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BSPHN Mental Health 3 Year Strategic Roadmap 16/17 Q116/17 Q216/17 Q316/17 Q417/18 Q1,2FY18/19Project15/16 Q417/18 Q3,4 Ops Plan (1.1) Planning activities.

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Presentation on theme: "BSPHN Mental Health 3 Year Strategic Roadmap 16/17 Q116/17 Q216/17 Q316/17 Q417/18 Q1,2FY18/19Project15/16 Q417/18 Q3,4 Ops Plan (1.1) Planning activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 BSPHN Mental Health 3 Year Strategic Roadmap 16/17 Q116/17 Q216/17 Q316/17 Q417/18 Q1,2FY18/19Project15/16 Q417/18 Q3,4 Ops Plan (1.1) Planning activities Suicide prevention Suicide prevention - Indigenous Indigenous Mental Health Severe and Complex Primary Care (MHNIP) Child and Youth Mild/Moderate (Headspace) Youth severe / EPYS Psychological therapies (ATAPS) Low intensity service responses Governance (1.2) Service mapping SOW (1.3) Comprehensive MH-SP Needs Assessment (1.4) Integrated regional MH-SP plan (1.5) Engage (2.1 & 3.1) Longer term priorities (2.5 & 3.5) Commence recommissioned service/s (2.4 & 3.4) Maintain service continuity (2.3 & 3.3) Planning (suicide prevention SOW) (2.2 & 3.2) Engage (4.1) Engage (5.1) Engage (6.1) Engage current service provider/s (8.1) Engage (9.1) Planning (4.2) Maintain service continuity (4.3) Commence recommissioned service/s (4.4) Longer term priorities (4.5) Planning (Project or SOW) (5.2) Maintain service continuity (5.3) Commence recommissioned service/s (5.4) Longer term priorities (5.5) Planning (project / SOW) (6.2) Maintain service continuity (6.3) Commence recommissioned service/s (6.4) Longer term priorities (6.5) Planning and Model development (7.2) Engage with community / services (7.3) Commission services (7.4) Longer term priorities (7.5) Planning (headspace SOW) (8.2) Maintain service continuity (8.3) Commence service/s (8.4) Planning (project or SOW) (9.2) Maintain service continuity (9.3) Commence service/s (9.4) Ops Plan (1.1)

2 BSPHN Mental Health 3 Year Strategic Roadmap Actions Planning activities ActionResponsibilityTimeframe 1.1 Regional Operational MH-SP Plan: The commonwealth recognises that the capacity to develop a detailed plan within timeframe is limited This plan is expected to focus more on how the PHN itself will operationalise its new role in mental health, transition arrangements to taking on new funding roles, and priorities against new funding streams. The plan should highlight opportunities for working closely with government agencies, non-government and private organisations, consumers and cares. BSPHN2015/16 Q4 2016/17 Q4 1.2Review governance Review broader governance structure with the view to providing specific mental health oversight, this will become especially critical in year 2 and 3 as the flexible funding pool comes in to play Clinical governance mechanisms will also need to be developed BSPHN 2015/16 Q4 1.3Service mapping SOW: undertake comprehensive regional mental health planning and identify primary mental health care service gaps within a stepped care approach; Promote a stepped care approach and develop approaches to new service areas to broaden the service mix, such as low intensity services and, and services for young people with severe mental illness Pay specific attention to psychological services service mapping to be used in ATAPS planning BSPHN + External consultant 2015/16 Q4 – 2016/17 Q1 1.4Comprehensive MH-SP Needs Assessment: Build on the interim mental health needs assessment Substantial revision and updating as additional tools, resources and information becomes available Increased consumer and stakeholder consultation key to this process Needs to be assessed against the continuum of stepped care, within context of broader services and against the six key areas of activity specific in the federal MH reform packages BSPHN + External consultant 2016/17 Q1 – Q3 1.5Integrated regional MH-SP plan More information to be received in coming months, this piece of work is scheduled for 2017. Focus to be on primary healthcare in addition to the interface and connectivity with services provided by state government, NDIS, NGOs and Indigenous organisations. Long term plan of 2 or more years capturing the full range of clinical needs across the region’s population and how the local service system will address these issues in a coordinated and integrated way, BSPHN + external consultant 2017/18

3 BSPHN Mental Health 3 Year Strategic Roadmap Actions Suicide prevention ActionResponsibilityTimeframe 2.1Engage current service providers: QPASST ‘Nexus’ project is funded in the region until June 30, engagement with QPASST is critical Engagement with QPASST commenced, critical to review outcomes/participant numbers and then provide significant transition time BSPHN2015/16 Q4 2.2Planning (Suicide Prevention Statement of Works): Undertake planning of community-based suicide prevention activity through a more integrated and systems-based approach in partnership with LHNs and other local organisations, including arrangements for follow-up care to individuals after a suicide attempt. BSPHN will contract an experienced external resource to undertake a comprehensive piece of work that will consist of: Epidemiological analysis Engagement with people with a history of suicidal behaviour and families Stakeholder consultation Service mapping Literature review This piece of work will also need to cover the planning needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at risk of suicide and propose individual strategies were appropriate BSPHN + External consultant 2016/17 Q4 – 2017/18 Q2 2.3Maintain service continuity / transitional arrangements: It will be a requirement to extend the current suicide prevention contract for a period of time to ensure continuity of care and allow a transitional period for current clients and services (suggested 6 month extension) During this period it is expected that the BSPHN will improve knowledge and capability regarding suicide prevention and will be in a better place to recommission the existing service or assess other options to better serve the local community. If the current service provider is re-funded, a change-management process may be required if appropriate. BSPHN + Current service provider 2016/17 Q1 – Q2 2.4Commence recommissioned service: The service will be established and contract executed BSPHN + Service provider 2016/17 Q3 – 2018/19 2.5Longer term priorities Service integration: ensure there is agreement within the region, including with LHNs, about the need to support follow-up care to individuals who have self-harmed or attempted suicide, and that there is no ambiguity in the responsibility for provision of this care; Enhance primary care services: build the capacity of primary care services to support people at risk of suicide. BSPHN2017/18 Q1 & onward

4 BSPHN Mental Health 3 Year Strategic Roadmap Actions Suicide prevention – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ActionResponsibilityTimeframe 3.1Engage current service providers: Investigate if there is a current service provider for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide prevention Engagement with Aboriginal Medical Services and Aboriginal Community Controlled Heath Services key BSPHN2015/16 Q4 3.2 Planning (Suicide Prevention Statement of Works): undertake planning of community-based suicide prevention activities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people which is integrated with drug and alcohol services, mental health services and social and emotional wellbeing services. This piece of work will be covered by the same external resource that will be contracted to undertake the suicide prevention statement of works Acknowledgment that there is linkage to but also in addition to the specific ATAPS suicide prevention stream This piece of work will consider pre-existing research such as the national plan on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention BSPHN + External consultant 2016/17 Q4 – 2017/18 Q2 3.3Maintain service continuity / transitional arrangements: If there is a current service provider, arrangements will have to be put in place to ensure that current clients are continuing to receive services until the funding is recommissioned. BSPHN + Current service provider 2016/17 Q1 – Q2 3.4 Commence recommissioned service: If this is new money, a service can be commissioned after the completion of the suicide prevention plan developed by the external resource BSPHN + Service provider 2016/17 Q3 – 2018/19 3.5 Longer term priorities Service integration: ensure there is agreement within the region, including with LHNs, about the need to support follow-up care to individuals who have self-harmed or attempted suicide, and that there is no ambiguity in the responsibility for provision of this care; Enhance primary care services: build the capacity of primary care services to support people at risk of suicide. BSPHN2017/18 Q1 & onward

5 BSPHN Mental Health 3 Year Strategic Roadmap Actions Psychological therapies provided by MH professionals to underserviced groups (ATAPS / MHSRRA) ActionResponsibilityTimeframe 4.1Engage current service providers: Current ATAPS providers to be engaged in assisting review of services in an appropriate way Service providers in high needs geographic areas underserviced by ATAPs may need to be engaged BSPHN2015/16 Q4 4.2Planning (internal review) undertake comprehensive regional mental health planning and identify psychological therapy service gaps; ensure service continuity for existing clients (where clinically appropriate to needs) in the first year, noting that this may involve continuation of existing arrangements (eg ATAPS) to minimise disruptions to services in the first year; collect data on provision of psychological therapy services for underserviced groups, promote awareness within commissioning arrangements of targeted recipients, referral pathways and service parameters. Consider ways to achieve more cost efficient and targeted service delivery, including where appropriate referral of individuals to low intensity services. It is noted that the service mapping work outlined in point 1.3 is critical to ensure this review is conducted in a timely manner BSPHN2015/16 Q4 4.3Maintain service continuity / transitional arrangements: A process is required to be put in place so that clients currently receiving sessions under ATAPS aren’t discontinued. A 12 month transition period will be required to ensure that this doesn’t occur. It is envisaged that the transitional period will run in parallel with the new ‘recommissionied service model’ BSPHN + service providers 2016/17 Q1 – Q4 4.4Commence recommissioned service: Following on from the planning and review of the ATAPs program, the new ‘recommissioned service model’ will be rolled out to ensure the service better meets the needs of the appropriate target group. BSPHN + service providers 2016/17 Q3 & onward 4.5Longer term priorities commission psychological therapy services for people in underserviced groups to address identified gaps and review access by these groups; ensure most efficient use of resources and high level of service quality; develop and implement efficient and timely service pathways; integrate commissioned services with other intervention levels within a stepped care approach; and support GPs in their critical role in ensuring people to be referred to the right care at the right time. BSPHN2017/18 – Q1 & onward

6 BSPHN Mental Health 3 Year Strategic Roadmap Actions Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health ActionResponsibilityTimeframe 5.1Engage current service providers: The development of relationships will be key to this piece of work Early engagement with the services that are currently funded to provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Services is critical in this process. A longer planning and engagement period is envisaged during this process BSPHN2015/16 Q4 – 2016/17 Q4 5.2 Planning: significant amount of project work or an external resource is required to progress this piece of work Initial project plan of score of work is required to plan out in detail how planning will be progressed This piece of work needs to assess the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health in a comprehensive manner across the BSPHN region, inclusive of: Epidemiological analysis Consumer and carer consultation: central to the process will be the needs of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. Targeted work is required to capture the diverse views of community members and elders. Stakeholder consultation: Internal ‘Closing the Gap’ team, BSPHN board member/s, Aboriginal Medical Services, Peak bodies, government departments and NGO sector. Service mapping Literature review It is noted that there is a distinct cross-over and linkage between the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Plan, Suicide Prevention Plan and Alcohol and Drug Plan. Where appropriate these pieces of work will be complementary however it is acknowledged that the before mentioned issues can be distinct and require targeted action. BSPHN2016-17 Q1 – 2016/17 Q3 5.3Maintain service continuity / transitional arrangements During the planning period (12 months) it is envisaged that the service levels provided to clients currently receiving services under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health funding will remain unchanged. BSPHN + Service provider 2016/17 Q1 – Q4 5.4 Commence recommissioned service Following extensive planning the ‘recommissioned service model’ will be implemented BSPHN + Service provider 2017/18 Q1 & onward 5.5 Longer term priorities establish linkages between commissioned and existing services to facilitate a joined up, integrated approach to the provision of mental health services; support providers to develop and maintain culturally appropriate and safe services that holistically meet the needs of patients and their families; and ensure referral pathways are in place to enable and support patients to seamlessly transition between services as their needs change. BSPHN2017/18 Q3 & onward

7 BSPHN Mental Health 3 Year Strategic Roadmap Actions Primary mental health care services for people with severe mental illness (primary care + MHNIP) ActionResponsibilityTimeframe 6.1Engage current service providers: Current mental health nurses under the Mental Health Nursing Incentive Program to be engaged to discuss current levels of service provision Engage practices linked to mental health nurses, including general practitioners BSPHN2015/16 Q4 6.2 Planning (project work or statement of works): investigate better management of the physical health of individuals with severe mental illness within the region; Investigate and explore the better integration of primary care services with community based psychiatry services and state mental health services for people with severe mental illness in the context of the development of regional Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plans. BSPHN + External consultant 2016/17 Q1 – Q2 6.3Maintain service continuity / transitional arrangements: ensuring service continuity to existing MHNIP clients and developing new services in those areas with allocated growth commence the development and delivery of services for young people with, at or at risk of, severe mental illness; commission mental health nursing services to support clinical care coordination for people with severe mental illness, ensuring service continuity to existing MHNIP clients and developing new services in those areas with allocated growth; BSPHN + service provider/s 2016/17 Q1 – Q4 6.4 Commence recommissioned service: After completion of planning, the new ‘recommissioned service model’ for people with severe mental health illness to be implemented BSPHN + Service provider/s 2017/18 Q1 & onward 6.5 Longer term priorities: informed by the lessons from PHN lead sites, develop and commission clinical mental health services to support the needs of people with severe and complex mental illness who are best managed in primary health care; and promote the use of a single multiagency care plan for people with severe and complex mental illness, to help link providers across multiple services involved in an individual’s care and to promote a medical home approach. BSPHN2017/18 Q3 & onward

8 BSPHN Mental Health 3 Year Strategic Roadmap Actions Low intensity service responses ActionResponsibilityTimeframe 7.1Planning: Targeted work will be conducted in the comprehensive needs assessment and service planning work in order to detail the community need for low intensity mental health services in the BSPHN region. N/A 7.2 Model development: Commence the development of appropriate low intensity mental health service models for their region in line with regional plans, this will either require an internal scoping project or an external resource to provide recommendations on potential models. BSPHN 2016/17 Q1 – Q4 7.3Engage with community / services: commence educating consumers and providers on low intensity services, including targeted recipients, referral pathways and service parameters BSPHN 2016/17 Q1 – Q4 7.4 Commission services: commission low intensity mental health services to improve the targeting of psychological interventions to most appropriately support people with, or at risk of, mild mental illness as part of a stepped care approach to mental health service delivery; BSPHN2017/18 Q1 & onward 7.5 Longer term priorities: Help to promote the digital mental health gateway. BSPHN2017/18 Q3 & onward

9 BSPHN Mental Health 3 Year Strategic Roadmap Actions Child and Youth Mild/Moderate (Headspace) ActionResponsibilityTimeframe 8.1Engage current service providers: Engage current headspace sites operating in the BSPHN region to build relationships BSPHN2015/16 Q1 – 2017/18 Q4 8.2 Planning (Headspace statement of work): Review of existing service Business operations, model In addition to: improve the integration of headspace centres with broader primary mental health care services; physical health services; drug and alcohol services; and social and vocational support services; liaise with relevant local organisations in the context of future regional planning, including those delivering Family Mental Health Support Services (FMHSS), early childhood services, schools and tertiary and vocational providers; exploring the non-clinical services available in the region, including the FMHSS and the trial of youth mental health Disability Employment Services to reduce the risk of young people disengaging from education or employment; BSPHN + External consultant 2015/16 Q4 – 2016/17 Q2 8.3Maintain service continuity: Maintain continuity to services for clients over year 1 and 2 of funding. Throughout this time the model must remain intact and unchanged. support service continuity for children and young people formerly provided under ATAPS and other mental health programs; BSPHN + service provider 2016/17 Q1 – 2017/18 Q4 8.4 Commence recommissioned service: Following extensive planning, review and engagement the new ‘recommissioned service model’ will be implemented commence the development and delivery of early intervention services for young people with, or at risk of, severe mental illness; BSPHN2018/19 Q1

10 BSPHN Mental Health 3 Year Strategic Roadmap Actions Youth severe / EPYS ActionResponsibilityTimeframe 9.1Engage current service providers: Engage current early psychosis service in BSPHN BSPHN2015/16 Q4 9.2 Planning: Internal review or external resource required to review program model. BSPHN + External consultancy 2015/16 Q4 9.3Maintain service continuity / transitional arrangements Maintain continuity to services for clients over year 1 and 2 of funding. Throughout this time the model must remain intact and unchanged. where relevant, support transition arrangements associated with services formerly funded under the Early Psychosis Youth Services program. BSPHN + Service provider/s 2016/17 Q1 – 2017/18 Q4 9.4 Commission services: After planning and review of the program model, the new ‘recommissioned service model’ will be implemented. BSPHN2018/19 Q1 *It is noted that the youth severe / EPYS funding stream has significant gaps in current knowledge and BSPHN are awaiting further information in regard to funding direction. The timeframes below are indicative.

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