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XHTML/CSS Week 2. This Week  Quiz to revise last week (XHTML and DW)  Lists - & tags  Images tag  Hyperlinks tag  Using CSS to define the appearance.

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Presentation on theme: "XHTML/CSS Week 2. This Week  Quiz to revise last week (XHTML and DW)  Lists - & tags  Images tag  Hyperlinks tag  Using CSS to define the appearance."— Presentation transcript:

1 XHTML/CSS Week 2

2 This Week  Quiz to revise last week (XHTML and DW)  Lists - & tags  Images tag  Hyperlinks tag  Using CSS to define the appearance of XHTML tags.

3 Quiz - 1  What do the following XHTML tags do,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ?,,,, ?  What can you say about the difference between the and tags?  Which font does the tag appear in? Why?  Why ?  Why are all the above tags in lowercase letters?  What filename suffix should a file containing XHTML have?  What filename should exist in every website? What happens if it is missing?

4 Quiz - 2  How many errors can you find in the following code? <html><body> My Web Page My Web Page </body><head> About my web page About my web page This is my web page This is my web page</html>

5 Lists  Two main flavours Ordered (numbered lists) … Ordered (numbered lists) … Unordered (bulleted lists … Unordered (bulleted lists … Each list item is surrounded by … Each list item is surrounded by …

6 An Unordered List Type this into notepad, save as ul.htm and preview in a browser <html><head> XHTML Unordered List XHTML Unordered List </head><body> Fruit Favourites Fruit Favourites <ul> Apples Apples Pears Pears Bananas Bananas </ul></body></html>

7 An Ordered List Type this into notepad, save as ol.htm and preview in a browser <html><head> XHTML Ordered List XHTML Ordered List </head><body> Popular Web Browsers Popular Web Browsers <ol> Internet Explorer Internet Explorer Firefox Firefox Safari Safari </ol></body></html>

8 Images  Unlike programs like Microsoft Word - where images become part of the.doc file - XHTML files simply reference the file name of the external image file to be inserted at that point in the web page. For example: The image file must be in JPEG, GIF or PNG formats.

9 30 Seconds on Images (You will cover this in more detail in the Photoshop module)  JPG images can be made up of millions of colours – so they are good for photographs but they need careful editing so as not to lose quality  GIF images can only contain 256 colours. They are good for line art and coloured blocks.  PNG offers the best of both worlds but are usually ignored by web designers!  It’s a good idea to get images prepared to the correct size and image quality before using them in a web page.

10 The tag  The image tag has many options. Here’s an example listing the commonest of these: src = image file to display alt = alternate text (used when image cannot be seen) width, height = size of image (overrides the image file dimensions) border = draws a border around the image. Here it’s three pixels wide align = left, right on page. There are lots more of these that we won’t use as we have better ways of aligning images.

11 Hyperlinks  Can be pieces of text or images  Click them to go somewhere else: A web page in the same web site A web page in the same web site A web page in another site A web page in another site Somewhere else in the same web page Somewhere else in the same web page  The XTHML tag for a hyperlink is  The XTHML tag for a hyperlink is

12 Hyperlinks in Action About me About me  Load the webpage ‘aboutme.htm’ from the same directory as the current page. The clickable text reads ‘About me’ RACC RACC  Load the home page of the RACC web site Jobs Jobs  Load the RACC jobs page

13 Practise your XHTML skills  Create two simple web pages using XHTML tags of your choice – save these pages as page1.htm and page2.htm.  Edit each page to add a hyperlink to the other, that is page1.htm has a hyperlink to page2.htm and page2.htm has a hyperlink to page1.htm  Check these work in a browser.

14 CSS Part the First

15 Old Style HTML Can you think of some reasons why this wasn't a good way forward? A Simple Web Page…

16 …In Old-School HTML (Content highlighted in yellow) Old Style HTML Old Style HTML Can you think of some reasons why this wasn't a good way forward? Can you think of some reasons why this wasn't a good way forward?

17 What’s the problem? HTML and the dreaded tag caused problems for:  Blind People  Web Designers  Search Engines  Everyone else!

18 XHTML and CSS So much better! A Simple Web Page…

19 A Similar Page using CSS (edited to fit this screen) h1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14pt; font-style: italic; font-weight: 700; color: #0000FF; } p { font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000; }</style> XHTML and CSS XHTML and CSS So much better! So much better! Note the: Style section in the area CSS definitions for the appearance of the and tags

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