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 have a working knowledge of all available data reports;  have a working knowledge of how to interpret data available from the PMRN; and  be able to.

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Presentation on theme: " have a working knowledge of all available data reports;  have a working knowledge of how to interpret data available from the PMRN; and  be able to."— Presentation transcript:


2  have a working knowledge of all available data reports;  have a working knowledge of how to interpret data available from the PMRN; and  be able to assist classroom teachers in making informed decisions regarding reading instruction based on PMRN/FAIR data. 2

3 Name of TestSpecific Subtests Broad Screen/Progress Monitoring Tool (BS/PMT) “All Students” Letter Naming Fluency Phonemic Awareness Word Reading Broad Diagnostic Inventory (BDI) “All” Students “Some” Students for Vocabulary Listening Comprehension -or- Reading Comprehension Vocabulary (not every AP) Spelling (2 nd grade only) Targeted Diagnostic Inventory (TDI) “Some” Students K = 9 tasks ( one optional) 1 st = 8 tasks 2 nd = 6 tasks 3

4 KINDERGARTEN  Print Awareness*  Letter Naming (UC)  Letter Naming (LC)  Phoneme Blending  Phoneme Deletion  Letter /Sound Completion – Initial  Letter /Sound Completion – Final  Word Building – Initial  Word Building- Final  Word Building – Medial Vowel GRADE 1  Letter Sound Knowledge  Phoneme Blending  Phoneme Deletion – Initial  Phoneme Deletion – Final  Word Building – Consonant  Word Building - Vowel  Word Building CVC / CVCe  Word Building - Blends GRADE 2  Word Building (4)  Multisyllabic Word Reading (2) 4

5 ©2009 Florida Department of Education Type of AssessmentName of Assessment Broad Screen/Progress Monitoring Tool (BS/PMT) – Appropriate for ‘All’ students Reading Comprehension (RC) Targeted Diagnostic Inventory (TDI) – “Some” students Maze Word Analysis (WA) 5

6 K-2  Vocabulary  Spelling (grade 2 only)  Target Passage  Reading or Listening Comprehension Questions correct 3-12  RC = Reading Comprehension  Maze  Word Analysis 6

7  Median percentile ranking for vocabulary & spelling with ‘n’ tested based on entire FL population  % of students reading at or above the ‘target’ (i.e. grade-level) passage with ‘n’ tested based on school  Total Question Correct = raw number of questions answered correctly given there are five comprehension questions (mixed literal & inferential) per passage 7

8  RC = Reading Comprehension  Maze  Word Analysis  RC – For AP1, the receives a passage based on one of the following  Grade-level & prior FCAT (if available)  Mean FCAT score for school  No less than 1 or more than 4 passages given  For AP 2 & 3 - based on FSP  MAZE – Non-adaptive – based solely on grade level  WA – adaptive – Starts with predetermined set of 5 words based on grade level. Performance here determined next set of words – 5-30 words given at each assessment 8

9  One to four passages timed with reporting categories for FCAT 2.0 and other information  Percentile Rank (PR)  Ability Score (RCAS)  Ability Range (AR)  Percentile Ranks - derived scores that are used to rank one student’s performance in relation to a specific group (i.e. students in the same grade level)… the specified group = ‘a representative sample of Florida students at the same grade level as the student’ -- NOT a percentage score identifying how many items were answered correctly. 9

10  Two 3-minute (grade level) passages  Administered 3 times a year  Students respond to embedded cloze items within a piece of (grade- level) text  Assess text reading efficiency (i.e. accuracy and speed, ‘gist-level’ comprehension  When & Who Gets MAZE Tasks? AP 1 – Students with FSP 84% or lower AP2- FSP lower than 85% or took the MAZE on AP 1 AP3- Same as above AND all students grades 6-12 rostered in PMRN for FAIR 10

11  Percentile Rank  Adjusted Maze  PR- A derived score allowing comparison of raw scores by putting them on a 100 pt scales – Norming population = all FL students taking test  AM – Adjusted for the amount of time and the differences in difficulty of individual passages (to allow for comparison across time) This can be used to compare a student’s performance across assessment periods 11

12  A 5-15 minute computer adaptive spelling task that assesses ability to understand letter/sound correspondence  Percentile Rank  Word Analysis Ability Score (WAAS) 12

13 Moving ahead… 13

14 Instructional Implications with a 100 ft view… PRS (grades K-2) = Probability of reading success … What are the chances, that given adequate and complete instruction, the student will become successful as a reader and therefore eventually, a success at, specifically - FAIR (and FCAT 2.0)? FSP (grades 3-12) = Probability of FCAT success… What are the chances, that given adequate and complete instruction, the students will reach a level 3 (proficient) on FCAT 2.0? 14

15  How can we increase the number of K students who move from low listening levels of comprehension to higher numbers?  In first grade, why are students still at the listening level when in fact, we know kindergarten instruction should have them reading?  What students are showing LC and should be RC?  What can be done to increase the rigor so that more students are in RC than LC as the year progresses? 15

16  How can we increase the number of students that score at the cut-points between ‘yellow’ & ‘green’?  Are students spending sufficient time in the MAZE to account for the score? Are they being closely monitored as they take the assessments?  What other information is necessary that isn’t available from the BSD & TDI?  What can be done to increase the rigor so that more students are successful as the year progresses? What are the gaps and how do we fill them? 16

17 17

18 Elementary 18

19  KG to Class By clicking on the “+” Clicking on a teacher name then brings up only that group 19

20  Entire grade-level broken down by each student in the grade level with a student centered lens… You can look alpha, high to low, low to high by selecting each field  Magnifying Glass allows you to see detailed report for a student… This allows you to see what kinds of questions were asked and answered correctly, percent of words read correctly, WCPM 20

21 3-8 & High School 21

22 22

23 ??? 23

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25  What can you get (as a teacher) from this report?  What task(s) have been mastered as second graders? What has been taught? What hasn’t been taught? In what order should it be taught? 25

26  Please log on to your school’s site at the PMRN login screen located at 26 Please take a few minutes to examine all the available options for your viewing as a building administrator. Remember that you can click on a reporting category and rank from high to low score or click on the “name” and use alphabetic ordering…

27  Thanks for your attention!  Let your reading coach or me know if you need/want further information regarding the FAIR test or the PMRN.  Great source of information regarding the test: regarding PMRN: 27

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