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Symposium: Postoperative Management of Thyroid Cancer

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1 Symposium: Postoperative Management of Thyroid Cancer
Dynamic Estimation of Prognosis in Patients with Thyroid Cancer after Surgery Akira Miyauchi, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Surgery Kuma Hospital Center for Excellence in Thyroid Care 10th AOTA Congress, Bali, Indonesia, October 22, 2012

2 Risk Assessment and Risk Stratification
1. To plan the initial treatment: the extent of surgery 2. To tailor postoperative adjunctive therapies: RAI therapy and TSH suppressive therapy 3. To assess the patient’s risk for recurrence and mortality 4. To decide the frequency and intensity of follow-up 5. To enable accurate communication regarding a patient among health care professionals Risk assessment and risk stratification can be done 1. Preoperatively 2. Postoperatively 3. Following treatments 4. During follow-up

3 Risk Assessment and Risk Stratification
1. To plan the initial treatment: the extent of surgery 2. To tailor postoperative adjunctive therapies: RAI therapy and TSH suppressive therapy 3. To assess the patient’s risk for recurrence and mortality 4. To decide the frequency and intensity of follow-up 5. To enable accurate communication regarding a patient among health care professionals Risk assessment and risk stratification can be done 1. Preoperatively 2. Postoperatively 3. Following major treatments 4. During follow-up

4 AJCC/UICC TNM Classification System
Tumor size Extrathyroid extension Node metastasis Distant metastasis Age Gender Histological findings: aggressive variants, vascular invasion T status N status cTNM Stage M status 45 years Extent of Surgery pTNM Stage Postoperative Management of the Patients: Thyroid Ablation, TSH Suppressive Therapy, Frequency and Intensity of Follow-up

5 AJCC/UICC TNM Classification System
Tumor size Extrathyroid extension Node metastasis Distant metastasis Age Gender Histological findings: aggressive variants, vascular invasion T status N status cTNM Stage M status 45 years Extent of Surgery pTNM Stage Postoperative Management of the Patients: Thyroid Ablation, TSH Suppressive Therapy, Frequency and Intensity of Follow-up

6 AJCC/UICC TNM Classification System
Tumor size Extrathyroid extension Node metastasis Distant metastasis Age Gender Histological findings: aggressive variants, vascular invasion T status N status cTNM Stage M status 45 years Extent of Surgery pTNM Stage Postoperative management of the patients: thyroid ablation, TSH suppressive therapy, frequency and intensity of follow-up

7 ATA Risk of Recurrence Classification
for Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma Low risk All of the following are present 1) No local or distant metastases 2) All macroscopic tumor has been resected 3) No invasion of locoregional tissues 4) No aggressive histology tall cell, insular, columnar cell carcinoma vascular invasion 5) If 131I is given, no uptake outside the thyroid bed Intermediate risk Any of the following is present 1) Microscopic invasion into the perithyroidal soft tissue 2) Cervical lymph node metastasis or 131I uptake outside the thyroid bed on the RxWBS done after thyroid remnant ablation 3) Tumor with aggressive histology or vascular invasion High risk Any of the following is present 1) Macroscopic tumor invasion 2) Incomplete tumor resection 3) Distant metastases 4) Thyroglobulinemia out of proportion to what is seen on the posttreatment scan Cooper DS, et al. Revised American Thyroid Association management guidelines for patients with thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer. Thyroid 19: , 2009.

8 Ongoing Risk Stratification
Response to Initial Therapy Definitions Excellent response All of the following 1) Suppressed and stimulated Tg < 1 ng/ml 2) Neck US without evidence of disease 3) Cross-sectional and / or nuclear medicine imaging negative (if performed) Acceptable response Any of the following is present 1) Suppressed Tg < 1 ng/ml and stimulated Tg > 1ng and < 10 ng/ml 2) Neck US with nonspecific changes or stable subcentimeter lymph nodes 3) Cross-sectional and / or nuclear medicine imaging with nonspecific changes, although not completely normal Incomplete response Any of the following is present 1) Suppressed Tg > 1ng/ml or stimulated Tg > 10 ng/ml 2) Rising Tg values 3) Persistent or newly identifies disease on cross-sectional and / or nuclear medicine imaging Evaluate based on response to initial therapy during the first 2 years Tuttle RM, Leboeuf R. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 37:419-35, 2008. Tuttle RM, et al. Thyroid 20:1341-9, 2010.

9 Re-staging Based on Response to Initial Therapy Definitions
Excellent response Acceptable response Incomplete response Clinical outcome after re-staging (n = 159) (n = 95) (n = 217) No evidence of disease 96% 87% 4% (n = 245) 153 84 8 Persistent disease, bichemical evidence 0% 13% 39% (n = 96) 11 85 Persistent disease, structurally identifiable 57% (n = 124) 124 Recurrent disease (n = 6) 6 Tuttle RM, et al. Thyroid 20:1341-9, 2010.

10 Delayed Risk Stratification
Evaluated 8-12 months after the initial therapy with surgery and ablation Low risk (Clinical Remission) All of the following are present 1) Undetectable basal and stimulated Tg 2) Negative TgAb 3) No evidence of disease on clinical examination, neck US, diagnostic 131I WBS when performed High risk (Persistent Disease) Any of the following is present 1) Any evidence of disease on clinical examination, neck US or other imaging studies 2) Detectable basal/stimulated serum Tg Castagna MG, et al.: Delayed risk stratification, to include the response to initial treatment (surgery and radioiodine ablation), has better outcome predictivity in differentiated thyroid cancer patients. Eur J Endocrinol.165:441-6, 2011

11 8-12 months after initial treatment
ATA ETA Intermediate/high risk Low risk High risk New 8-12 months after initial treatment Remission Diseased Changes in risk groups according to delayed risk stratification Castagna MG, et al. Eur J Endocrinol 165: 441-, 2011

12 Clinical outcome at the end of follow-up according to ETA, ATA, and DRS
Final outcome Remission Persistent disease Recurrence Mortality ETA Low risk (n 231) 211 (91.4%) * 14 (6.1%) 6 (2.5%) 0 (0%) High risk (n 281) 173 (61.6%) # 92 (32.8%) ## 8 (2.8%) ATA Low risk (n 244) 221 (90.8%) * 15 (6.0%) 8 (3.2%) Intermediate/high risk (n 268) 163 (60.8%) # 91 (33.9%) ## 6 (2.3%) 8 (3.1%) DRS Low risk (n 353) 341 (96.6%) * 12 (3.4%) High risk (n 159) 43 (27.1%) # 106 (66.6%) ## 2 (4.0%) 8 (5.2%) *P = 0.005; #P < ; ##P < Castagna MG, et al.: Delayed risk stratification, to include the response to initial treatment (surgery and radioiodine ablation), has better outcome predictivity in differentiated thyroid cancer patients. Eur J Endocrinol.165:441-6, 2011

13 Proposal of an Alternative Approach
Dynamic estimation of prognosis in patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma who underwent total thyroidectomy In patients without thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb): Postoperative serum Tg & Thyroglobulin-doubling time (Tg-DT) 2. In patients with TgAb: Change in serum TgAb concentration

14 Papillary and Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma
Derive from thyroid follicular cells Produce thyroglobulin (Tg) Serum Tg could be a tumor marker 1. Normal thyroid tissue also produces Tg. Patients who underwent total thyroidectomy 2. Presence of TgAb interferes Tg measurements. Patients without detectable TgAb 3. Serum Tg values vary according to TSH levels. Serum Tg values measured at TSH < 0.1 μ IU/ml

15 Papillary and Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma
Derive from thyroid follicular cells Produce thyroglobulin (Tg) Serum Tg could be a tumor marker 1. Normal thyroid tissue also produces Tg. Patients who underwent total thyroidectomy 2. Presence of TgAb interferes Tg measurements. Patients without detectable TgAb 3. Serum Tg values vary according to TSH levels. Serum Tg values measured at TSH < 0.1 μ IU/ml

16 Patients with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
1. Underwent total thyroidectomy between January 1998 and December 2004 2. Negative TgAb test results 3. 4 or more measurements of serum Tg under TSH < 0.1 μ IU/ml 426 patients (female: 349, male: 77) Age: 14 to 81 years (mean: 51.5 years) Follow up period: 20 to 143 months (median: 86.7 months)

17 Representative results of kinetic analyses on serial serum thyroglobulin measurements
log (y) = x Tg-DT = years log (y) = x Tg-DT = years Thyroglobulin (ng/ml) Thyroglobulin (ng/ml) Times (years) Times (years) log (y) = x Tg-DT = years log (y) = x Tg-DT = years Thyroglobulin (ng/ml) Thyroglobulin (ng/ml) Times (years) Times (years) Miyauchi, A. et al.: Thyroid, 21: , 2011

18 Distribution of the Patients According to Tg-DT
Number of Patients according to Tg-DT calculated using Group Tg-DT status All available data Only first four data 1 <1 year 17 ( 4.0%) 20 ( 4.7%) 2 1-3 years 21 ( 4.9%) 22 ( 4.9%) 3 >3 years 30 ( 7.0%) 26 ( 6.1%) 4 Negative value 69 (16.2%) 5 Not calculated 88 (20.7%) 6 Tg not detectable 201 (47.2%) Biochemically Persistent Disease Equivocal Biochemical Rem. Miyauchi, A. et al. Thyroid, 21: , 2011

19 Disease-specific survival
Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time (years) Survival Tg-DT <1 Tg-DT 1-3 Tg-DT >3 Tg-DT negaive value Tg-DT not calcutated Tg not dettectable a c b Disease-specific survival TNM Stage Tg-DT (All data) Tg-DT (first 4 data) Miyauchi, A. et al.: Thyroid, 21: , 2011

20 Diseae-specific survival in relation to clinical, pathological
and biological variables in patients with Tg-DT. Variables HR (95% CI) P value Multivariate Age: > 55 vs. < 55 8.26 ( ) 0.0543 NS 0.4751 Male vs. female 4.89 ( ) 0.0525 0.0671 T: > 4 cm vs. < 4 cm 4.15 ( ) 0.0814 0.3441 Ex: 2 vs 12.52 ( ) 0.0211 0.0908 N: 1b vs a 6.64 ( ) 0.0289 0.2688 M: 1 vs. 0 8.24 ( ) 0.0571 0.0876 pN: 1b vs a 3.02 ( ) 0.2063 0.9303 Radioiodine accumulation: No vs. Yes 4.64 ( ) 0.1619 0.8159 Tg-DT: Group 1 vs. 2 – 4 47.06 ( ) 0.0005 S 0.0035 Ex: extra-thyroidal extension, Ex 0: no extension, Ex 1: minimal extension, Ex 2: massive extension. For each variable, the item on the left side showed worse outcome than that on the right. On univariate analysis, data from all patients were used, while data from only patients in Groups 1 to 4 were used for multivariate analysis, since Tg-DT was not calculated in Groups 5 and 6. Miyauchi, A. et al.: Thyroid, 21: , 2011

21 Miyauchi, A. et al.: Thyroid, 21:707-709, 2011 TNM Stage
.2 .4 .6 .8 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Time (years) Distant metastases Tg-DT <1 Tg-DT 1-3 Tg-DT >3 Tg-DT negaive value Tg-DT not calcutated # a c b Miyauchi, A. et al.: Thyroid, 21: , 2011 TNM Stage Tg-DT (All data) Tg-DT (first 4 data) # * Tg-DT negaive value  Tg not dettectable

22 Loco-regional recurrence
.2 .4 .6 .8 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Time (years) Recurrence Tg-DT <1 Tg-DT 1-3 Tg-DT >3 Tg-DT negaive value Tg-DT not calcutated Tg not dettectable a c b TNM Stage Tg-DT (All data) Tg-DT (first 4 data) Miyauchi, A. et al.: Thyroid, 21: , 2011

23 TgAb Positive Patients with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
Problem: Serum Tg measurements are unreliable. Patients who had decrease in serum TgAb concentrations following thyroid ablation had better prognosis than patients who did not, or patients who had increase in serum TgAb concentrations. Kim WG, et a.: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 93: , 2008

24 TgAb Positive Patients with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
We reviewed the medical records of 225 TgAb positive patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma who underwent total thyroidectomy between April 2002 and March 2007 in Kuma Hospital and who had periodical measurements of TgAb. Most of them did not receive thyroid ablation. We evaluated the relationship between changes in serum TgAb concentrations within 2 years and prognosis.

25 Changes in TgAb Concentration within 2 years
Decreased by >50% Decreased by <50% or increase Patients 181 (80.4%) 44 (19.6%) Age (years) Follow up period (years)

26 Outcome in Relation to Changes in TgAb Concentrations
Decreased by >50% Decreased by <50% or increase Patients 181 (80.4%) 44 (19.6%) Death of the disease 0 ( 0.0%) 3 ( 6.8%) Distant metastases 3 ( 1.7%) 5 (11.4%) Loco-regional recurrence 5 ( 2.8%) 7 (15.9%) No recurrence 174 (96.1%) 37 (84.1%)

27 Disease Free Survivals According to Change in TgAb Concentration
Distant metastasis free survival Years after surgery Loco-regional recurrence free survival Decreased Not decreased カプランマイヤー法を用い低下群、非低下群の予後について検討しました。 術後5年におけるリンパ節再発を認めない生存率は、低下群、96.9%、非低下群、90.5%でした。遠隔再発を認めない生存率は、低下群98.9%、非低下群90.1%でした。 リンパ節、遠隔臓器について、無再発生存率に、両群間で有意差がみられ、非低下群は、低下群と比較して予後が悪いといえます。

28 Analysis on prognostic factors for distant metastases
Log-rank statistics P HR (95% CI) Male gender 3.07 0.080 2.82 ( ) 0.230 Age >55 years 2.68 0.102 2.85 ( ) 0.166 Tumor >4cm 4.90 0.021 1.95 ( ) 0.397 N1b 5.32 0.060 2.88 ( ) 0.212 Ex2 6.25 0.013 4.29 ( ) 0.058 TgAb not decreased 8.01 <0.001 4.62 ( ) 0.047 Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis

29 Analysis on prognostic factors for loco-regional recurrence
Univariate analysis Log-rank statistics P HR (95% CI) Male gender 1.02 0.312 1.45 ( ) 0.635 Age >55 years 4.71 0.030 3.45 ( ) 0.045 Tumor >4cm 1.82 0.136 1.25 ( ) 0.747 N1b 5.45 0.019 3.46 ( ) 0.065 Ex2 0.63 0.428 1.22 ( ) 0.797 TgAb not decreased 12.9 <0.001 4.86 ( ) 0.009 Multivariate analysis

30 10874XXX 67 y-o woman with PTC Surgery TgAb PTC 1.7 cm
Total thyroidectomy with CND Pathological Dx: PTC, pT3, pN0, MIB1 LI 2+ (5-10%)

31 Dynamic Estimation of Prognosis for Patients with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
Preoperatively: Extent of Surgery Postoperative managements: thyroid ablation, TSH suppressive therapy, frequency and intensity of follow-up. Change in serum TgAb Tg & Tg-DT Patients without TgAb Patients with TgAb cTNM Stage Dynamic evaluation After Total Thyroidectomy:

32 Dynamic Estimation of Prognosis for Patients with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
Preoperatively: Extent of Surgery Postoperative managements: thyroid ablation, TSH suppressive therapy, frequency and intensity of follow-up. Change in serum TgAb Tg & Tg-DT Patients without TgAb Patients with TgAb cTNM Stage Dynamic evaluation After Total Thyroidectomy:

33 Thank you for your attention. From Kobe to the world.


35 59 y-o woman with papillary carcinoma
Total thyroidectomy with left MND in May 2006. Pathology: papillary thyroid carcinoma with columnar cell, solid, trabecular, and insular component

36 59 y-o woman with PTC Electronic medical record system in Kuma Hospital Surgery 131I 13 mCi 131I 100 mCi Thyroglobulin TSH

37 59 y-o woman with PTC Electronic medical record system in Kuma Hospital Surgery 131I 13 mCi 131I 100 mCi Thyroglobulin TSH

38 Doubling Time Calculator
59 y-o woman with PTC Date Tg Tg-DT (years)

39 59 y-o woman with PTC

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