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Joint Culinary Center of Excellence Research Development and Associates Spring 2016 Quality Assurance Update Ms. Beverly Hamlette Army Field Feeding Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Culinary Center of Excellence Research Development and Associates Spring 2016 Quality Assurance Update Ms. Beverly Hamlette Army Field Feeding Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Culinary Center of Excellence Research Development and Associates Spring 2016 Quality Assurance Update Ms. Beverly Hamlette Army Field Feeding Specialist Joint Culinary Center of Excellence Ms. Beverly Hamlette Army Field Feeding Specialist Joint Culinary Center of Excellence

2 2 Agenda  Joint Services Operational Rations Forum (JSORF) Update  Army Nutrition Update  Upcoming Events  Contact Information

3 Joint Services Operational Rations Forum – Integrated Process Team (JSORF-IPT) 10 February 2016  Chartered mission-essential function assigned to the Secretary of the Army per DODM 1338.10.  This forum is inclusive to all Department of Defense Agencies  Involves the development, fielding, distribution and utilization of Operational Rations  Results of this forum will provide the basis of support from Natick and Defense Logistics Agency to manage the military rations posture from development to acquisition. JSORF UPDATE

4 INDIVIDUAL RATIONS  Meal Ready to Eat (MRE)  Army usage approximately 1.9 million cases annually  Determined there is a continuous need for a pork-free case  Meal Cold Weather/Long Range Patrol (MCW-/LRP)  Services provided commitment for 19,000 cases  LRP will be phased out once inventory is depleted  First Strike Ration (FSR)  Services provided commitment for 15,000 cases (9 new menus)  Ration usage continues to increase  Modular Operational Ration Enhancement (MORE)  Determined there is a need and provided a commitment for 3,200 cases of Hot Weather packets and 1,600 cases Cold Weather/High Altitude  Demand has doubled in the last 6 months JSORF UPDATE

5 UNITIZED GROUP RATIONS  Unitized Group Ration – Heat & Serve (UGR-H&S)  Army continues to enforce the Army Field Feeding Policy on UGR- H&S usage / increase demand  Annual usage around 100,000 modules  Problem sourcing main entrée breakfast items  Unitized Group Ration – A Option & Short Order (UGR-A) & (UGR-SO)  Army’s most used group ration in a field environment  Annual usage approximately 400,000 modules  Continues to seek items that provide:  Lower Sodium and Lower Saturated Fats,  No Trans Fats or partially hydrogenated oils  No monosodium glutamate (MSG) as an ingredient  Limited fillers and tenderizers JSORF UPDATE

6 Army Nutrition Update Army Nutrition Update QUAD Vendor Visit/Recap Form  To provide: a documented record that JCCoE has reviewed proposed products for the Army Food Program.  Intended: to be a product review only and does not endorse any vendor product\  Benefits: – provides a written document that summarizes vendor presentations.  Status: form is currently being used, you may receive a copy of this form with each product reviewed

7 DoD Menu Standards: Minimum practical guidelines for use during menu planning, food procurement, food preparation and meal service to support the nutrition standards. Key standards for Army:  Calcium and vitamin D fortified orange juice; Whole grain options  Monitoring levels of added sugars such as high fructose syrup.  Products with less / moderated sodium  All food products must contain no partially hydrogenated oils as an ingredient and zero trans-fat ( at normal consumed portion sizes)  No monosodium glutamate (MSG) as an ingredient  Wholesome naturally Nutrient-dense products preferred  Reviewing the impact of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines. Army Nutrition Update

8 IMT Menu: The new 2016 IMT menu standards are updated. The menu and the updated implementation guide will be posted on the JCCoE nutrition website.  Dessert : AIT dining facilities will serve one full fat dessert for lunch and dinner.  Short Order: AIT dining facilities seven days per week Dinner only and new items have been added.  Go for Green ® : DoD and Army approved food labeling program designed to assist Service members in quickly identifying the nutritional value of food choices in the dining facility. Updates include new labeling criteria. Color coding criteria for IMT menus are established by percent total fat, calories, and sodium content by commodity. Green (Go: Eat often) Yellow (Caution: Eat occasionally) Red (Limit: Eat rarely) Army Nutrition Update

9 9 JCCoE Guides and Regulations to Reference : 1.Army Buyers Guide 2.AR 30-22: The Army Food Program 3.DA PAM 30-22: Operating Procedures for the Army Food Program 4.Doing Business with the Army 5.Department of Defense Menu Standard 6.IMT Implementation Guide and Menus JCCoE Website: Other Links: AKO SustainNet Facebook JCCoE Information

10 Upcoming Events DA Philip A. Connelly Awards – 20 May 2016 Army 241 th Birthday – 14 June 2016 JCCoE Partnership Day – 13 September 2016 Joint Services Operational Rations Forum – 8 February 2017

11 11 Mr. Alphonzo “Rick” Byrd, Chief, Quality Assurance Division,, (804) 734-3366 or DSN 687-3366 Ms. Beverly Hamlette, Army Field Feeding Specialist,, (804) 734-4584 Ms. Erica Smith, Registered Dietitian,, (804) 734-3005 Ms. Priscilla Dolloff-Crane, Food Economist,, (804) 734-3071 CW4 Curtis Hayes, Food Safety Officer,, (804) 734-4286 CPT Karina Resto, Preventive Medical Officer, (804) 734-4287 CONTACT INFORMATION

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