Morocco and Egypt) with the participation of 25 students. A Consultant’s Meeting and a Validation Workshop with the participation of all students of the pilot study was held in February 2005

6 IAEA Problems encountered Delays in the delivery of the the material to students Insufficiency of computer facilities in some countries Inability of some students to devote sufficient time for training owing to their normal duties Some Spanish and French speaking students had difficulties on account of language

7 IAEA Future activities The final version will be made available to Member States in 2006, following the completion of the revision of the material and adoption. Translation to other languages (not covered under the RCA project)

8 IAEA Expected Impact Following the completion of the project it is expected to contribute to improving the quality of Radiation Oncologists in the participating Member States.

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