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Let’s Get Creative Successful Learners Areas of Learning As Artists we will discover the world of colour mixing our own colours and creating artworks in.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Get Creative Successful Learners Areas of Learning As Artists we will discover the world of colour mixing our own colours and creating artworks in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Get Creative Successful Learners Areas of Learning As Artists we will discover the world of colour mixing our own colours and creating artworks in the style of Picasso and Klee. As Writers we will discover what inspired Jonathan Swift to write Gulliver's Travels and write our own adventure stories based on our own inspirations. As Mathematicians we will explore how Mathematics is full of patterns that can be beautiful, decorative and complex. Confident IndividualsResponsible Citizens EnterpriseKUWSpiritual and MoralCommunities As enterprising individuals we will put together a bread recipe booklet that will be sold in the community. In our knowledge and understanding of the world we will explore art through different subjects as well as covering in our science sessions. In our spiritual and moral development we will explore the meaning of the Eucharist service, interview Bert Thomas from the diocese and look closely at how Christians celebrate Easter. In our community we will take part in a lent lunch.

2 Essentials for Learning and LifeAreas of Learning Using Communication Attitudes- Learning to Learn Historical and Geographical Understanding In English sessions we will focus on the book ;Gulliver’s Travels’ by Jonathan Swift. This book with it’s local links will give us an insight into the world of a writer. We will explore the area by Jonathan Swift’s house in Whitehaven. We will look down upon the town, coast and harbour and take in the place which gave Jonathan the inspiration to write. From this viewpoint we will collect drawings/sketches and photographs to use in our own work back at school. To imagine Bronze With help, develop ideas. Respond to the ideas of others’. Respond to questions about ideas. Act on some ideas. Silver Begin to enjoy having new ideas. Show some enthusiasm for the ideas of others. Ask some questions in order to develop ideas. Show enjoyment in trying out some ideas Gold Generate lots of ideas. Show a willingness to be wrong. Know which ideas are useful and have value. Act on ideas. Ask lots of questions. To find out what coasts are and how they are formed. To find out about the physical features of coasts and the processes of erosion that affects them. To explore different strategies of coastal management To be able to identify different types of beaches. To learn how changes in land uses will affect people and the environment in different ways. To be able to uses maps and secondary sources to research and describe coastal areas. Scientific and technological understanding In Science this half term we will be concentrating on States of matter. To compare and group materials together according to whether they are solids or liquids. To identify and explore the properties of gases. To observe that materials change state when they are heated or cooled. To understand the process of evaporation. To understand the process of condensation. To identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature. To identify solutions and mixtures before removing material from mixtures using filtering. To separate solid particles of different sizes by sieving. To understand that some solids dissolve in water to give solutions but some do not. -Find out how to recover insoluble solids from liquids by filtering. To use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how materials might be separated. To research the temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) at which materials change state. Using Mathematics We will explore Art and Mathematics together looking closely at shapes, tessellations and patterns. We will cover shape, angles, symmetry, decimals and fractions as well as calculations using all operations, times tables and division tables and word problems with more than one step. Understanding the arts In understanding the arts we will link our current work with the science unit in our last half term by looking at Isaac Newton and colour. We will experience having an artist in residence, an expert in the arts to guide us and give us inspiration. We will focus on different artists including Van Gogh. Thinking about how to create and use different tones of colour. We will begin to understand differences and similarities in the work of artists We aim to be able to mix perfect tertiary colours and mix and work with complementary and harmonious colours. Using ICT In our ICT sessions we will look at publishing our bread recipe booklet that we began to collect recipes for last half term. We will continue with putting together PowerPoint's and prezi presentations around the theme of our science work from last half term to present to parents. We will continue to use ICT to support our mathematics using Mathletics and spelling using spellodrome. Understanding physical development, health and well-being Games with Onside Sports coach Swimming at West Lakes Academy pool Rugby with Russel Gainford- working towards a Schools Rugby Tournament. Daily Go Noodle tasks during and before sessions.

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