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AS Music Developing Musical Understanding Stravinsky Symphony of Psalms Thematicism, melody & line.

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Presentation on theme: "AS Music Developing Musical Understanding Stravinsky Symphony of Psalms Thematicism, melody & line."— Presentation transcript:

1 AS Music Developing Musical Understanding Stravinsky Symphony of Psalms Thematicism, melody & line

2 A student guide

3 What we will be covering Themes & motifs Cells defined by interval Exposition bars 1 - 23 How themes & motifs are defined

4 Exposition bars 1 - 23

5 The aesthetics of melody: melodic theme 1 Bar 1 Opening cadence motif Establishes what key? C minor Theme 1 How is the key confirmed? Tonic to dominant in bass B flat modal leading note

6 The aesthetics of melody: melodic theme 1 continued Dominum motif Establishes what key? C major How is this related to C minor? Tonic major False relation motif What two keys Are represented? C minor C major Bitonal Theme 1 Bar 7

7 The aesthetics of melody: melodic theme 1 Stravinsky’s melodic shapes are: Reduced or small Repetitive Narrow range Identify these melodic intervals

8 The aesthetics of melody: melodic theme 1 variation Theme 1 variation Sopranos & Altos Theme 1 as ostinato in Tenors & Basses Dominum motif Theme 1

9 The aesthetics of melody: melodic theme 1 variation Theme 1 variation Sopranos & Altos How is the variation achieved? Voices in parallel thirds Melody of theme extended Addition of A flat & C

10 The aesthetics of melody: melodic theme 1 variation Theme 1 as ostinato in Tenors & Basses How is the ostinato defined? Voices in parallel octaves Rhythm reduced to minims

11 The aesthetics of melody: Dominum theme Bars 7 - 8 This theme is defined by Octave unisons Dotted rhythm DO – MI - NUM Text Cadence

12 The aesthetics of melody: false relation motif What intervals are predominant? Minor third C to E flat Major third E natural to C Minor sixth C to E natural Plus semitones & octaves

13 The aesthetics of melody: Dominum theme bars 21 - 22 Dominum motif This employment of the Dominum theme bring s the section top a close Key?C major Harmonic device?Tierce de PicardieVoices in octaves

14 AS Music Developing Musical Understanding Stravinsky Symphony of Psalms Thematicism, melody & line bar 24 to 51

15 More themes


17 Theme 3 Laudate DOMINUM theme Theme 3 What chord? C major Later becomes

18 Ostinato motif This theme is defined by 3 musical devices OstinatoChromaticism Triple time additive rhythm

19 Ostinato motif continued a 2? What does this mean?Bassoons 1 & 2 to play in unison poco sf What does this mean?Little sf

20 Melodic theme 2

21 Melodic theme 2: structure Stravinsky’s melodic shapes are: Reduced or small Repetitive Narrow range Identify these melodic intervals

22 Melodic theme 2: metric structure Additive rhythm implying what metre? 4444 Simple quadruple time

23 Melodic theme 2: metric structure and ostinato Compare the employment of additive rhythm Ostinato motif Melodic theme 2 Ostinato motif 3 4 Melodic theme 2 4 This metric device is commonly called? Hemiola

24 Melodic theme 2 & Ostinato: texture What textures are achieved between the Ostinato and Melodic theme 2? Ostinato motif Melodic theme 2 2 part counterpointHeterophony

25 B section bars 25 - 39 Laudate DOMINUM Ostinato Melodic theme 2 Laudate DOMINUM Melodic theme 2

26 Ostinato Laudate DOMINUM Chorale motif

27 B section bars 25 - 39 Laudate DOMINUM Ostinato Melodic theme 2 Laudate DOMINUM Melodic theme 2

28 Ostinato Laudate DOMINUM Chorale motif

29 B section bars 40 - 52 New ostinato figure Variation? New material: triplet motif

30 Theme 2 variation

31 B section bars 40 - 51 New ostinato figure Variation? New material: triplet motif


33 Exposition bars 1 - 23

34 End

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