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THE POETIC DEVICES AKA: What the heck is metonymy?

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Presentation on theme: "THE POETIC DEVICES AKA: What the heck is metonymy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 THE POETIC DEVICES AKA: What the heck is metonymy?

2 There’s lit devices in poetry! AlliterationAllegoryAllusionAmbiguityAnaphora ApostropheAsideAssonanceAntithesisConnotation CaesuraConsonanceDenotationEnjambmentFlashback HyperboleMotifForeshadowingImageryMetonymy OnomatopoeiaOxymoronParadoxPersonificationPun RhymeSettingSimileSymbolSynesthesiaTone Diction (colloquial, informal, formal, specialized, archiac)Stream of Consciousness Irony (Situational, Verbal, Dramatic)Metaphor (Simple, Extended)

3 There’s lit devices in poetry! AlliterationAllegoryAllusionAmbiguityAnaphora ApostropheAsideAssonanceAntithesisConnotation CaesuraConsonanceDenotationEnjambmentFlashback HyperboleMotifForeshadowingImageryMetonymy OnomatopoeiaOxymoronParadoxPersonificationPun RhymeSettingSimileSymbolSynesthesiaTone Diction (colloquial, informal, formal, specialized, archiac)Stream of Consciousness Irony (Situational, Verbal, Dramatic)Metaphor (Simple, Extended)

4 How do they impact theme?  Caesura  Enjambment  Assonance  Consonance  Alliteration  Draw the reader’s attention to specific words and phrases  Making it stick out  Making it so beautiful it stays with you  These words contribute to poem’s theme  Ask yourself: what words are emphasized??  (Break in rhyme can do this as well)

5 How do they impact theme?  Rhyme  Onomatoepia  Creates a specific mood or tone in the poem  This mood or tone is directly related to the theme  (Previous devices can do this as well)  Rhyme reinforces key ideas Not just sound words (“bang”) but words that sound like a thing or idea Hear the sledges with the bells, silver bells!... And the stars that oversprinkle all the heavens seem to twinkle with a crystalline delight. ~Poe, “The Bells”

6 What they DON’T do!  Creates a “poetic feel”  Contributes to “flow” of poem  The hell is this??  Makes a nice “sing song” effect  Make poem sound “interesting” or “beautiful” or “harsh”  OK – but how does THAT contribute to theme?  “The assonance helps support the theme of ____”  HOW!?!

7 Ask me!! Need suggestions for poems?

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