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AstroGrid and Virtual Observatories for Radio Interferometry arrays/ proposals Anita Richards Paul Harrison Noel Winstanley (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics,

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Presentation on theme: "AstroGrid and Virtual Observatories for Radio Interferometry arrays/ proposals Anita Richards Paul Harrison Noel Winstanley (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics,"— Presentation transcript:

1 AstroGrid and Virtual Observatories for Radio Interferometry arrays/ proposals Anita Richards Paul Harrison Noel Winstanley (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester)

2 Northstar/ALMA phase 1 to 2 proposal tools Dec 2007 Jive A M S Richards AG3 Desktop (beta release 2008) ● User Interface to VO services ● Components – Registry – Find Data – Work with Applications – Build Workflows – Look at results.. ● Expanded help ● (Just show some new features here)

3 Northstar/ALMA phase 1 to 2 proposal tools Dec 2007 Jive A M S Richards Automation using Scripts ● Use python, perl, C++, etc ● Access all the AstroGrid VO functionality from the command line – connecting via AstroGrid's 'Astro-Runtime' – STILTS table operations – ADQL queries – Your local functions

4 User AstroGrid workbench Task Launcher MERLINImager Position, size, n, resol n, date AstroGrid service MERLIN archive RadioNet Parseltongue FITS images VOTable description MySpace Aladin, GAIA Download MERLINImager ● Red: 18cm lobes ● Green: 6cm jets/hotspot s ● Customised images (0".1 resolution) ● No need to download massive data sets or specialised software

5 Northstar/ALMA phase 1 to 2 proposal tools Dec 2007 Jive A M S Richards VO user-steered pipelines ● Parseltongue on AIPS ● Python (etc.) DB queries for additional metadata ● Images from calibrated visibility data - MERLINImager ● Image cutouts - HDF Imager (in progress) ● UV data with calibration - currently web form ● Tony Rushton: X-ray binary data mining ● Image, find peak, shift, average uv data, extract variability curve e.g. 3-min sampling ● Split data into 4x3 MHz, measure Faraday rotation ● Limitations for public services: ● Obit temperamentality ● Limit to number of AIPS running simultaneously ~6 ● Long-term consider mix'n'match with CASA

6 Northstar/ALMA phase 1 to 2 proposal tools Dec 2007 Jive A M S Richards VO services and B2E ● Footprints ● What else is in the field/nearby calibrators ● Splatalogue ● Wrap exposure calculators etc. ● Use proposal stages to generate metadata for further stages and archive processing/access ● Services embedded at data centres (cf JIVE Aladin) ● Source extractor, cross matcher etc.? ● Develop and discuss requirements ● e.g. use CEA for process management? ● Extensions to IVOA standards? ● Authentication/restricted access/logging

7 Northstar/ALMA phase 1 to 2 proposal tools Dec 2007 Jive A M S Richards Euro-VO ● Facilities Centre - latest addition ● Testing science cases ● Data Centre Alliance ● Workshops and support for publishing data ● Questionnaire to capture requirements ● VOTech tool development e.g.: ● STILTS, TopCat, Aladin VO enhancements ● PLASTIC interoperability ● Virgo (Google Sky-like) ● NB RadioNet Training FP7 proposal ● Include proposal tool use in ERIS etc. ● RadioVO workshop ~2011

8 Northstar/ALMA phase 1 to 2 proposal tools Dec 2007 Jive A M S Richards Plastic – VO tools on the desktop ● Enables applications to 'talk' to each other – select sources in one application and these will show up in another application ● Communication protocol for client side VO tools ● Easy to adopt and extend ● Wide buy-in – tools from UK, France, USA, etc ● Developed mainly by AstroGrid

9 Northstar/ALMA phase 1 to 2 proposal tools Dec 2007 Jive A M S Richards AstroGrid Workflows: automation Taverna workflow engine developed by Manchester computer science, widely used in bio and environmental sciences

10 Northstar/ALMA phase 1 to 2 proposal tools Dec 2007 Jive A M S Richards IVOA: Interoperability Standards ● VOExporer exposes registry weaknesses – mostly in schemata/implimentation ● Images, spectra, time standards pretty OK – maybe some too complex – User-friendly metadata entry/ publication tools e.g. from DCA ● Not yet covered: – Polarization – Visibility plane quantities ● Do we need these or should we describe data in terms of the potential image/time/spectral resolution? ● Do we need a proposals standard?

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