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IIIIIIIV II. Naming Compounds Ch. 2 – Atoms, Molecules & Ions.

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1 IIIIIIIV II. Naming Compounds Ch. 2 – Atoms, Molecules & Ions

2 A. Vocabulary CHEMICAL FORMULA Two nonmetals Metal cation & nonmetal anion IONIC compound MOLECULAR compound CO 2 NaCl

3 A. Vocabulary COMPOUND Ternary Compound Binary Compound 2 elements more than 2 elements NaNO 3 NaCl

4 Elements that make up ionic compounds

5 A. Vocabulary ION Polyatomic Ion Monatomic Ion 1 atom 2 or more atoms NO 3 - Na + Cation Anion

6 B. Molecular Nomenclature zPrefix System (binary compounds) 1.Less e - neg atom comes first. Ex. CO 2 2.Add prefixes to indicate # of atoms. Omit mono- prefix on first element. Ex.Carbon Dioxide 3.Change the ending of the second element to -ide.

7 PREFIX mono- di- tri- tetra- penta- hexa- hepta- octa- nona- deca- NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B. Molecular Nomenclature

8 zCCl 4 zN 2 O zSF 6 ycarbon tetrachloride ydinitrogen monoxide ysulfur hexafluoride B. Molecular Nomenclature

9 zarsenic trichloride zdinitrogen pentoxide ztetraphosphorus decoxide yAsCl 3 yN2O5yN2O5 yP 4 O 10 B. Molecular Nomenclature

10 C. Ionic Nomenclature Ionic Formulas zWrite each ion, cation first. Don’t show charges in the final formula. zOverall charge must equal zero. yIf charges cancel, just write symbols. yIf not, use subscripts to balance charges. Sodium Iodide: Na + I - NaI Calcium Bromide: Ca +2 Br - CaBr 2

11 Add the common charges to both periodic tables. 1+ 2+3+NA3-2-1- 0 C. Ionic Nomenclature

12 Ionic Names zWrite the names of both ions, cation first. zChange ending of monatomic ions to -ide. zPolyatomic ions have special names. Use parentheses to show more than one polyatomic ion in a formula. zStock System - Use Roman numerals to show the ion’s charge if more than one is possible.


14 C. Ionic Nomenclature zConsider the following: yDoes it contain a polyatomic ion? x-ide, 1 element  NO! x-ate, -ite, 2+ elements  yes yDoes it contain a Roman numeral? xCheck the table for metals not in Groups 1 or 2. yNo prefixes!

15 zpotassium chloride zmagnesium nitrate zcopper(II) chloride  K + Cl   Mg 2+ NO 3   Cu 2+ Cl   KCl  Mg(NO 3 ) 2  CuCl 2 C. Ionic Nomenclature Common Ion Charges

16 zNaBr zNa 2 CO 3 zFeCl 3 ysodium bromide ysodium carbonate yiron(III) chloride C. Ionic Nomenclature

17 D. Hydrates yHydrates - Ionic compounds that absorb water into their solid structure yWater can be removed by heating yAnhydrous is the opposite and means “without water”.

18 D. Hydrates zFormula and name of a hydrate: CuSO 4 o 5H 2 0 Copper (II) Sulfate PentaHydrate ? How do I know it’s Cu 2+ CoCl 2 o 6H 2 0 Cobalt (II) Chloride HexaHydrate

19 E. Determining Charge zFind the charge of each ion and the total number of atoms: yNa 3 PO 4 : Chg: Na +1 PO 4 -3 Na – 3 atoms; P – 1; O – 4 atoms yFe(OH) 3 : Chg: Fe +3 OH -1 Fe – 1 atom; O – 3; H – 3 atoms yCu(NO 3 ) 2 : Chg: Cu +2 NO 3 -1 Cu – 1 atom; N – 2; O – 6 atoms

20 Compounds zElements combine to form chemical compounds that are often divided into two categories. zMetals often react with nonmetals to form ionic compounds. These compounds are composed of positive and negative ions formed by adding or subtracting electrons from neutral atoms and molecules.

21 zNonmetals combine with each other to form covalent or molecular compounds, which exist as neutral molecules. zThe shorthand notation for a compound describes the number of atoms of each element, which is indicated by a subscript written after the symbol for the element. By convention, no subscript is written when a molecule contains only one atom of an element. Thus, water is H 2 O and carbon dioxide is CO 2.

22 F. Diatomic Molecules zAdd the 7 diatomic molecules to your periodic tables. H,N,O,F,Cl,Br,I zRead acid naming p64 and organic compound naming p66 tonight.

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