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Axial Skeleton Ch. 7. Two types of bone markings Depressions – cavities that indent the bone Projections – processes that grow out of the bone Add - fontanelles.

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Presentation on theme: "Axial Skeleton Ch. 7. Two types of bone markings Depressions – cavities that indent the bone Projections – processes that grow out of the bone Add - fontanelles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Axial Skeleton Ch. 7

2 Two types of bone markings Depressions – cavities that indent the bone Projections – processes that grow out of the bone Add - fontanelles

3 Fontanelles Dense connective tissue filled space between skull bones at birth

4 Fissure Narrow, slit-like opening between adjacent parts of a bone, through which vessels and nerves pass

5 Foramen An opening through which blood vessels, nerves, or ligaments pass

6 Fossa Depression in or on a bone

7 Groove or sulcus Furrow or depression that accommodates a soft structure such as a blood vessel, nerve, or tendon

8 Condyle Large, rounded articular prominence

9 Facet A smooth, flat surface

10 Head Rounded articular projection supported on the neck of a bone

11 Tuberosity Large, rounded, usually roughened process

12 Trochanter Large projection found only on the femur

13 Skull 22 bones Cranial (8) – Frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid Facial (14) – Nasal, maxillae, zygomatic, mandible, lacrimal, palatine, inferior nasal conchae, vomer

14 Skull

15 Sutures Immovable joint found between skull bones Begin to ossify between age 20-30 Sutures – Coronal – between frontal bone and 2 parietal bones – Sagittal – between two parietal bones – Lambdoid – between parietal bones and occipital bone – Squamous – between parietal bones and temporal bones

16 Sutures

17 Vertebral Column 26 vertebrae Numbered by region – C-1, T-5, L-3, etc. 5 regions – Cervical (neck) – 7 – Thoracic (chest) – 12 – Lumbar (lower back) – 5 – Sacrum – 5 fused – Coccyx – 4 fused

18 Vertebral Column Spinal curvatures – one for each region

19 Vertebrae C-1 – atlas; C-2 – axis

20 Rib Cage 1-7 are true ribs – attached to sternum 8-12 are false ribs – no attached to sternum 11-12 are floating ribs – not attached to anything Intercostal space – space between ribs

21 Rib Cage and Sternum Clavicle Xyphoid process Sternum

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