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Gender-Sensitive Information Society in Austria

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1 Gender-Sensitive Information Society in Austria
Mag.a Birgit Weiss Department of Gender and Diversity in Organizations Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration Gender-sensitive Information Society in Austria Mag.a Birgit Weiss, Gender and Diversity in Organizations, WU Vienna

2 Internet usage in Europe
USER in 1.000 age Access in % Internet usage in Europe „Im 2. Quartal 2003 war es für 59 % der Österreicher, die älter als 14 Jahre sind, "grundsätzlich möglich", auf das Internet zuzugreifen. 53 % der Österreicher sind Internet-User, dies entspricht etwa Personen ab 14 Jahren“ Source: Gender-sensitive Information Society in Austria Mag.a Birgit Weiss, Gender and Diversity in Organizations, WU Vienna

3 Austrian Internet Monitor (AIM), 2nd quarter, 2003
44% of Internet users in Austria are female (42% of heavy users) Source: Gender-sensitive Information Society in Austria Mag.a Birgit Weiss, Gender and Diversity in Organizations, WU Vienna

4 Information Society in Austria: Gender-Sensitive ?
In the first years of Internet in Austria, the digital gap (between men and women) was much bigger Many initiatives, Internet courses, special programs (AMS/labor market-related), etc. „to bring women in“ Biggest advances for women: Internet at the workplaces (26 % of total access) and at home (50% of total access) Digital Divide: age, urban/rural spheres, jobs with/without access to the Internet, education Gender-sensitive Information Society in Austria Mag.a Birgit Weiss, Gender and Diversity in Organizations, WU Vienna

5 Female Virtual Spaces in Austria:
Feminist magazines on the web: e.g. Ceiberweiber, Mailinglists: e.g. FEMALE (in earlier days also municipia > now network milena) Networks: e.g., ARIADNE (national library) New Technologies still dominated by men Gender-sensitive Information Society in Austria Mag.a Birgit Weiss, Gender and Diversity in Organizations, WU Vienna

6 Initiative: Workshop, 21st + 22nd of October, 2003
Workshop topic: Gender-Sensitive Information and Communication Society Sponsors: Austrian Ministry of Economy and Work (bmwa) Unesco Commission Method: „Future Conference“ (envisioning our common future) Gender-sensitive Information Society in Austria Mag.a Birgit Weiss, Gender and Diversity in Organizations, WU Vienna

7 Workshop Impact Participants: Outcome:
40 experts on gender and/or ICT (in Austria) Outcome: Several project ideas: Network of participants Expert database on research and technology Conference on Life Quality and Quality of Technology Sustainability and ICT North-South project on the implementation of the WSIS Action Plan Gender-sensitive Information Society in Austria Mag.a Birgit Weiss, Gender and Diversity in Organizations, WU Vienna

8 Contact Mag.a Birgit Weiss Gender and Diversity in Organizations
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration Augasse 21/1/7 A-1090 Vienna, Austria Phone: ++43/1/ WWW: Gender-sensitive Information Society in Austria Mag.a Birgit Weiss, Gender and Diversity in Organizations, WU Vienna

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