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How are computer games designed?. Scratch game from scratch Introduction to the project.

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Presentation on theme: "How are computer games designed?. Scratch game from scratch Introduction to the project."— Presentation transcript:

1 How are computer games designed?

2 Scratch game from scratch Introduction to the project

3 History of computer games

4 Paired discussion – what makes a game good?

5 How are computer games designed? Storyline – create a backstory that the player can immerse themselves in Characters – create and design characters Storyboard – storyboard your game think of the backdrops

6 Project timeline Week 1 Logging in Week 2 Games history and storyline Week 3 Character Design (paper) Week 4 Character Design (upload) Week 5 Storyboarding Week 6 Backdrop design (paper) Week 7 Backdrop design (upload) Submission of evidence HALF TERM Week 1 Switching backdrops Week 2 Character movements Week 3 Points Week 4 Game end Week 5 Finishing off Week 6 Final submission of url

7 Scenario Baddy chasing a goody characters Goody needs to avoid baddy Goody needs to collect items that equal 10 points each If you touch an item that is bad, lose 10 points You lose the game if the baddy catches you You win the game if you collect 100 points

8 Week 2 Introduction to the project(2015) by Lucy Stone Sir Jonathon North Community College Shared under a CC-BY 4.0 licenceCC-BY 4.0

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