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 Kwashiorkor: protein deficiency  Marasmus: calories and protein deficiency.

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2  Kwashiorkor: protein deficiency  Marasmus: calories and protein deficiency

3  36% of children in the world are underweight  43% stunted  9% wasted

4  Social and Economic › Poverty › Ignorance › Inadequate weaning practices › Child abuse › Cultural and social practices  Vegan  Low fat diets

5  Maternal malnutrition, prematurity › Start life with poor stores  Infectious disease › Diarrhea, Aids, TB, measles  Environmental › Unsanitary living, poor quality water › Agricultural/cultural patterns › Droughts, floods, wars, forced migrations

6  Infants and young children › High nutritional needs › Early weaning or late weaning › Poor hygiene  Marasmus – frequently under 1 year of age  Kwashiorkor - over18 months with starchy weaning foods

7 › Decreased brain growth and resulting learning difficulties › Electrical changes similar to dyslexia › Susceptibility to other diseases/infection › Loss of work potential – weak and lethargic › Reduction in physical growth

8  Slow re-feeding › Small frequent feeding around the clock › Patient encouragement of food  Nutritional rehabilitation › Play and teaching › Control infections › Education of carer

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