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Marketing The Marketing Environment Branding Strategy Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Mix Managing the Marketing Effort: SWOT.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing The Marketing Environment Branding Strategy Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Mix Managing the Marketing Effort: SWOT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing The Marketing Environment Branding Strategy Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Mix Managing the Marketing Effort: SWOT

2 Marketing Marketing is a widely used term to describe the means of communication between a company and its customers.

3 The Marketing Environment The marketing environment includes the actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing management’s ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers.

4 The Marketing Environment Microenvironment consists of the actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers, the company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors and publics.

5 The Company’s Microenvironment Actors in the Microenvironment

6 The Company’s Macroenvironment

7 Branding Strategy: Building Strong Brands Brand strategy decisions include: n Product attributes n Product benefits n Product beliefs and values Brand Positioning

8 Branding Strategy: Building Strong Brands Desirable qualities 1. Suggest benefits and qualities 2. Easy to pronounce, recognize and remember 3. Distinctive 4. Extendable 5. Translatable for the global economy 6. Capable of registration and legal protection Brand Name Selection

9 Branding Strategy: Building Strong Brands Brand Development Strategies

10 Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Mix Marketing mix is the set of controllable tactical marketing tools—product, price, place and promotion—that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market Developing an Integrated Marketing Mix

11 Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Mix (4 P’s) Developing an Integrated Marketing Mix

12 The Product Life Cycle


14 Managing the Marketing Effort Marketing Analysis – SWOT Analysis

15 Internal – and External analysi S Example SWOT – analysis of PepsiCo  Increasing health awareness  Ongoing economic crisis  Difficulties regarding financing of major projects  Growing population  Progress in technology  less costly production processes  Spread of liberalisation and democracy across countries ThreatsOpportunities  Inability to leapfrog Coca Cola as being the most famous beverage provider  Reliant upon line extensions  Reliant upon particular carbonated drinks  Broad product line and outstanding reputation  Global market leader in snack foods and non-carbonated beverages (= power and knowledge)  Intelligent Logistics network and strong existing distribution channels WeaknessesStrengths Source: R.Hüfler a.o., students HAN University Managing the Marketing Effort

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