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Barth Electronics Showcase 2015 We Have Spent the Last 50 Years Developing: High Voltage, High Speed Components Measure pulses from 1 kV to 50 kV at 30.

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Presentation on theme: "Barth Electronics Showcase 2015 We Have Spent the Last 50 Years Developing: High Voltage, High Speed Components Measure pulses from 1 kV to 50 kV at 30."— Presentation transcript:

1 Barth Electronics Showcase 2015 We Have Spent the Last 50 Years Developing: High Voltage, High Speed Components Measure pulses from 1 kV to 50 kV at 30 ps. speeds Slide 1

2 High Speed “Measurement Guys” As Measurement Guys we have taken on the responsibility to improve the CDM test This presentation will describe our work to develop two new High Speed CDM components for RCDM 3 CDM Current Sensor with improved response CDM Dual Verification Module Slide 2

3 JEDEC Coins Are Not Flat Existing verification modules have poor design Machining typically creates a curved surface Air gaps change the capacitance This changes the peak current during verification Slide 3

4 FR4 Dielectric Constant Slide 4

5 Alumina Dielectric Constant Slide 5

6 Silver electrodes painted on alumina No variations in air gaps Silver is trimmed to exact and permanent values Slide 6

7 CDM Tester Schematic The 7 –C: IC and background capacitance –R S : IC and discharge series resistance –L S : IC and discharge series inductance The IC is part of the model

8 Creates a Damped Sine Wave The one ohm current sensing resistor was used to cause an insignificant effect on the CDM discharge Slide 8

9 Current Sensor Frequency Response Slide 9

10 Current Sensor Frequency Response Slide 10

11 Current Sensor Frequency Response Slide 11

12 CDM Current Sensors Calibration The existing current sensors can be calibrated Their response can be corrected over the range of expected CDM discharge frequencies However for highly variable current sensor response a more complex correction will be needed This would be tedious but it is possible In addition, scopes with bandwidths of 3 GHz or greater will reduce the major peak current values when using a 1 GHz scope. Slide 12

13 HF Ringing Distorts Peak current Measurement Current Sensor resonance accentuates some HF components Slide 13

14 HF Ringing Distorts Peak current Measurement or any DUT size Current Sensor resonance accentuates some HF components Slide 14

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