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DO NOW V: 0 Monday1. Identify the diagrams on the half page as… -Food Chain -Food Pyramid -Food Web 2. On the back of your paper complete the following.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW V: 0 Monday1. Identify the diagrams on the half page as… -Food Chain -Food Pyramid -Food Web 2. On the back of your paper complete the following."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW V: 0 Monday1. Identify the diagrams on the half page as… -Food Chain -Food Pyramid -Food Web 2. On the back of your paper complete the following sentences 1. Things I already know about food chains, pyramids, and webs are… 2. Food chains, pyramids, and webs represent…. 3. I would like to know more about….

2 TEKS The student is expected to describe producer/consumer, predator/prey, and parasite/host relationships as they occur in food webs within marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems. V: 0

3 Vocabulary Predator Prey Producer Consumer Parasite Host Marine Freshwater Terrestrial V: 0

4 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How do organisms interact with their environment? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Students will… Describe the differences between producer/consumer, predator/prey, and parasite/host relationships as they occur in food webs within marine, freshwater, and terrestrials ecosystems. V: 0 EQs & Objectives

5 Homework & Agenda V: 0 Today’s Agenda 1.Food Web: Marine Ecosystem 2.Card Sort: Fresh Water & Terrestrial Ecosystems and Observations 3.Exit Ticket Homework8.11A Yellow Page DUE FRIDAY Next Quiz: Thursday, March 31 Topic: Food Webs, Abiotic and Biotic Factors

6 Food Chain V: 0 Food chains show how the energy in food is passed from one organism to another. Note: The arrows indicate the direction of energy flow.

7 Food Web V: 0 A food web shows the movement of energy through an ecosystem, but there are many more relationships and interactions shown.

8 Food Pyramid V: 0 In an energy pyramid, Show the transfer of energy from one level to the next

9 Marine Ecosystem V: 2 Marine Food Web Marine Food Web Observations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Marine- saltwater environment in the ocean (Draw image of ocean below) Reflection questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 5859

10 Marine Ecosystem V: 2 1. With your shoulder partner, examine the food web of the marine ecosystem. 2. In your INB on page, write at least 5 observations. 3. Draw a picture of the ocean.

11 Marine Ecosystem V: 2 With your table group… 1.Answer the two questions about the food web. 2.Rotate to the next table, answer those 2 questions. 3.Rotate to the next 2 tables and answer the questions. 4.Find a partner who sits at the same color dot as you. 5.Compare your answers

12 Marine Ecosystem V: 2 Terrestrial and Freshwater Food Webs Terrestrial Food Web- environment on land. Includes tundra, desert, forest, taiga, rainforest, and grassland. Food Web Drawing: Freshwater Food Web- environments such as rivers, ponds, lakes, streams with freshwater Food Web Drawing: Food Web Observations Terrestrial 1. 2. 3. Food Web Observations Freshwater 1. 2. 3.

13 Freshwater or Terrestrial Card Sort With your shoulder partner… 1.Complete the Freshwater OR Terrestrial Card Sort 2.Check the card sort with the answer key 3.Copy the food web into your notebook. With the person across from you… 1.Show them your food web 2.Copy your partners food web, into your notebook. 3.Make 3 observations about each food web. V: 2

14 Exit Ticket Explain how to read the food web. V: 0 Name: Answer:

15 DO NOW V: 0 Tuesday Looking at the Marine Food Web (at your desk)…. 1.Identify which organism is eating red snapper and grouper. 2.Which organism is getting its energy from the sun? 3.Name 2 predators.

16 TEKS The student is expected to describe producer/consumer, predator/prey, and parasite/host relationships as they occur in food webs within marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems. V: 0

17 Vocabulary Predator Prey Producer Consumer Parasite Host Marine Freshwater Terrestrial V: 0

18 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How do organisms interact with their environment? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Students will… Describe the differences between producer/consumer, predator/prey, and parasite/host relationships as they occur in food webs within marine, freshwater, and terrestrials ecosystems. V: 0 EQs & Objectives

19 Homework & Agenda V: 0 Today’s Agenda 1.Freshwater and Terrestrial Card Sort 2.Videos 3.Reading & Vocabulary Table 4.Who’s who Table Homework8.11A Yellow Page DUE BLOCK DAY Next Quiz: Thursday, March 31 Topic: Food Webs, Abiotic and Biotic Factors

20 Marine Ecosystem V: 2 Terrestrial and Freshwater Food Webs Terrestrial Food Web- environment on land. Includes tundra, desert, forest, taiga, rainforest, and grassland. Food Web Drawing: Freshwater Food Web- environments such as rivers, ponds, lakes, streams with freshwater Food Web Drawing: Food Web Observations Freshwater 1. 2. 3. Food Web Observations Terrestrial 1. 2. 3.

21 Freshwater or Terrestrial Card Sort With your shoulder partner… 1.Complete the Freshwater OR Terrestrial Card Sort 2.Check the card sort with the answer key 3.Copy the food web into your notebook. With the person across from you… 1.Show them your food web 2.Copy your partner’s food web, into your notebook. 3.Make 3 observations about each food web. V: 2

22 Videos V: 0 Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5 Video 6

23 Reading and Vocabulary 1.Use pages 500-501 and 504-505 from the textbook to fill in the table. 2.Answer the essential question in your summary. V: 0

24 Complete Who’s Who Using the food webs at your table… Identify each organism as a predator, prey, herbivore, omnivore, carnivore, producer, or consumer. **Most can be more than one*** V: 0

25 Exit Ticket V: 0 Complete the following statements. Examples of ecosystems are… Relationships within an ecosystem include… Relationships in an ecosystem are important because… One example of a parasite-host relationship is…

26 DO NOW V: 0 Wednesday/ Thursday 1.Identify the relationships of the following organisms. 2.List which organism is benefiting and which is being harmed or not affected. A B C D

27 TEKS Investigate how organisms and populations in an ecosystem depend on and may compete for biotic and abiotic factors such as quantity of light, water, range of temperatures, or soil composition; V: 0

28 Vocabulary Competition Biotic Abiotic Soil Composition Temperature Ranges V: 0

29 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How do organisms interact with their environment? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Students will… -Demonstrate how organisms compete for biotic and abiotic factors in their environment. V: 0 EQs & Objectives

30 Homework & Agenda V: 0 Today’s Agenda 1.Reading & Vocabulary Table 2.Who’s who Table 3.Parasite Videos 4.Competition Game 5.Video 6.Concept Map and Reading 7.Conclusion Questions Homework8.11A Yellow Page DUE MONDAY Next Quiz: Thursday, March 31 Topic: Food Webs, Abiotic and Biotic Factors

31 Reading and Vocabulary 1.Use pages 500-501 and 504-505 from the textbook to fill in the table. 2.Answer the essential question in your summary. V: 0

32 Complete Who’s Who Using the food webs at your table… Identify each organism as a predator, prey, herbivore, omnivore, carnivore, producer, or consumer. **Most can be more than one*** V: 0

33 Relationship Videos Duck Shark Tiger Ant and Fungus Louse Tiger Leech 10 Incredibly Dangerous Parasites

34 Food Collection Goal: Using your assigned utensil collect as much food as possible in the time allowed. Spoon:Fork: Hands:Forceps: Rules: 1.Food must be placed in your cup to count towards the total number of points. 2.You may only collect 1 piece of food at a time. 3.You many not take food out of other player’s cups or out of their hands. Point values for food are as follows: Macaroni- 2 Red beans- 1 Black beans- 10 Rice- 3

35 Calculating Total Points 1.Calculate the total number of points you have. Macaroni- 2 Red beans- 1 Black beans- 10 Rice- 3 2.Share your totals with your group, and record their totals in table 2. 3.Answer the questions under the table.

36 Situation 2: FREEZE! There is a freeze, all macaroni dies! Macaroni is now worth ZERO points!

37 Calculating Total Points 1.Calculate the total number of points you have. Macaroni- 0 Red beans- 1 Black beans- 10 Rice- 3 2.Share your totals with your group, and record their totals in table 2. 3.Answer the questions under the table.

38 Situation 3: Winter= Less Sunlight It is now winter and have to find food at night in the dark. Only problem: hands people cannot see at night! Hand-collectors must keep their eyes closed!

39 Calculating Total Points 1.Calculate the total number of points you have. Macaroni- 2 Red beans- 1 Black beans- 10 Rice- 3 2.Share your totals with your group, and record their totals in table 2. 3.Answer the questions under the table.

40 Situation 4: Drought! There is a drought, and only rice and black beans survive as a food source. Red beans and macaroni will count as ZERO points.

41 Calculating Total Points 1.Calculate the total number of points you have. Macaroni- 2 Red beans- 1 Black beans- 10 Rice- 3 2.Share your totals with your group, and record their totals in table 2. 3.Answer the questions under the table.

42 Abiotic and Biotic Factors Explained 1.Abiotic and Biotic FactorsAbiotic and Biotic Factors 2.Write definitions of abiotic and biotic factors as you watch video. 3.Reading: Biotic and Abiotic Factors 4.Complete Concept Map with Reading

43 Conclusion Questions Copy and Answer on Page 50 1.List 3 abiotic factors in the competition game. 2.List 3 biotic factors in the competition game. 3.Describe how plants compete for light in the real world. 4.How would competition for water be different in the rainforest compared to the desert?

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