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Presentation on theme: "C OTE D ’I VOIRE ’ S STRATEGIC PARTNER June 7 th, 2016."— Presentation transcript:


2 China USA India Indonesia Japan Germany Brazil Mexico UK France Mexico will be the 8 th economy in 2050 Source: ProMéxico with information from Bloomberg and The Economist. 2050 Rating went up Rating went down Maintained its position 105,916 70,913 63,842 15,432 11,367 11,334 10,334 9,826 9,812 9,671 2

3 We are committed to free trade 3 Our FTAs give privileged access to 1.2 billion consumers. With the TPP, Mexico will increase its presence in Australia, Brunei, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore and Vietnam. Source: ProMéxico with information of Brazil: OAS; China: Chinese Ministry of Commerce; Colombia: Colombian Ministry of Commerce; United States: Office of the US Trade Representative; Chile: Direcon; Mexico: Ministry of Economy. 6 economic complementation agreements TPP FTAs with 46 countries

4 Total trade Mexico – Cote d’Ivoire (million USD) 4 200.3 1,743.3 1,543.3 28.6 591.3 562.7 exports imports total trade Source: ProMéxico with information from GTA. +5x

5 5 6% 4% 3% Main Products Exported from Mexico to Cote d’Ivoire Source: ProMéxico with information from GTA. Main exported products from Mexico to Cote d’Ivoire in 2015 (in %) 10 3% 2% Yeasts Glass Agrifood and drinks manufacturing devices 6% 19% 45% Measuring devices Edible offals Mechanical devices Yachts Tubes Frozen fish 1% Light vehicles 5%

6 ProMéxico’s strategy in Africa 6 Office for African Affairs Regional Integration FTA´s between Europe and Africa Priority sectors Exports, Internationalization

7 Cote d’Ivoire: Main trade partners (share %) 7 Source: ProMéxico with information from GTA. France Niger Netherlands USA China 6% 7% 8% 9%

8 8 Cote d’Ivoire: Regional Outperformer in 2016 West Africa – Real GDP growth, % y-o-y Benin SOURCE: ProMexico with information from BMI. Burkina Faso Cape Verde Cote d`Ivoire Gambia Ghana Guinea Bissau Liberia Mali Mauritani a Niger Senegal Sierra Leone Togo

9 9 Cote d’Ivoire: Food and drink spending 2013-2020 Food sales, XOFmnNon-alcohol drinks, sales XOFmn Source: ProMexico with information from BMI.

10 Mexican leadership in the agrifood sector 1st Exporter and producer 1st Exporter 1 st Exporter 1st Exporter 3 th Exporter 2 nd Exporter of watermelon, melon and papaya 4 th Exporter 3 th Exporter 4 th of vegetables Source: ProMéxico with information of the GTA. 10

11 11 Cote d’Ivoire: Pharmaceutical imports forecast 2011-2020 $ billion Source: ProMexico with information from BMI.

12 Medical devices in Mexico 12 9th 1 st Source: ProMéxico with information from the Global Trade Atlas. Largest exporter of medical devices worldwide. 1 st supplier to the US. Exporter in Latin America Platform for exporting to the Pacific Alliance.

13 Fuente: ProMéxico con información de INEGI. Pharmaceutical Companies in Mexico Ciudad de México 218 Unidades económicas 13

14 14 Cote d’Ivoire: Upbeat growth outlook Construction industry value, XOFbn (LHS) Construction industry value, Real growth, % y-o-y (RHS) Source: ProMexico with information of BMI. $ billion

15 @ProMexicoTW +52 (55) 54 47 7000 Camino a Santa Teresa 1679, Col. Jardines del Pedregal CP 01900, México, D.F. 15

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