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Czech Republic-District Benešov  Benešov - potato production area  The terrain is mostly gently undulating and hilly, with a relatively low proportion.

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2 Czech Republic-District Benešov  Benešov - potato production area  The terrain is mostly gently undulating and hilly, with a relatively low proportion of sloping soils.  Above-average conditions are for growing potatoes  Average conditions for the growing cereals and oilseed rape

3 The soils are predominantly sandy loam, mostly brown soils.

4 Soil analysis on our field  Dry matter100 %  Nitrogen (nitrous)17,35 mg/kg  Nitrogen (ammoniacal)0,95 mg/kg  C Ox1,26%  Sulphur68 mg/Kg  Sulphates92 mg/kg  pH6,15  Phosphorus78 mg/kg  Kalium119 mg/kg  Calcium1 388 mg/kg  Magnesium135 mg/kg

5 Conditions for agriculture  average altitude 450m  avr. Temperature (1961-90) 5-6°C  average rainfall 500-600mm  average temperature in 20124,7°C  Average rainfall in 2012 611mm

6 Our field (1 ha) Preciding crops:  alfalfa - 6 years  spring wheat  Winter oil seed rape - last year

7 Fertilisation  On the field, there was no fertilization only in winter oilseed rape was sprayed immediately after seeding against weed and then against pests.

8 Autumn soil preparation  Autumn soil preparation was carried out in October with one-way plow.  Plowing was carried out to the depth of 25 cm  Here too, there was no fertilization


10 Seeds  We decided to grow spring barley variety Malz  We bought seed already cleaned and stained.

11 Properties of seeds  Malting variety  Many offshoots  Grain is medium  It has medium strong stalk  Suitable for growing in all production areas.

12 Spring soil preparation  For the preparation of topsoil is first applied harrow.

13  We added to the soil chemical fertilizer 55kg pure nitrogen (N) on one hectare.

14  Then we incorporated chemical fertilizer and create a seedbed using a compactor

15 Seeding  Was used seeder ROSS FLORA 300

16 Sowing  We sowed on 23 April.It was sunny avarage temperature (7 a.m, 2 p.m., 9 p.m.-2x) 18,5°C rainfall 4 mm  Row spacing 11 cm  Seed rate 220Kg/ha

17 Observation Immediately after emergence of crop we will check:  Number of plants per 1m²  Weed  Pest  Disease

18 Thanks for watching ! Created:Jiří Doležal

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