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Games that Change: Residential Hall Energy Consumption Abstract Chain reactions often happen on a college campus and may include hearing the latest gossip,

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1 Games that Change: Residential Hall Energy Consumption Abstract Chain reactions often happen on a college campus and may include hearing the latest gossip, or learning the latest dance move. However chain reactions initiated by student sustainability fellows, residential advisors, and other individuals, can help to strengthen a community’s knowledge and change its energy consumption habits. Ursinus College ‘s annual “Power Games” encourages participation from various groups across campus with peer comparisons and incentives. This presentation will share the success and challenges associated with a competition generated by students for students, which depends on various campus groups to spark student’s behavior change. Background The Power Games is an energy reduction competition between the residential halls, which happens during the month of February. Each week, students are given a percent change to highlight the difference of electricity consumption between February 2015 and February 2016. As the weeks go on, the weekly updates of electricity consumption becomes cumulative. The hall with the largest reduction at the month wins an air hockey table. Goals To create a chain reaction among students participating in the Power Games by Holding various energy conservation focused events throughout the competition Increasing advertisement of this program: social media, emails, word of mouth Collaborating with campus groups like Greek Life, Student Activities, Sustainability Fellows, Resident Advisors Having a prize for the winning hall Challenges Coordinating with other campus groups to get the word out about the energy program Working with various campus departments like Facilities and ResLife Having students understand the importance of this program to a college campus like Ursinus Knowing RAs will share information and the weekly updates with their residents Depending on an online resource, which only a handful of campus staff use on a regular basis Unexpected campus-wide sickness Outcomes An overall chain reaction among students wasn’t noticeable, however small ones did happen Overheard conversations about the Power Games across campus RAs shared information with their residents about the Power Games including what the hall with the largest reduction receives The word was shared on Ursinus’ Sustainability Facebook page and Ursinus’ campus calendar. Sustainability Fellows also talked with RAs to remind them of this energy competition All halls reduced their cumulative electricity consumption during February NEW was the winning hall for the 2 nd year in a row Presented at a RA meeting to share the importance of having energy programs on campus and what the Power Games is all about “ After talking about ways to decrease one’s energy consumption, I decided to air dry my clothes. All my clothes dried, I just had to keep flipping some pieces over. I also had to get creative on how to hang my clothes in my room” Example of the information shared with students on a weekly basis. Hannah Marshall (, Energy Conservation Fellow, Ursinus College “ I turned off my TV before I slept, instead of letting it run” Overhearing tour guides share with prospective students about the energy competition as they stop by the Office of Sustainability bulletin board Students living on the Main Street wanted to know why there was a competition among their houses Results from the February 2015’s competition and the February 2016’s competition. “ I decided to take one for the team and make sure I plug my things like chargers from the walls before I leave my room” BPS- first year center, majority of rooms are doubles, 250 students BWC- first year center, majority of rooms are doubles and triples, 180 students NEW- upperclassmen, variety of room setups (singles, doubles, suites), 200 students NORTH- upperclassmen, variety of room setups (singles, doubles, suites), 160 students REIMERT- upperclassmen, suites, 250 students, known as the place to go on the weekends Ursinus’ Residential Halls Student Responses Ranking of the Power Games’ results.

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