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By: Daniel Block Why I Rock at Community Service.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Daniel Block Why I Rock at Community Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Daniel Block Why I Rock at Community Service

2 Service Learning A literal definition: Service-learning combines service objectives with learning objectives with the intent that the activity change both the recipient and the provider of the service. This is accomplished by combining service tasks with structured opportunities that link the task to self-reflection, self-discovery, and the acquisition and comprehension of values, skills, and knowledge content.

3 Service Learning (Continued) My personal definition: Doing something for no other reason than to help an individual or community.

4 My service learning In the Fall of 2007, I brought in over 500 cans to be recycled for money. I also assisted our church (First Baptist Church Nashville) with a lock-in they held

5 My Service Learning (Continued) In the Spring of 2008 I helped with a car wash and I helped our church

6 FYE Car Wash The FYE held a car wash in front of Longhorns I washed cars and held up signs to attracted customers We did this for the American Cancer Society This took four hours

7 Me Attracting Some Customers

8 My Community Service Padre

9 Washing Cars With Style

10 FBC Nashville Clean-up James and I went to our church and took an inventory of all the electrical equipment in the church; we also straightened up the equipment while we did it. This was for our church, First Baptist Church Nashville This took six hours

11 Sound Booth Before

12 Sound Booth After

13 How was the Experience? Overall I am glad that we did this, people at the church were very appreciative of the work that we did

14 What did I Learn? I learned that if you do something with a giving heart than no matter what, at least you will mature in the experience.

15 Information American Cancer Society First Baptist Nashville, GA

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