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Portfolio Assessment Methods Prepared by: Patricia Carla N. Undang.

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1 Portfolio Assessment Methods Prepared by: Patricia Carla N. Undang

2 Portfolio - Is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student’s efforts, progress and achievements in one or more areas. The collection must include the student participation in selecting contents, the criteria for selection, the criteria for judging merit and evidence of student self-reflection.

3 Portfolio Assessment - Is one of the several authentic and non-traditional assessment techniques in education.

4 1. Principles of Portfolio Assessment a.A portfolio is a form of assessment that students do together with their teachers. b.A portfolio represents a selection of what the students believe are best included from among the possible collection of things related to the concept being studied.

5 c. A portfolio provides samples of the student’s work which show growth over time. d. The criteria for selecting and assessing the portfolio contents must be clear to the teacher and the students at the outset of the process.

6 2. Purposes of Portfolio Assessment 1.Portfolio assessment matches assessment to teaching. 2.Portfolio assessment has clear goals. In fact, they are decided on at the beginning of instruction and are clear to teacher and students alike.

7 3. Portfolio assessment gives a profile of learner’s abilities in terms of depth, breadth, and growth. 4. Portfolio assessment is a tool for assessing a variety of skills not normally testable in a single setting for traditional testing.

8 5. Portfolio assessment develops awareness of students’ own learning. 6. Portfolio assessment caters to individuals in a heterogeneous class.

9 7. Portfolio assessment develops social skills. Students interact with other students in the development of their own portfolio. 8. Portfolio assessment develops independent and active learners.

10 9. Portfolio assessment can improve motivation for learning and thus achievement. 10. Portfolio assessment provides opportunity for student-teacher dialogue.

11 Thank you for listening !

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