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Tips for Determining Rubric Score. 1.1A Selection of learning goals must support the standard standard objective.

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Presentation on theme: "Tips for Determining Rubric Score. 1.1A Selection of learning goals must support the standard standard objective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tips for Determining Rubric Score

2 1.1A Selection of learning goals must support the standard standard objective

3 1.1B Measurability of learning objectives learning vs. doing to what degree?

4 1.2A Design and sequence of learning objectives teacher instruction guided practice independent or group practice pacing Teacher InstructionGuided Practice Independent/Group Practice

5 1.2 B Creating cognitively engaging learning experiences for students highlight the verbs

6 1.5A Selection of assessments measure all aspects of the objective varied multiple ways for students to show mastery

7 1.5B Progression of assessments build on each other provide meaningful information Checking for understanding formative summative

8 2.1 Value of effort and challenge learning vs. doing high expectations

9 3.1A Communication of the learning objective college-readiness students can articulate referenced throughout the lesson

10 3.2A Executes lesson cycle same lesson as submitted executed well gradual release of students’ dependence on the teacher

11 3.2B Cognitive level of student learning experiences highlight verbs mastery of standard and objective

12 3.3A Questioning highlight question stems Bloom’s Hierarchy wait time

13 3.3B Academic discourse two-way conversation academic vocabulary talking about a big idea supporting with evidence cross pattern

14 3.3C Group structures intentional student roles accountability for group work

15 3.3D Resources and instructional materials how were they used? attainment of the learning goal cognitive engagement

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