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Business Organizations Labor & Wages Organized Labor True or FalseVocabulary $100 $1$100$1$100$1$100$1$100 $2$200 $2$200$2$200 $2$200 $2$200 $3$300 $3$300$3$300$3$300$3$300.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Organizations Labor & Wages Organized Labor True or FalseVocabulary $100 $1$100$1$100$1$100$1$100 $2$200 $2$200$2$200 $2$200 $2$200 $3$300 $3$300$3$300$3$300$3$300."— Presentation transcript:


2 Business Organizations Labor & Wages Organized Labor True or FalseVocabulary $100 $1$100$1$100$1$100$1$100 $2$200 $2$200$2$200 $2$200 $2$200 $3$300 $3$300$3$300$3$300$3$300 $4$400 $4$400$4$400$4$400$4$400 $5$500 $5$500$5$500 $ 5$ 500$5$500

3 Answer The percentage of U.S. business that are sole proprietorships. A 1 For $100

4 Question What is 75%? Back to Game

5 Answer The joining of two or more firms involved in different stages of producing the same good or service. A 2 For $200

6 Question: What is a vertical merger? Back to Game

7 Answer A semi-independent business that pays fees to a parent company, in return for the right to sell a certain product. A 3 For $300

8 Question: What is a franchise. Back to Game

9 Answer An organization that sells merchandise to their members at reduced prices. A4 For $400

10 Question: What is a consumer cooperative? Back to Game

11 Answer All are advantages of a partnership. A5 For $500

12 Question: What are: Easy to start. Shared decision-making. Larger pool of capital. Taxation? Back to Game

13 Answer All nonmilitary people who are employed or unemployed in the U.S. B1 For $100

14 Question: What is the U.S. labor force? Back to Game

15 Answer John D. Rockefeller B 2 For $200

16 Question: What was the founder of Standard Oil? Back to Game

17 Answer The theory that education increases productivity and results in higher wages. B3 For $300

18 Question: What is the learning effect? Back to Game


20 Answer B4 For $400 They are the three reasons why companies today are relying more on temporary workers.

21 Question: What are: Firms can adjust their work force to changing demands for their output. Temporary workers are paid less and given fewer benefits. Some workers prefer a more flexible arrangement? Back to Game

22 Answer The two factors that determine the size of our paychecks. B5 For $500

23 Question: What are supply & demand? Back to Game

24 Answer It was this organization that proposed making the first Monday in September a Labor Day holiday. C 1 For $100

25 Question: Who are the Knights of Labor? Back to Game

26 Answer The man that truly started the U.S. labor movement. C 2 For $200

27 Question: Who was Samuel Gompers? Back to Game

28 Answer This federal law passed in 1947 allowed states to pass right-to-work laws, which prohibited mandatory union membership. C 3 For $300

29 Question: What is the Taft- Hartley Act? Back to Game

30 Answer Unionism is lowest in the American region. C 4 For $400

31 Question: What is the South? Back to Game

32 Answer It is the process in which unions and company representatives meet periodically to negotiate a new labor contract. C 5 For $500

33 Question: What is collective bargaining? Back to Game

34 Answer Shares of earnings given as payment. D1 For $100

35 Question: What are royalties? Back to Game

36 Answer A certificate of ownership in a corporation. D2 For $200

37 Question: What is stock? Back to Game

38 Answer A partnership agreement. D3 For $300

39 Question: What are articles of partnership? Back to Game

40 Answer The legally bound obligation to pay debts. D 4 For $400

41 Question: What is liability? Back to Game

42 Answer Value of output. D5 For $500

43 Question: What is productivity? Back to Game

44 Answer The percentage of the U.S. population in the labor force has decreased steadily from 67.1% in 1950 to 59.2% in 1999. E1 For $100

45 Question: What is false? Back to Game

46 Answer The increase in information management jobs is part of an overall shift in the U.S. from a manufacturing economy to a service economy. E2 For $200

47 Question: What is true? Back to Game

48 Answer Today someone entering the work force can look forward to having a single secure job where he/she will stay until they retire at age 65. E3 For $300

49 Question: What is false? Back to Game

50 Answer In a competitive market, workers are usually paid according to the value of what they produce. E4 For $400

51 Question: What is true? Back to Game

52 Answer Minimum wage laws force employers to pay more than the equilibrium wage fro unskilled labor. E 5 For $500

53 Question: What is true ? Back to Game

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