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DREAM TEAM Start-up Entrepreneurship Project. PRIMARY AIM OF THE PROJECT Gain an understanding of the basic issues that have to be addressed when starting.

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Presentation on theme: "DREAM TEAM Start-up Entrepreneurship Project. PRIMARY AIM OF THE PROJECT Gain an understanding of the basic issues that have to be addressed when starting."— Presentation transcript:

1 DREAM TEAM Start-up Entrepreneurship Project

2 PRIMARY AIM OF THE PROJECT Gain an understanding of the basic issues that have to be addressed when starting your own online business.

3 THE TASK Develop a proposal to create an online start-up company (report) Develop a proposal strategy for launching an online start-up business/company that offers a product and/or service to consumers. The launch needs to be international (the web knows few boundaries). It does not need to be just one product/service, it may be a multiple product line. You have a lot of freedom in picking your business – seize on your opportunity to pick wisely, have mercy on your fellow students and instructors and make it interesting, exciting. Design a presentation outlining an overview of the strategy you would employ (team presentation)

4 LOGISTICS Students in Stam’s class and NOT in Troy’s class: those of you whose primary task is to develop the internet strategy of your start-up company. We’ll call you the CIOs (Chief Information Officers). Students in Troy’s class and NOT in Stam’s class: those of you who are primarily in charge of the marketing strategy of your start-up company. We’ll call you the CMOs (Chief Marketing Officers). Students in both Stam and Troy’s class: those of you who are primarily responsible for the affective communication between the CIOs and CMOs. We’ll call you the CCOs (Chief Communications Officers).

5 STARTING THE PROJECT The project will incorporate all of the stages a regular company would review when going through the process of setting up.

6 GUIDING QUESTIONS What/Who is the company? What do they offer? What is your unique selling point (USP)? Who are your target market? How will your target market perceive your product? What is your marketing strategy? What is your communication strategy? How will you structure your website? How are you going to deliver your product? How will you sustain a competitive advantage?



9 TREND VERSUS FAD Trend: Direction of consumer behaviour with long-term momentum and durability which has relevance across product and industry boundaries and to the mainstream market Fad: Direction of consumer behaviour over a short period of time with relevance in specific product categories for a niche market – increased levels of popularity over a short period of time

10 HOW TO CHOOSE A COMPANY Needs – Food (is a must) Wants (based on our experience) – Pizza Demands (based on our willingness and desire to purchase) – We can, or cannot afford to purchase the pizza Desire – Pizza in 5star hotel/specific brand



13 INCOME SEGMENTATION Income polariseation Shifting attitudes towards luxury products

14 INCREASED AWARENESS Environmental Social

15 CHANGING LIFESTYLES Age complexity Gender complexity Lifestyle complexity

16 TRAVEL AND HOLIDAYS Connectivity Comfort Sensory


18 HEALTH AND WELLNESS Holistic wellbeing – Organic/Natural/wholesome Allergen/intolerance – Self-diagnosis – Fad/diet linkages Lifestyle/non-communicable disease – Functional foods

19 CONVENIENCE New eating occasions – Time stressed – Product availability – Snacking habits – Readymade homemade Technological advances – Packaging – Anywhere/anytime EMPOWERMENT

20 CHOOSING YOUR COMPANY Which megatrends do they tap in to?

21 To digitalise or not to digitalise, that is no longer the question.


23 Remember the Market Trends? How have these impacted upon the development of digital marketing? How have the affected our daily lives?

24 Think relationship marketing Werthers 1 Werthers 2 Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies allow us to take relationship marketing to the next level


26 GAP ANALYSIS WHERE DO YOU FIT OR WHAT CAN YOU CHANGE Large gaps existed between consumer perception and scientific reality Small gaps existed between consumer perception and scientific reality General agreement existed between consumer perception and scientific reality

27 CREATING/INVENTING A MARKET CATEGORY Is this necessary? Customer Needs Sales/Stats New Category/Re-invented category

28 CONSUMERS’ VIEWS ON THE DAIRY MARKET Three market segments within the dairy category Commodity Functional Indulgent Commodity-type Products Functional Products Indulgent Products Products that clearly fit into a specific market segment allow for clear positioning strategies that will maximise consumer acceptance

29 DETERMINING A PR STRATEGY Dairy fats are generally bad Large Gaps Dairy has too much fat Dairy affects allergies Small Gaps Dairy is good for bone health Dairy has natural benefits Agreement Long term PR Campaign Differentiated message s around the positive and negatives of dairy Emphasis on product communication and product positioning The Strategy Education of a category General marketing and NPD Education at product level (removal of fat but maintaining taste and texture) So what does this mean for the three market segments?

30 STRATEGIES FOR THE MARKET SEGMENTS Commodity DairyFunctional Dairy Indulgent Dairy “natural” NPD focused on fat reduction Price-competitive “natural” NPD focused on removal of negative ingredients (fat) and/or addition of positive ingredients (probiotics, metabolic health, bone health) convenience “natural” NPD focused on tastiness of the product Indulgence in moderation

31 DAIRY PRODUCT EXAMPLES: YOGURTS Commodity DairyFunctional Dairy Indulgent Dairy



34 BACK TO YOUR QUESTIONS What/Who is the company? What do they offer? What is your unique selling point (USP)? Who are your target market? How will your target market perceive your product? What is your marketing strategy? What is your communication strategy? How will you structure your website? How are you going to deliver your product? How will you sustain a competitive advantage?

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