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15 December 2010 ~2011  Nepal is land locked country between China and India and it is the poorest country in the world with nearly 42% of the people.

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2 15 December 2010 ~2011

3  Nepal is land locked country between China and India and it is the poorest country in the world with nearly 42% of the people are living in below the poverty line.  The nation’s industry and service sectors are in rudimentary state manufacturing has seen little growth.  Per daily 900 people are migrant in Malaysia, Gulf countries and others.  People are hurry to get rid from unsecured, unemployment and poverty life  Such mentality and rush decision of the workers had given very good opportunity for Agents to victimize labour force to abroad  Lack of awareness on basic knowledge of workers’ right and information about Foreign Employment

4  Post migrant worker’s family and migrants in abroad  Constitution Assembly members/Policy makers  Media person/ lawyer  Stake holders  Trade Unionist and support groups  Others

5  To make fruitful and safe migration life to Nepali  To make returnee migrant workers as independent  Aware the Nepali youngsters about safe migration

6  Safe migration and campaign against human trafficking  Occupational safety and health for the labor workers  Direct awareness program  Interaction with different stakeholders  Trade union support group  Celebration of migrant workers day  Interaction with labor attache  Interaction with constitutional assembly members

7  Aware the Nepali pre-migrant workers about safe migration  Relation buildup between Nepali trade unions and civil society  Utilize the ILO ratified convention  Victim migrant workers will get legal support  Develop the networking between post migrant workers and returnee migrant workers

8  Planning committee and coordinator of migrant department will visit the target area.  And evaluation workshop will conduct 3 times in a year.

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