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Medicines for managing your child’s asthma Help them breathe easy !

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Presentation on theme: "Medicines for managing your child’s asthma Help them breathe easy !"— Presentation transcript:

1 Medicines for managing your child’s asthma Help them breathe easy !

2 Today… Some simple facts about asthma What is asthma? Asthma medications Simple ways to manage asthma Any questions? 2

3 Asthma Fact 1 It’s Common Lots of us have it –1 in 6 children in Australia have asthma 3

4 Asthma fact 2 It can cause long-term damage Inflammation of airways Permanent changes Lung damage 4

5 Asthma fact 3 Managing asthma is possible How? –the right medication –used correctly –at the right time Understanding treatment is the key Pharmacists are available to help you 5 Used with permission from Microsoft.

6 Getting to know your child’s asthma Reasons for asthma: Inflammation Muscle spasm Extra mucous 6

7 7 What happens in the lungs

8 8 Triggers Pets or animal hair Plant pollens Exercise Cold air Food additives, preservatives, flavouring and colouring Pollutants Dust or Smoke Moulds and Mildew

9 Asthma symptoms vary Dry cough particularly at night, in the morning, or with exercise Wheezing or whistling sound when breathing Breathlessness Chest tightness 9

10 Relievers Provide quick relief of asthma symptoms Act within minutes Relax airway muscles Effect lasts from 3-6 hours 10

11 Symptom controllers Longer acting than relievers Relax airway muscles Often taken regularly with a preventer 11

12 Preventers Prevent –asthma symptoms –airway inflammation –lung damage Usually taken daily May take several weeks to improve symptoms Will not relieve symptoms during an asthma attack

13 Combination therapy Preventer and symptom controller together Daily use Controls inflammation and symptoms 13

14 Natural therapies Lack of scientific evidence for treating asthma Possibility of allergies Talk with your pharmacist or doctor first 14

15 Is prevention a cure? Treatment is ongoing Aim to be symptom-free! Manage with an Asthma Action Plan 15

16 What is an Asthma Action Plan? Written instructions for asthma management –Monitoring symptoms –Use of appropriate treatment –When to seek medical advice Prepared with your child’s doctor 16

17 Managing Triggers Don’t avoid exercise – manage it! Treat before exposure –e.g. use inhaler before exercise Awareness –Keep a diary of triggers/symptoms –Allergy test 17

18 Recognising a child with poorly controlled asthma Tiredness/poor concentration Inability to exercise due to asthma Frequent absenteeism Regular/prolonged reliever use 18

19 Asthma at School Triggers at school –Food –Emotion & stress –Exercise –Air pollutants –Smells & fumes Inform the teachers Is the school ‘asthma-friendly’? 19

20 Self Care Encourage your child to… –Always carry their reliever –Be aware of triggers –Follow their medicine-use timetable –Clean their devices regularly 20

21 How can your pharmacist help? Explain how to use an inhaler Check your child is using their inhaler properly Where is the expiry date on the inhaler? How to check if the inhaler is empty or nearly empty Discuss any unwanted effects from your child’s medicine Explain how to clean an inhaler and spacer (if you have one).

22 Any questions? Come in and ask your pharmacist Read a Self Care Fact Card Ask for an information sheet 22

23 For further information Asthma Foundations Australia 1800 645 130 National Asthma Council Australia 1800 032 495 23

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