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Educational Technology “ Enhancing education through technology ”

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1 Educational Technology “ Enhancing education through technology ”

2 What is Educational Technology all about?

3  Use of technology in supporting learning process.  It refers to how people utilize their inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs and desires such as in learning. Educational Technology

4  It is merely concerned with technology as It impacts upon the learning process such as in:  Delivering learning materials  Facilitating communication  Providing assessment and feedback. Educational Technology

5  It is the application of scientific findings in our method, process or procedure or working in the field of education in order to affect learning.  It is also a field study and profession. Educational Technology

6  It embraces curriculum and instructional design, learning environment and theories of teaching-learning.  It is the use of all human inventions for teachers to realize their mission to teach in order that students learn. Educational Technology

7 The Development of Educational Technology

8 “Ancient Times” - it started when man used pointed sticks to in script signs and symbols on the leaves and on the bark of trees. - the time when tribal priests systemized bodies of knowledge Development of Educational Technology

9 - early cultures invented pictographs or sign writing to record and transmit information. - the time when tribal priests systemized bodies of knowledge. Development of Educational Technology

10 History of Educational Technology

11  “1900” Start of Educational Film  1920” Sidney Pressy’s Mechanical Teaching Machine History of Educational Technology Timeline

12  “1940” First large scale usage of new technologies during the US WWII training of soldiers through training films and other mediated materials. -invention of hypertext, i.e., V. Bush’s memex. History of Educational Technology Timeline

13  “1950” - Skinner’s work led to “programmed instruction” focusing on the formulation of behavioral objectives, breaking instructional content into small units and rewarding correct responses. History of Educational Technology Timeline

14  “1950” - Bloom’s Instructional Techniques that varied both instruction and time according to learner requirements. History of Educational Technology Timeline

15  “1970” - Computer-based training (CBT), Computer-aided Instruction or Computer- assisted Instruction (CAI). It corresponds to today's “e-contents” or the Web-based learning. History of Educational Technology Timeline

16  “1980-1990” Produced a variety of schools that can be put under the umbrella of the label Computer-based learning. History of Educational Technology Timeline

17  “2000” - The emergence of multiple mobile and ubiquitous technologies gave a new impulse to situated learning theories favoring learning-in-context scenarious. History of Educational Technology Timeline


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