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Welcome to Class 3 Teacher: Mr Dawkins Broad Town C of E Primary School.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Class 3 Teacher: Mr Dawkins Broad Town C of E Primary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Class 3 Teacher: Mr Dawkins Broad Town C of E Primary School

2 The start and end of the day Morning Routine Children must be in class and ready for registration at 9am. If not present when the register is started then the pupil will be marked either absent or late. Children may enter the class from 8.50 am when they may start one of their morning tasks. Reading books should be changed in class between 8.50 am and 9 am independently by the children. No playing on the play structures before or after school please. Children are expected to put away their own book bags, lunch boxes, water bottles, coats etc. Everything has a place in the classroom. Home time 3.15 pm Please be in the playground ready to collect your child(ren) at 3.15 pm Children will come out to you once they have been dismissed. If no one is there to collect them, children will wait on the benches under the sheltered area. Children are expected to take home everything they need, including letters, and sort themselves out independently; please encourage them to do this.

3 A typical day in Class 3 Morning Task and Reading book changing opportunity English Assembly Playtime Maths Lunch Guided Reading Other subjects (e.g Science, RE, History, P.E, Art etc) Story

4 Groupings Children will be taught in ability groups for English, Maths and Guided Reading. These groupings are often quite flexible and take account of pupils’ ability in the unit of work being studied. Groups are not permanent and children may move groups throughout the term at any given time dependent on their personal areas of strength. Children will be set for Phonics / Spelling across the Whole School.

5 Rewards and Sanctions Traffic Lights - children start each day on the green - if they do not follow the agreed school rules they are moved to the black as a warning. - if they continue to make the wrong choice they are moved to the orange and will miss some playtime. - if they have to move to the red they miss more playtime. Miss Long will be informed and a behaviour record kept of this. Rewards - praise and positive comments. - stickers and certificates. - Class 3 win bins - a name is selected at random for a prize on Friday. - Table points - the table with the most points on Friday wins a prize

6 Golden Time Reward Children will earn 5 minutes a day of Golden Time for good behaviour, a positive attitude, hard work and effort. If the children have not achieved this then they will be informed at the end of the day. They will gain an additional 5 minutes of Golden Time on a Friday if they have achieved the 5 minutes each day of that week.

7 Homework All homework is given out fortnightly on a Friday and is expected to be returned the following Friday. A hand in date will always be clearly marked on the homework set. Please encourage your children to hand in homework on time as late homework may not be marked. If your child has any problems completing a homework task please let us know as soon as possible – rather than leave it until the day it is supposed to be in. Homework comprises of: One piece of English, Maths and one other subject, based on work covered the previous week or preparation for the next week. Four Reading Record entries- signed by an adult. Spellings from the children’s Phonics/ Spelling groups will be set and tested on a Friday.

8 Reading Children will have one guided reading session per week with the class teacher when a range of reading skills will be taught. Children will be expected to practise these skills independently in follow up sessions. Children may have further opportunities to read with a parent or TA when they are available. It would be helpful to your child if you could find the opportunity to talk to them and question them about what they have read and what reading skills they have been practising when they read at home. We would always welcome additional adult support to hear our children in Class 3 read. It makes such a difference! Please do speak to me if you think you may be able to help.

9 Reading continued Children will be expected to read at home at least four times a week as part of homework. This must be recorded in their Reading Record and signed by an adult which will be checked on a weekly basis. Children are responsible for making sure they hand in their record on a Friday morning.

10 Hot and Cold Writes We will be continuing to use Hot and Cold Writing sessions to help develop pupils’ writing skills. At the beginning of a new unit of work the children will be given 45 minutes to write a piece of writing in a particular genre (Cold Write). This may be a letter, a descriptive story, an explanation text or some instructions for example. Following this session, the children will have personalised targets set for them to improve their writing on their next Hot write. Sentences will be unpicked, similar text types studied, good examples of writing modelled etc... At the end of the unit of work, children will be given the same amount of time for their Hot Write, this time considering their targets and all of their new learning.

11 Targets Targets allow us to focus on an area that we feel needs improvement. English - Children will be given up to 3 Writing Targets, at least one of which this term will focus on punctuation. Maths-this term we will be focusing on place value, addition and subtraction, mental and written calculations.

12 General Reminders Please check that all uniform is named. PE - all children must have a fully named PE kit in school everyday. There must be no jewellery worn during PE. If you wish your child to continue to wear ear studs during these sessions, written permission must be given accepting responsibility if an accident occurs. Information comes home with your eldest child in the form of a letter. Book bags, Spelling Books and Reading Records should come to school everyday. Water helps children to stay hydrated during the day, please make sure children have named water bottles and they are washed regularly. Please encourage children to bring a healthy variety of foods for break and lunch! In Class 3 we love to celebrate successes out of school as well as in school. Please do encourage children to bring in any recent certificates of achievement / badges/ awards / reasons to celebrate they have achieved out of school so that we can congratulate them too ! Successes are posted on the board outside the classroom. Photocopies are made of any certificates etc… If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to speak to Mr Dawkins.

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