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Year 11 maths enrichment.. Roles for your group: Each group must have a: Leader / Spokesperson – Responsible for major decisions and feedback to the class.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 11 maths enrichment.. Roles for your group: Each group must have a: Leader / Spokesperson – Responsible for major decisions and feedback to the class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 11 maths enrichment.

2 Roles for your group: Each group must have a: Leader / Spokesperson – Responsible for major decisions and feedback to the class. Resources Manager– Responsible for gathering information, paper, pens, etc… Recorder – Responsible for writing down thoughts and ideas of the group. Time-keeper / Diplomat – responsible for making sure that the task is completed on time and to make sure that all group members contribute fairly and equally.

3 Percentage crossword. Task 1. (15 mins) In your group work out the answers to the percentage problems and fill them in on the cross word. Check your workings before writing the answers


5 Equations match Task 2. (25 mins) In your group discuss the problems. Your group must attempt to match up the equation with the methods to solving them. Remember to use the balance method The resources manager can view other groups work and feedback. The spokesperson will feedback to the class.

6 Equations match

7 Number, Algebra and Shape and space Task 3. (20 mins) In your group, look at the questions and decide which one you can explain to the rest of the class. Once you are sure you need to show all your workings and be ready to teach this to the class. You may teach this as a group if you wish.

8 1. Write 0.45 as a percentage. …………………………% 3. Write down the name of a quadrilateral which has four lines of symmetry: 4. Simplify the ratio 12 : 16 5. Write down the value of: 2 3 6. Work out the size of the angle marked x°. …………………….° 7. Write down the name of this 3-D shape:8. Simplify: d + d + d. 2. Solve 6x = 18 x =

9 1. Write 0. 9 as a percentage 3. On the grid below, 6 squares are shaded. Shade one more square so that the shaded shape has one line of symmetry. 4. Simplify the ratio 4 : 24 5. Write down the value of: 8 2 6. Simplify 2c + 4c + c 7. Write down the name of this 3-D shape: 8.What is the mathematical name for the perimeter of a circle? 2. Solvex + 7 = –3 x = ……….. …………………………%

10 1. A car costs £5995. The price is reduced by 15%. What decimal number do you multiply the old price by to work out the new price ? 3. Work out the value of x. 4. Simplify the ratio 21 : 14 : 35 5. Write down the value of: 5 3 6. p = -2 Work out the value of 5p 3 7. Write down the order of rotational symmetry of this rectangle. 8. Calculate the circumference of this circle: 2. Rearrange 2x + 5y = 7 To make y the subject y = ……….. 6cm

11 1. Write ¾ as a percentage. ……………………………% 3. Work out the size of angle x. Give a reason for your answer. 4. Simplify the ratio fully: 8 : 14 5. Write down the value of: 10 3 6. Write down all the factors of 16 7. Write down the name of this 3-D shape: 8. Calculate the area of this circle: 2. Solve 5x = 40 x = …………………………… 12cm

12 Fractions match Task 3. (20 mins) In your group, look at the questions on fractions and match these to the answers. You can work these out on paper first Once you are completed, stick them down on the sheet provided..

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